Sunday, April 30, 2006
highlight of the week would definitely be Take The Lead.
crap acting besides, the dancing was seriously hot.
and not to mention my biggest obsession since secondary school days- Dante Basco.
god, you know ... SO into him.
damn attracted from the start, and then;
"I'm so fly, I can make anyone look good."
and there you go.
i am in love.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
over at j's again.
i think i'm addicted to coming over to j's house.
sooner or later, my hostess is going to find out that i am consistently sneaking out of the house after dinner.
or maybe she already knows but she thinks i have a secret lover stashed somewhere and she is being discreet to spare my feelings.
okay, i officially think that i am j's personal shrink.
i should start charging consultation fees.
and j so rich, no problem la.
now we are discussing the people in our school and how we cannot bear the thought of some of them.
i'm glad we're '88 singaporean babies and we came to ctc last year.
as j says, "can you imagine if you were in _____'s batch?"
(for the sake of sparing delicate feelings, however unworthy, all persons shall remain annonymous)
well, actually you know, i only have this one problem with this one specific person and everybody knows that i cannot stand _____.
oh, why do i bother?
i've already mentioned her name before anyway.
let's play hangman!
_ _ _ _ _ _
guess a female name!
two vowels in the word.
get guessing.
oh lord, i feel so senseless now.
okay lah, don't play.
it's hilary.
giving her more importance than she deserves, but this chicken and egg problem has been around too long to pose any substantial or long-standing form of irritation.
i happy, cannot ah.
if i want to amuse myself on my own blog, i shall jolly well do so.
and if you have a problem with that, stop stalking my blog.
which brings me to the next point.
positive feedback from amanda tan today, love her.
okay j, say something.
j says she is brain dead and she has nothing to say.
just now, she gave me one long and complicated story about her feelings towards the younger ones in the school.
well, actually it isn't all that complicated.
because to sum it all up, j does not like the year 1s.
i am such a good shrink.
i should go pro.
she blinks too bloody much and that irritates the fuck out of me.
like some nervous rat.
i'm thinking wormtail, (refer: Harry Potter)
or Lizhen (refer: Meteor Garden)
the latter comparison due to the fact that i don't like her and therefore she shall be cast as a villian.
and yet, she is not even good enough to be a proper villian like QianHui and BaiHe.
and she tried to seduce DaoMingSi and also simultaneously betrayed ShanCai, which in our collective eyes means she deserves a fiery death in everlasting hell.
.. the hell bit is attributed to a sudden vague memory of a fanatic christian ex-friend who told me that if i did not embrace the Lord, such would be my ultimate fate.
which reminds me, that particular ex-friend borrowed two physics SATs textbooks from the National Library in Orchard in the year 2002 with my library card, and being highly irresponsible got me a $50 fine which she never did pay.
our friendship subsequently broke, through no fault of mine (which is certainly rare, but not unheard of) and i have since forgotten about the outstanding sum of money.
and that it should've remained if they hadn't sent my mother a kindly reminder just two weeks ago and got my mother very hot and bothered.
i hate reminders of old encumberances.
and i hate library fines.
oh, and i have digressed once again.
but am not really interested in continuing with my abuse of the girl who has done nothing more than be a major irritation to me.
yes, i know i am a bad person.
j said that if any unauthorized person reads my blog and sees such abuse, their little feelings shall be very badly bruised.
why do i persist in using plurals?
i don't think i care, though.
OH! random thought, thanks to charlotte, all's cool with the aussie-bound, funky-haired friend.
ah, really feeling a lot of vicious pleasure now.
"Go to the devil."
"He won't have me."
Monday, April 24, 2006
my sister called yesterday and told me about school life which pissed me off muchly.
i yelled at her for being such a pussy.
and now i have a serious problem with her fucked up friends and damn, if i were only in singapore ... GRARR.
and other than the one or two who at the top of my head i remember as melissakor and rui (or sth), the rest can die.
omg, so irritated.
i couldn't continue with my econs afterwards.
and my sister also sucks because she cannot stand up for herself and doesn't know how to yell at people who deserve it.
ie. all her bloody inept committee members.
and school has all these really minor irritants too.
but i'll get to that another day if i feel like it because i have to study now.
you know, if i was still in stnicks, there could be so many people i could be all hissyfit at.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
let's take a pictorial tour of maximiser wu's mansion!

the long, daomingsi-ish driveway. these rich people, they kill me. i tell you, HDB could build 2 apartments on this space.

