Tuesday, October 31, 2006
you know, i can actually feel my brain degenerating.
i am in need of some good books.
The Devil Wears Prada has been blacklisted forever;
halfway through it and i suddenly thought, "why bother with such trash?"
if it's really based on Anna Wintour, then i seriously think this Lauren Weis-whatever is being a very spiteful banshee.
i mean like, Social Hierarchy Theory hello?
the woman is there, like at the top and you are what-
and you know what that means?
that means Andrea Sachs/Lauren Weis-thingie, you shut up and take shit and don't go publishing all your pathetic little mewlings.
ugh, i cannot stand people who do not respect the rungs of the foodchain of life.
if animals can give it due respect, i don't see why these people can't.
i mean, you don't see rabbits trying to be funny with lions.
they just don't.
and that's right because nature put them as the ones to keep quiet and get eaten up.
see, the problem with human beings is that innately, they know they are a lower specie.
but they just won't expressly accept it as a sad fact of life.
and because they don't accept that they are nothing, they can never work their way to where they really are in a higher state.
therein lies the crux of this vicious little cycle.
i really don't understand how anybody who's read the book can possibly think it worthy of their time.
it's like a book dedicated to mean little swipes at a greater being.
and that just further emphasizes how they are a lesser creature.
for those who haven't read the book and cannot fathom the mean-spiritedness of it, just think:
one of my random blog entries making vicious comments on some random annoyance.
but laboured into 400 pages of shameless bitching.
(with one major distinction being that i never take swipes at a higher being because when convinced of my lower position, i will take shit as evidenced in the summer occurrence of said annoying malay secretary of mother's giving me a fat load of attitude which made me unbelievably pissed off. still, i took shit and didn't even tell my mother because even though i am the offspring of the boss, in the real scheme of things, i was merely a dispensable student-intern and she a full-time employee making her of a higher rung than me in the social setting of PLTBA- my Hierarchy Theory is very established and comprehensive and disputers will please raise your issues with me wherein we will enter a debate in which i will undoubtedly win)
i advise ya'll, boycott the goddamn book.
i am so vacuous nowadays it's starting to scare me.
suddenly, this morning, i felt the intense need for a purple Pucci print dress and white patent pumps.
followed by the fervent desire to fit into a Roland Mouret.
so J and i arranged a shopping thing set for later on just because we were talking about clothes and decided we really wanted to shop.
plus, one of my biggest wishes now is to have nice hair.
and above all that, my entire life revolves around this one male now.
am i a failure of a woman or what.
i was telling J that there are women like Samantha (RESPECT!) who is like, the reason why women are going to rule the world one day.
(another example: Dolce because she has males following her around like docile puppy dogs, pandering to her every whim- does that scream Womyn Power! or what?)
and then there are females like us (J and i) who are the reasons why women aren't ruling the world yet.
so i should change.
but see, the thing is i'm so happy now that i really don't want to do anything about it.
Friday, October 27, 2006
next the little kitty! SOOOOO DARN CUTE. and it was crying:( must be sick. it was shivering non stop. but it looks real pretty and cute. nice nice. felt like carrying it but it was very afraid of song and i.my brother is gay.
(please note: he is 15 this year, not 5)
last night was crazy.
but more about that later when josephine is found from whichever hole she's hiding in now and we get food and Ethan gets loaded with more pictures and songs.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
egads, playing with celebrity face recognition thingies.
i look like Kyoko Fukada and Bae Yong Jun
(i don't really know who they are but i am sad because they all look fat and white ): )
J looks like Maggie Cheung and Allen Iverson.
Jos looks like Monica Bellucci and Dougie McFly.
and Anthony looks like Madonna as a child, omg.
ha ha ha, oh this is fun.
sometimes, i think i should set aside a day of my life where i will sit in front of my computer and thoroughly exult in the wonderfulness of wikipedia.
or just you know, sit in praise of it or whatever.
there is an entry below which is full of mistakes but i cannot be bothered to edit.
today was stupid.
we were stood up by the lecturer again.
so i had just one tutorial.
McSpicy outdid himself in spiciness today.
so hawwwwt.
but hands not nice.
my dahhhhhling's hands are dammit a lot nicer.
ha ha.
also spent sometime in the library with Adam and Regina where i went slowly but surely madder and madder.
at first, we had a serious discussion about the state of affairs between Regina and Johnny.
