Saturday, February 28, 2004
oh jeez. will you just look at what my brother wrote in my gbk.
talking as if, im collecting my results this year.
i dont even wanna think about it ):
Friday, February 27, 2004
i solemnly vow to study hard for chinese.
i will i will i will.
im tired.
i just wanna fall asleep and not wake up till monday.
but there's the cliquecall !!
i cannot sleep.
cannot cannot cannot.
-pulls desperately at eyes to keep them open.
aeii. so damn tired ):
god knows why either.
except for the two tests, today was pretty slack
ld was beyond slack .. i like (:
just talked through it and i was enlightened on the beauty of china -grins.
i wanna go shanghai !!
at the end of this year, i will pull all my dearest friends with me and we will go to china, yes?
-looks expectantly at amirea*.
gee. i cant wait for this year to end already.
seeing all the reactions today has scared me good and proper.
i am NOT looking forward to this time, next year.
i can already see myself moping in a corner contemplating suicide.
not a happy thought.
oh darn it, im really falling asleep.
phoonbriclare? -calls sweetly.
if you dont hear from me by 930, that means my fingers have lost to my eye muscles
i am sleeping.
do not do not do not wake me up.
cos im exhausted.
and ill be really grouchy anyways
so you wouldnt wanna be talking to me.
i will sign a nice long apology in all of your gbks to .. well .. apologise
.. that is not a promise.
but ill do my best to fulfill it anyways (:
-bats eyelids and coos 'toodles!'.
okay yes i know
im being ridiculous.
exhaustion does that to me sometimes.
Monday, February 23, 2004
listening to my ancient lionking soundtrack is strangely soothing.
lovely memories of my cute childhood sweetheart (:
.. that is, simba.
wierd to have a cartoon lion as your first love isnt it?
welcome to my world
-wry smile.
Sunday, February 22, 2004
got tests again next week !!
and i want my vcds back.
bloody annoying.
plus my sister refuses to write my bloody compo on love
in chinese that is.
mrs zhuowen book is beckoning ):
okay. insider joke.
aeii, i hate sundays.
its return-to-reality day.
and i need to lose weight
Saturday, February 21, 2004
today was immensely satisfyingly. (:
you love me more dont you ! -yi
Friday, February 20, 2004
phoon !! you casanova you
what we are 'tian zao yi dui, di zao yi shuang'
the next thing you say clare's your one and only.
despicable little cretin.
whee. watching a disney film now (:
its so cute
and tyra banks is super chio
and she has legs that go right up to her shoulders
on and on and on
im jealous.
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
my sister is driving me flamin' bonkers.
she's blathering around on the phone in chinese
and she sounds like she's from taiwan.
or china.
i mean, not only is the whole accent totally wierd, she's just screeching out every bloody vowel.
and i bet that little friend of her's on the other end is yammering back in the same fashion too.
birds of a feather flock together.
and hello?
people .. gossip on the phone, bitch around
even talk homework
they just
dont recite tang poems.
what's with her dammit?
probably convinced she's living in ancient china
giving me a headache
-grumbles grumbles grumbles.
Monday, February 16, 2004
the 'send lee to trinity campaign' has officially started again !!
those who wish to contribute to the 'send lee to trinity campaign' fund,
please contact me as soon as possible.
oh gee.
its obvious isnt it? ive nothing better to do.
ponning tuition was a bad idea.
today was not my day.
i woke up tired and grouchy
and i stayed tired and grouchy.
surprise surprise.
i want my edison chen vcds back -grouches.
i just wonder how'll i ever get them back.
in a grumbling fit now.
see what i mean by tired and grouchy?
all the tiny little incidences which have irritated me in the past are coming back
and im just getting annoyed all over again
i wish i had a nice nose.
darn it.
Friday, February 13, 2004
i love clare cos she gave me a mogu (:
okay. i love everyone who gave me something today
but i especially love clare cos she gave me a mogu.