the front door area.

view the buildings in the background, please.
see! his house how big!

the colourful living room above and the poolside.
the pictures are not really order, not for my lack of trying, though.
blogger just hates me.

so nice right, all the glass.

and here's the scene 5 seconds before j and josephine pushed sid into the pool and his 3310 drowned.
about time too, we think.
i mean, the 3310 belongs in museums with the other prehistoric animals not in your pocket.
but anyway, we heard it actually belonged to his grandmother and she gave him hell for murdering her phone. amen.

random photos as we toured the house scampering behind max going crazy with wonder like the ulu villagers we are. (compared to max and his riches)

the area that j says looks like her mother's spa.

random poolside photos. damn nice right!
i think i should be a photographer.

and i don't even know which part of the house this is.
the place is just so big and see sid all drenched.
(further observe sid drenched in various different angles as wallflower to the other photos)

the damn nice breakfast area which i think is a damn nice place to study in.
and the chairs are so nice, totally steal one for myself.
and below, behold the best part of the house! - the basement recreational room

fucking chio, right?
i would sell my soul for a place like this.

the infamous 14k pool table.

all the high tech equipment and sid + max in the midst of a game of pool.
(okay, i realise that this picture doesn't have much purpose but i think i had just sunk into the sofa and didn't want to get up, so had to make do with taking the picture in the reclining position i was in)

gambolling on the carpet which is like, beyond cool so just walk on.

j is trying to learn how to play pool.