"are they, or are they not?"
ha ha.
and it ended with me writing a colourful letter to Adam filled with broken english, broken chinese and broken anglicized hokkien.
filled out with various out-of-point illustrations and random flourishes of colour.
i also drew a bird and a sun.
Regina also made a nice quote of the day:
"OH yeah... Ohmygod, you're old."
hee hee.
said to Adam, who is extremely old (all of 24!) and out-of-point for someone who's from Singapore.
(you know how we Singaporeans are usually very youthful compared to everybody else... ie. J and Yours Truly, ha ha)
anyway, that guy is damn rich la.
got contract essay to do tonight.
and Clare, my room is damn small.
i don't think i am lucky enough to require a rug that i cannot lift above the ground.
am <3-ing my Haloscan comments thing!
it makes my blog a lot more interactive than it's been for months.
or years, even.
okay, HAPPY!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
i am going to decorate my room in monochrome prints and textures!
feeling very pleased with self with that burst of inspiration and i am also going to achieve that look with minimal spending.
am going to use random pieces of paper and bits of ribbons.
will need to spend some money on rugs though, but necessary because carpeted flooring is a very ugly shade of blue and a monochrome theme dictates that all signs of the colour blue be completely obliterated.
anyway, blue carpet also of the lousy and worn sort.
not going to help in winter.
plus i'm sure it is very dirty and no amount of vacumning is going to change that.
so instead, because i am such a good homemaker (hee hee!), i will buy machine washable rugs which i can throw into the washing machines whenever they start showing signs of dirt.
ALSO, necessary expenditure because asthmatic and windpipes will not tolerate stubborn dust and dirt on ugly carpet.
and sensitive skin.
ha ha ha, that was a lot of justification for a goddamn rug.
i think that means i can probably indulge myself and buy a right pretty and fluffy one.
want an inflatable mattress.
was at covent gardens with Addie.
then went to leicester to meet J, Jos and Joel.
(i swear, there's a bit of a 'j' overdose there)
highlights were chronologically as follows:
C & R mee goreng!
saw chinese prostitutes who had propositioned Joel before!
(they were very plain and normal looking and according to Joel, always lean against the same piece of wall waiting for business)
they were so nondescript that when Joel first pointed them out, J gave one a good hard stare and came to her very intelligent conclusion:-
"No la, i think just waiting for a friend."
then as we were leaving, i caught a priceless line of conversation from somewhere behind me.
said one guy to the other guy in a deadpan,"I am not gay. But my boyfriend is."
so cute.
and i thought all the witty people in this city had died out due to the massive pollution.
what else, what else.
okay, this is definitely not a highlight, but i must publicise it anyway.
J kept cussing me.
i think she thinks that i'm too much of a loser to be her friend.
such is my sad life.
OH, and on the way home, Jos was excitedly telling me about how she is definitely going to dress up as Allen&Thompson for some Halloween party next week.
very good, we must all go to see Jos as our hated public law textbook (or at least, the rest hate it. i will reserve judgement till i actually start reading it)
satisfaction guaranteed :)
J is also convinced that i am having a secret affair she does not know about.
see, the girl is out to get me i tell you.
but we are happy people!
and J and i are going to Debenhams to get our necessities soon!
so much for not blogging anymore.
chantyyyyy, why do you take statistics?
alicia, OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU :D tablemate with damn good english and plus, you were also the one who told me exactly how much top journalists earn, which changed my impression of people going into journalism
yay, i didn't know you read my blog.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.
wow, i think Haloscan is so clever.
they came in and wrote themselves an entry!
see above!
my room is in a right mess again.
bad feng shui.
dumped two loads of laundry, and tried to call J to ask what will happen if i put in clothes without putting washing powder.
but i was daoed.
so hell la, nevermind.
anyway! i know this is going to sound like a bit slow, BUT, i met a singaporean while loading my clothes into the machine.
it was quite stupid.
this guy was there taking clothes out of the machine next to mine and shoving them into the dryer.
and i yanked my machine door out so hard that it swung most violently and almost whacked the guy on his face.
so i was like, "OH, SORRY!"
and i meekly grabbed my erstwhile door and loaded my clothes in a more civilized manner.
then suddenly i realised there were like, this pair of eyes still looking.
so i went, "... hi?"
but the guy was actually quite nice and was like, where you from and all.
happily went,"Singapore."
then he gave a sort of subdued start, stared for a bit, then went back to his clothes.
that made me very confused.
so went,"err... so where you from?"
and he very nonchalantly went,"Singapore."
and it became my turn to stare.
then i went,"REALLY AH! :D"
ha ha ha, so funny cos he was talking all non-singlish at first and had the whole big eyes wavy hair bits of hair sticking from chin look that i was quite convinced he was Japanese.
i am not very good at judging books by their covers, i tell you.