HENCE, if you want me to love you, just give me a mogu.
im planning on having a mogu collection.
ambitious me.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
my life has lost its focus
okay. i know i know
someone should just pinch me and yell "GET OVER IT"
but i turn on my tv and i see that funny programme and i feel .. desolate.
disconsolate even.
in a word, depressed.
and i cant seem to get something else to do.
phoon's gone offline.
and the stephen king book im reading has finally manage to creep me out enough for me to abandon it.
it now lying very .. creepily on my desk
-cover eyes-
i should just get it over and done with.
oh well
back to freaking myself out.
at least that'll take my mind off my now deceased show
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
god. if azio really doesnt show azio entertainment anymore, im never bloody watching the channel again
what entertainment@azio la.
so cannot make it cann
i dont want this stupid show !! ):
Sunday, February 08, 2004
got a splitting headache
to think i thought ive recovered.
oh god
my head hurts
and im convinced ive contracted tubercolosis from charlotte
sooner or later im gonna cough up my liver
yes. its that bad
im gonna die soon
oh woe ):
Saturday, February 07, 2004
i am never speaking to my ex father again
the slut.
Friday, February 06, 2004
its amazing wht one night can do for sniffles and coughs.
ive got full blown flu ):
and always on friday too.
im cursed.
im gonna name my daughter
natasha keira huang
and im gonna name my son
derek antony huang
notice the last name, huang.
that's cos im gonna marry huangzhiwei
oh forgive me.
the fever's frying my brain
Thursday, February 05, 2004
okay i REALLY should be muggin' for chinese now
bloody last test should act as a wakeup call
71.5 marks. GAH
i want marks like weiqi and jiayun !! -whines
they're like .. straight a1s?
'O's sure guarantee a1. hai
but really in no mood to study now ):
sniffling and coughing away like an old hag.
its hot and stuffy too.
went about my usual visitations of blogs.
clare's gbk. HAD to antagonize the market inflitrator. HAH
and i realized that clare has like all her entries visible
so if you scroll to the bottom, its like feb 2003?
so like the bored and lazy tramp i am, i started reading
and yeah, i hated sec3
but its suddenly .. not so bad.
miss all the little memorable moments of '03 ):
the a.s confrontation
the c.i.p days
the zoo trip
the fullerton birthday
plus all those senseless towning and uh .. j8-ing?
blah. i miss phoon.
most of the memorable moments of '03 stars her
things are so different now
i wonder why impressions seem so different
amireayn seemed so perfect then.
even before amireayn, it was great ):
i miss the sars-lidays' friends
and yet, i dont.
does that make sense?
blah. dont mind me.
im going through one of my moods.
at least i still have amirea (:
and the trusty wusty of all friends, *abc !!
i love clare
i love phoon
i love charlt
i love bri,
and i love amanda (:
off to mug now
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
i nned to lose weight ):
i think ive got a yo-yo weight.
thats bad.
looking at the weighing scale,
i either go from dizzying heights of happiness to depths of depression ):
another chinese test on fri
ive had it with 'em tests.
and my chair keeps going down and down and down.
need a less eccentric chair
Monday, February 02, 2004
testing. please let this damned thing work. now you know why i don't like blogger.
Sunday, February 01, 2004
watching little mermaid now (:
hahas. so cute !!
okay. im seriously lagging arent i?
my entire family is la. we're all watching it for the first time
shocking, no?
havent got anything to blog about actually, but ill just blog anyways.
phoon !! go update your blog! its stagnant.
heh. saw the CNY pictures today (:
wanted to hold on to them so i can show clare my humongous family,
but it my aunt's so yeah .. little disappointment there.
gotta return it.
still gotta write the essay for english by tomms ):
i feel oppressed
so many things to do .. so little time.
somehow, i wish sars would return so i could at least rest a little.
okay. now the world knows im a insensitive and .. eh .. spoilt prat, as clare always says (:
but AH WELL.
okay. im tired.
i am i am. and i wanna see phoon's stupid face ):
ld sessions are gonna be such sad affairs now.
no phoon -wails.
wanna go aussie now.