the damn big screen. it's like a cinema. way beyond cool.
i think max could've fed an entire african village for a year with the money spent on this home entertainment system.
and don't let me get onto the case of the remote control.
it's like a computer on its own, touch screen and all that.
plus every single equipment in the room can be controlled with that -lights, TV, aircon, whatever.
cool beans right.
i bet everyone wishes they were max now.
and actually right, i realised just as i was putting the pictures that putting pictures up here are like, maybe not so good.
but not really a problem.
because max reads my blog right, then HEY! max, not happy you tell me okay? i'll delete the entry rightaway (:
and j is sleeping again.
like, oh mannnnnnn. i'm gonna wake her up now.
anyway, just because i suddenly remembered it, this guy from school thought j jos and i were making bitchy comments about him and that was like, so wrong because we don't, like, i cannot even remember one instance where we saw him and made snide remarks or anything. but it's like, reasonable la, because i cannot stand his little friend hilary who backstabs like mad and i always cannot help saying something mean about her whenever i see her stupid bird face. so maybe he thinks we bitch about him also.
we are not that aimless, i think, ha ha.
ohkay just asked max if its fine to put up the pictures and he's all fine with it.
very good, i like rich people.
they don't quibble about little things.
because they are into the big things in life and that's how they get rich and stay rich.
remember that, and the next time you get all petty about things, think how if you keep being like that, you can expect to stay in a HBD flat next time.
to Charlotte, i'll get into that photolog once i gather enough interesting photos with lots of kittens.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
hello, random updates on school drama purely for j's sake.
1) -
okay, scrap that.
j and i have jointly decided that it's all too personal to share with the world and godknows what random bitches who read my blog now, please stop reading if i don't know you because i haven't had this many readers for a year now and this sudden resurgence of popularity is freaking me out.
we had talks about dreams just now and j reminded me about my brilliant dream which comprised of me, dao ming si, domyuji tsukasa, nick carter and some mystery male who was strumming Who Needs The World by Nick Carter on the guitar.
no, there was no sex.
and then we went on to Stormraiders the movie.
j and i were very into Wind because he is cool with floppy hair and he always stands in strategic positions where the wind blows in the right angle at his wispy hair as he gazes off intensely into the horizon.
for me, that was in p5.
then in p6, i decided that i was more into Cloud because he was heartless and he was so intense and sexy and plus he had these damn cool electric blue streaks in his hair.
j is still into Wind.
she just likes the brooding, Heathcliff kinds.
josephine has a daydream which consists of her wanting to build a bridge.
j has a daydream, well actually, many random daydreams, of which the most recent would be of getting pregnant and eating anything she wants.
and my favourite daydream is made up of sinful decadence and hedonistic indulgences with a lot of black, piles of crisp legal tender and blood (which i find extremely sexy)
god, i sound so twisted compared to them two.
j and jos were also discussing porn videos and i felt so left out because i have not watched any and i had really wanted to see the NYP one but my bloody sanctimonious brother refused to source out a copy for me.
so anyway, j is supposed to brainstorm things for me to blog about but she is half dead and she is confused about life in general.
hello, i love my sister a lot.
anyway, back in this sad little hole in the northern hemisphere.
a little jet-lagged, but fast adapting.
and i have to blog about this little incident that happened in singapore.
so this guy came to my door doing some weird National Education sort of quiz.
and i was the only one old enough at home at that time.
so i had to answer all his silly questions.
and because he was referencing all these NE adverts on TV or whatnot, which i obviously have no idea about due to the fact that i've been away, i was just having a bit of fun with my answers, improvising and speaking all pseudo-posh and trying not to laugh at his stupid face.
and then the clincher;
Male (in coffeeshop accented awkward english) : "so .. in your opinion what does re-silence mean?"
and i was all, huh. re silence?
and i refused to admit that i didn't know the word because, hey, pride right.
but then it occurred to me that this guy, HE MUST BE WRONG.
so i daintily took the question sheet off his hands and read the question myself.
turns out he meant 'resilience'.
OMG. i couldn't believe that this guy, probably almost 30, educated in singapore, actually pronounced resilience as resilence.
resilence, what is that?!
being silent again?
and when i gave my answer, i had to resist the urge to spell each word out separately.
such was my faith in his linguistic skill.
and he is SO lucky he came to my door and not charlotte's.
i mean, i was civil to him at least.
i bet the moment she realises his pronunciation faux pas, she'll go all crazy with delighted condescension.
like, "BWAHA! that's resilience you mean!" and proceed to cheerfully slam the door rudely in his face.
now, i know charlotte will protest, but we all know the truth.
okay, anyway i have to study but i plan to go to my tests and just do them.
heck it!
okay, i love my sister.
Monday, April 17, 2006
so sad so sad so sad.
leaving in like, a few hours.
it takes about two weeks, i think.
two weeks for me to sink right back into my old hermit self.