(case in point: The Devil Wears Prada. rawwr!)
ohman, Marcus is ponning tutorial too.
i was hoping he would help me tell the german woman that i was sick, and now he texts to ask me to tell her he is sick.
anyway, back to the singaporean guy.
he has a friend from SN and he told me her name and i'll be damned, but i've definitely heard that name before.
except the bells ringing are very faint and faraway.
but that's okay because i am going to mull over it for the rest of the night now.
so clever, me.
:D :D :D
oh shit needed to do something, what was it.
oh grarrrrrr, gonnna die.
my head is bouncing around so much i think i am going to spontaneously combust.
and my hand is now trembling.
very sad.
i hate being ill overseas.
but anyway, have also realised that am a very crispy roasted duck for school because so unprepared for everything and amazingly uninvolved.
a laptop, i tell you, kills.
just random things that i can think of:
through random yabber, J and i have decided that signmyguestbook has evidently died of some terminal disease and can no longer be revived.
therefore, i will scrutinize this blogger area and look for the button that enables comments and HENCE, people please comment a lot :D
yesterday met some LSE guy.
another of those many many many singaporeans from RJ, probably also GEP.
and he was sadly talking about going back every holiday because his father flies around a lot and thinks nothing of splashing out 2,000 bucks for a week of CNY during school term.
"my father say, take aeroplane like taking bus like that what..."
why can't my father have the same thoughts about aeroplanes?
yesterday, Terence also gave J and i BeeChengHiang bak kwa in this damn cute, portable little candy form.
like, it was this small little piece wrapped in this airtight little bubble thing with colourful plastic.
didn't know they had such a thing.
how cool.
also, eating too much.
very bad.
and have realised that i know more LSE people than i know King's people.
which, i know makes sense in a way since i mostly hang at LSE.
except, seeing that King's is going to be my school for the next four years, that just seems a bit wrong.
but no matter, because i am going to become a recluse.
somehow, retrospective thoughts of conversations with new people always makes me get irritated at self and the world.
so, to save self and the world trouble, should just bloody stay away.
bought The Devil Wears Prada.
i oddly chose it above the other two candidates; one historical narrative about Lady Jane Grey, the other a literary-ish sort of wordy horror.
that, even when the other two got more of my attention.
it was such a mistake, i tell you.
i detest all chick lit which does not reach the high standards of the shopaholic books.
and i especially loathe those which constantly brandname-drop.
the rave review at the back comparing it favourably with Sex and the City should've been my clue.
i hated Sex and the City, hated all her other books about blonde, fashion paranoid new yorkers and still thoroughly detest everything to do with Candance Bushnell.
so i went home, read one chapter, went to sleep and then spent the rest of the night on wiki reading up on Lady Jane Grey and her entire extended family.
anyway, i tried reading it again, since it did cost me some money afterall.
second chapter, and i cannot stand this Andrea already.
Miranda Priestly actually seems less abominable because at least she is... honest.
or at least seems that way from all the monstrous reactions to her.
the woman obviously has power and people resent that.
but like, get over it already.
okay, woozy but still have to walk to school to pay some fees.
and then housework to soothe my fengshui again.
and tonight, i start on my contract essay which will be so good that my tutor will be wowed.
bloody oxford man.
cannot stand people from oxbridge, i tell you.
maybe cambridge less than oxford.
but still.
and also cannot stand this girl from most of my classes.
some indian who speaks in a weird american-tamil accent.
she's from singapore and.. ugh, so noisy.
and worst, such an empty vessel.
cannot take it.
it's like she's never really stayed in singapore or something.
you know what she told my other classmates?
"Singapore really loves David Beckham, they like, think he's God or something."
wtf wtf WTF.
i almost hopped out from my seat and yanked that ugly hooked nose of her's when i heard that.
and she's also the one who said that Singapore has no constitution and there were no voting or anything and basically, nothing happens politically.
and when a very confused classmate asked how did singapore work then, without voting and everything, she just shrugged and said there is no such thing.
before, i merely sat in amusement as i listened to her astonishing stupidity at work.
but at that point, i had to intervene before the whole class started to think my home country was some heathen land with no system to speak off.
and when i talked about how even though democracy isn't really there but we still have general elections and constituencies in singapore and that we bloody do have a written and codified constitution, the girl just gaped.
