Monday, March 29, 2004
my sister is getting woozy over baby penguins.
you can always trust her to come up with such kooky ideas.
my science tutor HATES me.
i cant relate to males.
thank heavens im in a girls school.
hehh. maybe this is a sign that im meant to live out my life in a nunnery.
oh my.
i need to study.
my loci is like .. down in the drains
-looks down the drains desolately.
im pathetic ):
Sunday, March 28, 2004
i cut my hair yesterday !
how exciting.
its not any different.
just more .. well .. human-like.
this is a desperate attempt tp push down my sister's egoistical attempt at claiming credit.
grateful, i am.
but not till this extent.
ill be damned before i allow that hideous florescent pink to ruin my nicely black and white template.

Thursday, March 25, 2004
wagged school today (:
what a nice little word for not going to school.
phoon enlightened clare and i of such a slang.
it amused us greatly.
if only i fagged.
then i can say i .. WAG and FAG !
-giggles amusedly.
okay. insider joke.
darn i miss phoon and her little nonsensities.
we have to debate on singaporeans not being parochial
parochial adj 1. only interested in the things that affect you and your local areas, and not interested in more important matters.
parochial practically personifies singaporeans !
just our luck to be opposition
i wonder how we're gonna win.
i wonder. i wonder.
musings of the ultimate pessimist.
Friday, March 19, 2004
im feelin' restless.
aint got nuthing to do.
okay yeah. i should be studying
cant get down to it la.
im bored im bored im bored.
where are my friends when i need them?
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
i have come to the decision that something, just
something has to be done to my hair.
had a good look at the full length mirror recently.
oh horror of horrors.
i look like an old english sheepdog.
in bulk and also in .. hairiness.
im a large poofy dog ):
oh help.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
today would've been a perfect day if not for the two tuitions im gonna have.
the parental department has decided.
no trinity for me.
oh blah.
its either sgp or london
and we all know which ill choose.
hai. alone with no friends in a foreign country.
that sounded so soap drama.
last night was fine (:
caught a variety show with huangzhiwei on
he's SO adorable.
that aside, i found out something truly horrifying.
of all the people holding placards with his name,
a quarter were males.
evidence to show that my worst nightmare has come true.
my fiance has gay fans.
i knew the heavens above would make my life difficult this way and really have me as the greatest mass murderer of all times.
oh, the wickedity of the above
-glares at above.
i dont really make sense do it?
go ahead and think im insane
go on.
im gonna be driven insane by all the love rivals i have anyways
and other than that, i still have chinese tuition homework to do.
bloody everlasting hell.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
my honey's on the newpaper !!
two gorgeous pages plus cover story !
im so proud, i could cry
-weeps happily.
clare should find this familiar (:
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
this is a public announcement
anyone and everyone who see this,
you look here, and you look here good.
this is huangzhiwei.
he is my
and has been since last year -nods.
now, i know he's gorgoeus,
but you go find another person to like because he's my man.
may misfortune befall anyone who dares stand in my way !!
die, love rivals, DIE !!
Monday, March 08, 2004
been a long time since it rained so heavily.
the wind is .. good.
right next to the window now and its just blowing away so contentedly.
-sighs happily.
"im flying! .. jack"
Sunday, March 07, 2004
someone should just knock me on my head and tell me im a freak.
why? cos DUH,
im a freak.
with severe hormanal imbalance
Friday, March 05, 2004
ld's was immensely interesting.
had my fengshui/fortune taken by stephkudus.
bloody fascinating, ill say (:
wow i think the whole thing is really cool.
haha. gaping in awe half the time
damn accurate and oh-so-cheem .. i like.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
i need more hair ):
need tha plant more hair on the front of my head
need the extra hair to hide my ugly KOK head -wails.
besides, i need more hair anyways.
im balding.
tragical, i know.
clare !! i need that hair planting thing !!
find it and bring to school yes?
this sounds ridiculous
ss tomms. stress la
no wonder im balding.
i hate my kok head. -sulks