and now that i'm just starting to completely luxuriate in the boringness of my little home, i have to go back to the UK.
land of two page long yellow slips, unknown tons of government and law assignments/mocks and the need to get right two years worth of accounting.
like, okay.
thanks, but no thanks.
and living in somebody else's home.
no sister to do whatever things for me that i don't want to do.
no TV.
omg, like just starting to learn how to work my TV and all the funny functions!
how can i leave when i still don't know how to change the outside TV mode from DVD to CABLE?
i don't want to leave my bed.
my safety blanket ):
the gold embroidered japanese curtains.
my millions of books.
my lava lamp.
the humidifier/air purifier thing.
heck, even my sister's pathetic itunes is starting to grow on me.
am still sick.
all the complications, complications ..
it's clare and me again.
i don't even know how it all suddenly happened.
my god.
but oh well.
you think they'll let me in if i'm still sick?
so been cowering at home since thursday.
bedridden and all that.
and there was i -
lost train of thought.
went down with umbrella to make sure the sister doesn't get drenched when she alights from the cab.
she bought back orange bowl, bless her.
and such is what am gonna miss when i leave.
okay, 10 weeks and be back again!
but that's one hell of a time to wait.
it's too long to wait to return home.
too short a time to study.
kill me.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
it's starting, the emotional trauma.
everytime i come back and it nears the time when i gotta return to the UK, all i want to do is grab on to my mom's leg and wail.
and all i could think about today (or indeed, since tuesday night) was going back to the UK.
the thought just kills me.
i don't want to go back.
just cannot stop self from moping now.
that's all i want to do.
stay home and mope.
add to that, i'm ill and all.
full on self-pity, i tell you.
and i was just thinking aye, going back so sad.
so i smsed j to whine.
and then i went to her blog and realised she was whining about the same thing.
ha ha.
and she mentioned reading my past entries which inspired me to read my entries too.
same old, same old.
i love clare, i miss clare, i cannot live without clare. etc etc.
i tell you, it's unnatural.
how can i possibly get all choked up about the same thing by doing the same thing for two years?
that's just weird, you know?
i think i'm a little obsessed about clare and my ex-life.
in love with WangLeeHom song.
oh, and is god-sent.
credits to the ever astute sister for influencing me into it.
with you-tube, i saw so many random video clips of HeJunXiang i otherwise would never have seen.
v v into HeJunXiang and ArielLin now.
i really wish they were together.
'em on screen together?
sizzle sizzle sizzle.
whoa, mama.
and i just enjoyed a great episode of HappySunday with BarbieHsu and VicZhou.
no, am still not over them getting attached.
still think that's completely despicable.
so twisted.
and i'm repeating myself, i know.
i just feel strongly for things like this.
i like her ex a lot, you know.
such a cool guy.
but anyway, best part about the whole thing was listening to DeeHsu talk.
i swear she's a joy to watch.
i miss seeing her on TV, truly i do.
that and seeing pictures of BarbieHsu when she was some black little thing.
looked like a gingerbread cookie.
i like seeing the ugly past (meant literally) of pretty people.
gives me hope that all is not lost.
ha ha ha.
so into DeeHsu.
did i mention that i'm trying to get my mom to watch Mars?
i think it's about time she stopped watching all that pussy Korean Dramas with pasty actors and bloody ersatz kissing.
Mars has bloody good kissing scenes.
i remember sitting in front of the TV, completely awed at their body language, just staring at stupid BarbieHsu and VicZhou kiss the night before my chem Olevel paper.
(i would like to think that's why i failed the paper, but who am i kidding, eh?)
and then i went to school the next day, and all i could talk about was them kissing.
right before the paper, i was still ranting away like some psychotic nymphomaniac.
and the unfortunate part came in when the teacher hushed the class just as i was saying something about how sexy it was and that i wanted to jump the man.
you could say i was the most un-stressed person taking the paper that day.
come to think of it, what happened to the me who never gave a damn?
i mean, it was 5 minutes before an Olevel paper of a subject i know nuts about and all i can talk about is how VicZhou's leg was between BarbieHsu's legs when he pushed her on the mattress and how it all looked so real.
that gotta take a lot of guts and stupidity, i tell you.
where are those days?
oh woe.
i wish i could obsess again.
when you obsess, everything becomes so simple.
your life basically revolves around this one thing at the time and you needn't bother about anything because they are inconsequential anyway.
why does everything have to be so hard nowadays?
anyway, the sister has straight hair now.
but she didn't let the hairdresser do a complete job for reasons only she knows which i refuse to accept as valid.
so i heaped on the off-handed cutting remarks to shove her towards the .. eh, right path.
alternatively threw in inferences such as 'blue house bitch' and 'suzie', 'transexual', making comparisons of her and ah liang with long hair (she was near when i was watching HappySunday)
yeah, i know i'm a bitch.
my sister told me that.
she sounded almost hysterical when she turned to me and said,"YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH YOU KNOW. YOU BITCH. (smug bitchy look)"
but anyway, tommorrow we shall set off early in the morning to remedy that hair.
okay lah, it's not that bad.
and she's got the pretty face to make matters better.