Gaped, is what she did.
bloody ignorant fuck.
oh gawd, she irritates me man.
if you don't know a thing then shutup okay.
why continue talking and showing the world how little you actually know?
oh its late, i'm off.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Crush at LSE was lousyyyyyyyyyyy.
tonight is not my night.
i wanted to go fine dining, but was overruled.
Josie wasn't there to back me.
so Ant and J got their way.
we ain't partyin' at LSE no more, nope.
so lousy.
and somemore everybody knows everybody.
takes the fun out of everything.
almost died when i went home,
so hopped over to Josie's for some food.
i got food :D
marshmallow bars, crisps, hot chocolate and indomee!
okay, fats.
i know, i know.
BUT, after the pain i was put through, i think i should be allowed this.
anyway, also photowhored a bit with J because i was (and still am) trying to find out my angle.
like, you know,
my angle.
i need Clare, man.
she always knows these kind of things.
okay, love josie now because she fed me in my time of need.
and selected pictures up next when j's put them in Ethan and i put them in my comp, however people do these kindda things.
and yime, i wasn't scolding you whaaaaaat ): i was just pleading in desperate tone. you know, you know. bu yao sheng qi la.
Friday, October 20, 2006
today's muder seminar was really just... Deadening.
mm, so i came home, flopped down in front of the computer and promptly drifted off.
i slept through seven James Blunt songs.
that's quite long, right.
ha ha.
put James Blunt on because he's the least hyper of my extremely teenybopper itunes library.
but now, i also know that John Mayer might work too.
ha ha :D
however, saw some youtube.com clips last night, courtesy of Joel and i was actually very surprised to see that John Mayer isn't old and wrinkly but actually quite young, and not half bad looking.
and very mighty fingers.
yeah, he is a cool guy, i think.
and J was rhapsodizing about Comfortable so i dutifully went off to listen to it too.
ya, lyrics damn nice.
but...... a bit slow right, the song.
the way my hyperactivity's working these days, waaa man cannot take it.
but because i liked the sound of the lyrics, i stayed with the song.
not like that Coldplay song J likes so much which till this day, i sincerely have not listened past the second line.
omg :/
oh, Adam asked me yesterday how i can be in the UK for two years and still have such a strong singaporean accent.
DO I?!
but okay, nevermind.
i'm not into acting posh nowadays anyway.
and it's so pretentious to be speaking like a brit when it obviously doesn't come to you naturally.
but still...
okay la, i know i speak like a chao ahlian sometimes.
but only for dramatic effect, okaaaaay.
i can speak like the bloody Queen if i wanted to.
i just happen to be... you know, proud of my roots.
ha ha ha ha.
what rot.
i need to run off to bathe soon.
such a task to wash my hair, i tell you.
so much hair.
at Covent Gardens last night with J and Ant.
that place is almost officially my favourite place to chill in Londontown.
so chill, the atmosphere.
i like, i like.
Anthony also said i write too bloody much and he cannot be fucked to read what i write.
i think all that shoe-selling has killed half his brain cells.
does it make sense when the guy who always had Economics notes somewhere around him to read doesn't even have the stamina to finish reading one blog entry from me (of which the content is also supremely more interesting than the Common Agricultural Policy, i assure you) ?
but anyway, that shoe-selling also led to my getting Nike extended ticks (or dunks, to everybody else in the world) shoes for free :D
so i am not complaining.
hee hee.
did i write too much again?
okay, bye.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Veni, Vidi, Vici(: that was one of the main themes of my discussion with j yesterday.
we always have these long, meaningful talks.
it's a smart people thing, i tell you.
ha ha ha.
i wanna be Julius Caeser.
okay, i blogged this morning, but it got lost in transition and i am still hugely annoyed.
and i was only going to blog tomorrow, but bearing in mind that Clare told me to blog this morning and j just told me to blog, i think now's the time for it.
school starts at 10 tomorrow anyway, which means i have time for another hour of non-sleep.
i just stuffed my face.
went over to Jos' to borrow Bradley&Ewing because i somehow managed to lose mine.
took the book, stopped to chat.
giggled like crazy cows at the door till the security guard got so properly irritated at the noise that he told us to bugger off.
and he was so desperate for us to wander off that he let me in without ID-ing.
so we went to the bar where we sat around and talked about fighting fish.
ah, the happiness of villager childhoods.
let me remember what i talked about this morning.