but i think i've been a bit brain-washed after watching HappySunday because when i see my sister now, all i see is BarbieHsu in her younger years, all black and plain looking.
and i think, damn! if only she stopped going for those moronic training and got fairer.
maybe she'll bag herself a VicZhou.
only he better not be younger and she had better not have started off saying he's a brother.
yes, i just have a problem with that.
almost incestuous, you know.
okay it's quite late and i think my dad's getting vexed with me.
and okay, actually i quite like BarbieHsu in this grudging way because she's some crazy bitch and nobody dares to mess with her.
blogged a whole bit, and realised that i didn't actually want to blog.
stayed home today.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
tonight's just one of those nights ..
not left home yet and already homesick.
really ill, btw.
nose dripping away when am not sneezing.
slight fever, I'M CONVINCED.
Mars is a very hot show.
but i don't think i can forgive VicZhou and BarbieHsu for first being all brother-sister and next getting attached.
besides being a complete sin for deceiving the masses (ie. me), it is also completely wrong.
you do not first tell the world he is like a younger brother and then start shagging him the following year.
that is just wrong.
and the guy's not just any guy okay.
half the world was in love with him.
my sister and her friends still feel very betrayed.
though maybe that's why the sexual tension in the show was so strong?
going out tomorrow, but am already having second thoughts as really am ill.
my mother doesn't think i should go out.
if only this were the summer holidays.
listening to my sister's pathetic itunes.
it's either the weird chinese songs or the rare english song from a bygone era.
i mean, it's not that i don't like As If by Blaque (and actually it does bring back memories of .... ) but you know, where's Backstreet?!
.. okay, you know what, i just realised that Backstreet is even older than Blaque.
nevermind then.
Max's house is to die for.
or kill for it.
yes, killing for it sounds more logical.
since if i died for the house, then i wouldn't actually get to benefit from living in it, would i?
it's like what, 8 times bigger than my house.
and i am strictly not exaggerating.
it is a mathematical certainty.
and 10 bathrooms!
why the hell would a house need 10 bathrooms for a family of 4?
ask Max.
and then proceed to ask him why he needs two bathrooms in his personal wing in the house.
BUT anyway, it was cool, his house.
and Max was great.
like, letting us visit, bringing us around the house, buying us crisps and all that.
and you know what, the powder room in his hall is the same size as his bedroom in Croydon.
and so i think it's very admirable of Max to be staying in his room in Croydon without so much as a peep.
if it were me, i tell you.
i'll make such a fuss that Oakes would want to assasinate me.
ohgod. i love xiao S
why isn't she on TV anymore?
Monday, April 10, 2006
i so do not want to return to the UK.
what to do without all my TV shows.
it reminds me of my youth how all i need is to turn on the TV and i fall in love every two minutes.
my sister brought me to k-box (ok, very uncool)
and ooh, ooh, ooh!
to add to last night's, there's jerry yen and edison chen.
and jolin tsai, waaa shit man so smokin'.
i love all these uncool chinese pop things.
so cheesy and and all so hot.
i want to spend the rest of my life moaning about how sexy hejunxiang is.
and jerry yen's beautiful smile.
like oh my god, he's got the most nauseatingly act-cute smile on earth.
and i know it.
but i'm still a complete sucker for it.
i just lap it all up.
it's like,
SMILE (jerry yen)
and then,
DIES (me)
oh, nosebleed and puddles of drool!
okay, that came out wrong.
you know, if you don't speak chinese or watch chinese stuff, you seriously don't know what you're missing.
the chinese entertainment scene is so simple.
you look good, and you're in.
the western entertainment thing is distorted.
it's like they have a fetish for ugly things.
if you're beautiful, you lose your credibility or something.
like, get a life!
who needs credibility?
it's entertainment, not freakin' getting a university cert.
i'm so for the taiwanese.
they know how to do entertainment.
ah, taiwanese males.
<3 <3 <3
charlotte is going to die when she sees this.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
ok i changed my mind.
hejunxiang is still the hottest.
but i think luozhixiang's damn hot still.
and takeshi kaneshiro also.
waaa -fans.
god, i love TV.
spent half the day on the phone.
usually don't much like being on the phone, but when 75% of the friends are down under and 25% is a busy JC student who spent the day gallivanting, you don't have much choice.
god, luozhixiang is damn hot.
i like his shoulders.
especially in big black t-shirts.
ooh, way hot chinese shows!
aiya, singapore universe is so boring.
all the girls look the same.
waaaaaa this show is too hot ooh mama.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
it just hit me that i've not woken up in time for breakfast ever since i came back.
which is very sad, because breakfast is actually my favourite meal of the day.
anywayyyy, this day is gonna be packed.
i'm still tired.
Friday, April 07, 2006
at junction8 today;
(walking past the florist's)
sister: i bought a white lily the other day.
lee: for what?
sister: to look.
well, you know .. in some weird way, that makes a little sense.
i think potatoes is perfect.
that is idolatry.
i don't think clare is perfect.
but i adore her with all her imperfections.
now, that is love.
ha ha, i decided the day before that i am secretly in love with clare.
been a very emo girl since i went back to st.nicks
those were good days.
out gallivanting after school.
shopping and the works, then out till late drinking, courtesy of charlotte and xiang.
those two .. they have too much energy.
but me, i'm old, and i only had 3 hours of sleep the night before.
cannot take it.
and then it's times like these that make you fully appreciate j and her comforting, responsible presence.
so tired so tired so tired.
and i fell asleep in my sister's bed and my mom tapped me awake at 6 because she couldn't see my fat face.
so i had to wake up to tell her she got the wrong one and to try the other bed.
and that of course meant another hour before i could coax self back to sleep again.
next woke up at noon.
rolled around till 2:30 with nothing to do
(turned off my phone in hopes of extra peace for some lee-time alone, ha ha)
no pin-ball, no messaging clare to whine or, for today, congratulate. etc etc.
waaa, the guy in the TV has a damn nice nose!
okay, distracted.
my father is watching some chinese period drama.
anyway, felt lonely and neglected because nobody was home and had lousy food.
so called my sister to demand some attention.
and the dear one met me later at j8 for an all-expenses paid slack trip.
i like j8 very much.
it was like my third home last time.
but it's expanded in size now, so it doesn't really feel like home now.
still smells like j8 though, so that's comforting enough.
ohyay, you know when you turn off your phone, it's so liberating.
i think this is the first time i've turned it off since i bought it.
hee hee.
i recommend it to everyone.
did i mention?
i saw luozhixiang on TV that day and suddenly fell in love/lust.
which is very weird right, because i've seen him on TV since like, forever and i never thought much about it.
i think he's so cute la.
i like his shoulders.
waa, this other guy has a damn nice nose too!
why does everybody have such nice noses, omg.
who is their plastic surgeon?!
i need to meet him, pronto.
ugh, mushy part.
the rich girl likes the poor trishaw boy (with the damn nice nose) and they're exchanging chinese words of poetic love.
cannot take it.
omg, and now the other guy who's some pugilist found out that his rich crush (who has a crush on him too) is moving to hongkong to study because above rich girl liked said pugilist and they want to keep apart and now he's running after her to beg his rich crush to stay. (and i think she should because my father and i agreed that we suspect her rich father to be a bad guy)
wow, chinese shows ... :D !
who knew freakin' huangfeihong had a life outside of drunken fist-ing.
oh, the show ended and now my dad is watching some japanese documentary.
and he just randomly shouted,"KONNICHIWA!"
my god, he's just as bad as the hooligans in croydon who shout random japanese greetings when they see chinese people.
ha ha ha ha.
i feel so jolly now.
aircon is very good.
i get ultra bitchy when it's hot.
aiya what the hellllllll ... what for watch some show in a language you can't even understand?
okay, given my dad can speak a little japanese, but i can't.
like, hello?
special viewpoint towards the disadvantaged, no?
(that is a part of the school vision/mission thing. i love st. nicks <3 !)
oh i just switched my phone on.
so many messages.
i am popularrrr!
ha ha.
okay, rolls eyes, i know.
wa this china show so horny.
the adulterous couple is gambolling around in the funeral hall where the body of the woman's late husband lies.
and it's the man who killed the husband and now they want to sell the house to make a lot of money.
the woman is not pretty, but she was wearing this purple tube thing which looked quite nice.
ooh and now its like -
the husband is not dead and the adulteror has been killed by an old man who saw him 'kill' the husband and now the old man and the woman are going to jail. (i think)
wow wow wow.
Monday, April 03, 2006
another great thing about being home?
magically made beds.
i swear i've forgotten the joys of having a maid.
i've woken up for what .. 5 minutes.
loiter a bit around the house.
and when i go back to my room, my bed is made, the pile of clothes i tossed on the floor the night before is folded neatly at the foot of my bed.
and ooh, food whenever, whatever!
life is goooooood.
i don't ever want to leave again.
ohmygod, my sister's itunes is pathetic.
i don't mean to embarrass the girl, but damn me, this songlist could belong to some taiwanese fanclubber.
SO ew.
i need some proper songs man.
and i will have to force self to sleep soon.
jetlagging is not fun at all, i tell you.

observe my little gay brother. ha ha ha.
just some random browsing through old pictures.
shanghai was a right fun place, alright.
like, OKAY, somebody should just invent that goddamn time machine already.
i mean, with so many people churning out literature about time travel, you'd think that someone's done something constructive to invent the machine.
my sister just had her wisdom teeth extracted.
poor thing, looks so much in pain.
funny how i never noticed my wisdom teeth growing.
i don't think i have them.
(okay, no jibes about me not being wise, thank you)
anywayyy, xiangjuntan just contacted me in the oddest way possible.
through my sister's phone.
cool, innit?
ha ha.
he's kept my sister's number for so long, mm.
i bet he has a secret crush on my chiobu sister, who i might i add looks nothing like me and is therefore certified beautiful.
jet-lag is not fun.
after so many days, i'm still sleeping and waking at odd hours.
(inject) OMG my sister only extracted one tooth! which means she has to extract the other another time, and go through the massive pain again. thank you god, for not giving me wisdom teeth.
and my mom's been watching korean dramas.
methinks the mother is revisiting her childhood.
and she's doing it with a vengeance too.
must be because she never had much of a life last time.
studying too much.
i tell you, the mother was some mad nerd.
you gotta admire that tenacity though.
wish i had it.
random thought.
where is my camera?