AH, j blogged a very cute, long and understandable entry yesterday.
and it is so funny and sweet (for different things) that i will simply steal an excerpt from her.
here it is:
" "i need sex to lose weight and to have sex i need a man but to have a man i need to lose weight first.hai.. it's a tough world"chen yi rui, you are the MAN. today in class, she completely amazed the crazy public law teacher by saying the most random thing he has ever heard in class"you blend in with the table"how to not love her?and lee!"I won't get bored of him, and even if I do, it will be when i die. but when i die, he will still be with me in my heart" -beams.lin chao zhang matthew (mingdao), you'd better,treat her right, with all your might!if not at night, i'll pinch you tight! "(:
methinks life in the UK without j and jos would be life in the UK with a lot less laughter.
them two, too cute really.
josephine is losing her mind nowadays and that's just making everybody happier because she must be the funniest loon around.
AND, my implicit trust in j has been proven right.
because i'd thought she was going to say that i've gone soft and pussy (even though that is true- such an emotional nutcase nowadays, seriously) and i was threatening her left, right and centre over it.
but then she said, "trust me."
and i decided that i probably should.
because if anyone's the sneaky creature around here, it's me.
i've really gone a bit off track these days,
spouting all these random, fortune cookie lines like j.
but you know, so happy.
Pisces...................... <3 !
anyway, for full version of above cute, long and understandable (though still very random) blog entry, check out sleepybones.- please!
oh, and i didn't go to either Pangaea or MOS last night!
instead, i ran around Southwark in search of a mama shop to buy eggs for j who was a very sick little lamb yesterday and convinced she was dying of stomach/colon cancer .
and since it was to the point where she was telling me how she wanted her ashes to be treated, (bones to parents, the ashy bits to me which i am to put in a plastic bag with a small hole at the corner and walk around paris and the london eye so that parts of j will be everywhere. so complicated right, that j. die also must die until so fussy) i thought it reasonable that the girl gets to have eggs in her abalone porridge because it might just be her last meal.
and then we cooked.
a little problem at first with getting the stove to emit heat, but genius me found the main switch and solved our almost 30-minute long debate on which button we neglected to press and why our porridge was basically still grains swirling around at the bottom of the pot after so long.
and our detractors beware!
because, damn, our porridge was good.
i think j and i are actually very good cooks waiting to be discovered.
i see a lot of potential in us.
and j has also decided that Aries is the one for her because an Aries will not expect a Sagittarius to cook.
but one question.
does that mean that all Aries people can cook,
or are they just going to eat out a lot?
ah, i've definitely decided that i like Leo and Pisces the most.
Leo stuff makes me nod with approval.
Pisces gives me warm fuzzies :)
Aries just makes me very tired.
i'm thinking that these must be very troublesome people, indeed.
just reading all the excitable adjectives, i cannot take it.
but j likes, j likes.
SO, eligible Aries people make yourselves known, please!
so tired now.
went back to Croydon by myself today.
my hostess is seriously... quite bitchy.
but whatever, whatever, whatever.
Titanic Thankyous to Anthony Joseph Joosan Tan,
for accompanying me to Ikea.
and then to Centrale.
and then to Footlocker.
and then to The Body Shop.
and then to Superdrugs.
AND, carrying all my Ikea crap.
and going all the way to 33 Mayfield Rd to get my things from the garage.
small glitch there when Ant saw spiders over my boxes.
he then refused to have anything further to do with the boxes.
and we were very helpless there because there are no men staying in Sanderstead what with Maxi being in Leicester and all.
and calling Ian for help, also found out that Ian now lives in Selsdon and not 'two bus-stops away', and that everybody else has moved to Selsdon too so 403 route is no longer the happening place it used to be, awwwh.
but anyway, the cab driver appeared and Ant got him to help us with the boxes because i am 'a chicken' and Ant is 'allergic to uh... spiders'
(yeah, i know. the cab driver didn't believe him either)
and it was off to GDSA for us and i have nothing to do with the lawsons/polydoros anymore.
but whoa, being back there at Sanderstead.
so overwhelming.
it's like nothing's changed.
the lights at the bus-stops were the same.
the trees looked the same.
like, wow.
i think i really spent too much time loitering around Sanderstead.
everything around my bus-stop was just memory after memory about random conversations and stupid things everybody used to do.
even the ugly trees with bulbous bits reminded me of when xiang said they were caused by scars or something (which i haven't yet decided if that's true or not)
and looking at the moon from my bus-stop, omg :/ (hello, directors!)
ah, and Sanderstead Station!
almost cried, i tell you.
so random la, but seriously a lot of memories.
but no matter, because will never go back there again.
sounds so final.
ha ha, nah, maybe one day i will get stressed enough to hop on the train to Sanderstead so that i can loiter in the place where i spent all my days worrying about accounting exam papers.
wa damn late now.
but anyway, i digressed.
thank you to ant for all the help (and also because i realise that i really didn't lift a finger today, which wouldn't have been possible if ant wasn't there ha ha)
and i cleaned up my room!
as in, seriously man.
it is clean and green (well, more blue actually but... you know) and organised.
i am a stepford wife, i tell you.
for my man,
(ah j, there's another quote for you, ha ha)
and joel also taught me the finer points of ironing over MSN just now.
so now i officially can cook, clean, launder and iron!
well, kinda anyway.
sure to improve in the year to come.
need to sleep.
postscript to J, i'm feelin' alotta lurrrrve towards you, ha ha ha.
and to Clare, hello chiobu :)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
im going to buy a cake and share it with my dog now to celebrate. because i do not have any friends. BYEBYE!!! :Dha ha ha! ai ni, Clare :D
you just can't be beat.
my favourite friend is too cool for the aussie population.
anywayyyy, i have found the best time for me to sleep!
all i gotta do is hop off to bed at 2:00AM and i will be bright and happy at 7:30AM
velly good :D
no more of this staying on the computer till 4:00AM gawking at youtube.com
i will be good and sensible and stick with my bedtime so that i will no more feel like stabbing myself every morning when the alarm rings so that at least i can lie still and not have to move.
such a good girl, me.
oh, last night i was found out.
that is, by Joel who realised that i blocked him on MSN.
dang, i hate being found out.
especially when it's like, nothing personal you know.
i block the whole damn world!
being online for me is like, not being online at all.
and like Joel said, just come online to see and laugh at everybody else's stupid pseudonyms on MSN.
so j told me and i sheepishly confessed.
sorry la, joel...
AH, and my sister just called to pick at me over the card i sent over.
or rather the contentious things i wrote to her.
soooo, here's to the curlywurly at home:
have my own anyway.
ha ha ha, domestic affairs dealt with.
now what else, what else?
i am obsessed with horoscopes now.
j too! it started the day we met for chinese food.
and i was so distressed at first when i found out that Pisces wasn't like the perfect match for Sagittarius.
instead, it was Gemini, Aries or Leo for me, said the stars.
so irritated at that.
but anyway, after in-depth discussions with j and further study, i have come to a decision that Pisces and Leo are the way to go for me, babehh.
har har.
j wants Aries because they can create a lot of emotional rollercoasters for her to happily die in.
very weird, that girl.
for that very reason, i disqualify Aries.
and Gemini is prone to infidelity, which i definitely have a problem with.
so, no-go.
i think j was going to consider, but i'm not sure what her final decision is.
ha ha.
Leo sounds the best to me, actually.
but my loyalties decidedly lie with Pisces.
very biased opinion, i tell you.
ha ha ha.
just reading Pisces stuff makes me fall in love all over again.
yes, i'm definitely gonna make it work.
like, the main clash between Pisces and Sagittarius is because Sags want to be free and Pisces are all about settling down.
but not a problem here!
i'm a... settler, you know?
nope, i do not need to be free.
anyway, for J (and me, in the extremely unlikely event of suddenly wanting some drama) :
"Expect sparks to fly if you partner up with an Aries born between 21 March and 30 March. If you’re born between 2 December and 11 December, you are co-ruled by Mars — your relationship with these Arians will be explosive and passionate."
that's what i like about Astrology.com
so precise.
but i still don't get why j likes the excitement thing so much.
just looking at the words 'explosive and passionate' makes me feel very tired.
it is tuesday again and i have so much time between the two token lessons i have today.
i studied yesterday, you know!
but EU law sucks la.
was reading up on EC legislation when the ludicrity of the situation hit me.
like, why am i mugging on european law?
i'm not even bloody european, and i never want to be one either.
PLUS, i don't even half desire living in a european country because they are all encumbered with human rights and freedom of speech problems and that severely incapacitates the efficiency of everything.
when freedoms compromise efficiency, i get very irritated.
ohkaaay, a bit too fiery.
i'm actually a very mild person.
hee hee.
(hides behind hair)
i see alliteration! do you?
so high now because itunes is playing a bouncy chinese song from my sister and i actually had enough sleep last night.
ah, still have extra reading to do.
this is so ironic, but the extra reading material for EU law is so much easier to read than the bare-basics text.
Pangaea tonight.
don't know if i really want to go yet.
maybe i'll hop by there just to check it out before i hop out again and hop off to MOS.
but that's subject to a lot of other factors.
the J-laziness factor and the Ant-availability factor.
so... see how, see how.
as of now, just want to go to the bloody tutorial and then come home to scrutinise horoscope stuff and the blog of male rafflesian which i was very attracted to in sec 4 and am again attracted because... eh, because of what ah? don't know but anyway, i have always been very impressed with the guy and his writing.
and now j is quite caught up in it too, so i have a fellow stalker.
kinda, anyway, since we don't do stalking anymore.
for kids, that.
(anyways, he is a Leo and i am very very pleased!)
ha ha ha.
so high now, am gonna shower and settle down with Chalmers' for some EU law reading.
Monday, October 16, 2006
my contract tutorial questions are cruel and unusual.
omg, very bad.
and the worst thing is that i cannot be fucked with them because i am also watching M:I 1 now.
plus under J's goading, i also couldn't resist the idea of hot chinese food.
and am therefore going to blow up with all that influx of fats.
ohhhhhhh woe.
ah whatever, the tutorial stack dictates too many pages of reading.
and why bother when what is in those 30 pages are all summarised in what, two paragraphs in my contract notes from mr norman.
feeling fat and sad now.
and J wants to go to Alton Towers.
but i do not want to because i detest the frivolity and aimlessness of amusement parks.
okay the questions are so strangely familiar but irritating because i'm not in law class now and Joseph is not happily rattling off all the answers and being faintly annoying because he just knows too much.
ah, that Joseph, such a pity that he is becoming a doctor.
could've been such a lawyer, seeing how he just cannot stop talking.
i miss the guy.
with him in your class, you never have to worry about awkward silences where the teacher will then have no choice but to pick on individual students and force them into admitting their embarrassing ignorance towards the topic being discussed.
and have also just realised the irony of attempting contract questions at the same time as watching Mission: Impossible.
... if you get what i mean.
ha ha,
geddit, geddit?
hokay am off to scale the heights of my shelves in order to fetch my beloved unit 4 file.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
(waves frantically)
i have just accomplished the impossible.
am therefore very pleased with self.
ho ho ho.
last night, Josephine and i had our Midnight Laundry, Episode I
and it was overall very successful, if i may say so myself, because i now have a huge collection of clean clothes!
howeverrrrr, we popped too much money in the dryer.
and so, by the time our clothes were nice and hot and ready to be served, it was 5:00AM
yes, a bit early right.
i know.
so then, because Josephine is the obsessive-complusive queen of the world, we also folded our clothes fresh out of the dryer.
and when we were finally done, it was half an hour later.
we then had to plan Josephine's grand escapade because my security guard was being uncharacteristically clever and asked to check her (my) card when she came in.
the weird thing is, he checked it, saw my picture, long frizzy hair, dark specs, half surprised scowl and all, and he still let Josephine through.
so maybe not so clever afterall.
but Josephine was fast and clever and she hopped out too fast for him to catch her.
and then she walked to the side of the compound where i was dutifully waiting beind the pillar away from the view of the camera and handed me back my card through the grills.
and we were off to sleep, happy campers with clean clothes.
oh, and Jos was doing her laundry at my place and not hers because mine costs 1.60 as opposed to her 2.20
... the things we do for a few pence.
the joys of being a student!
we live like paupers.
it is very illuminating, i think.
everybody should try it.
anyway, in the long long long time waiting for our laundry, we had some random conversations.
of which the funniest was when Josephine revealed that as a little sec 1, she thought clubbing meant being in a dark room filled with lots of tweety bird balloons.
or at least that was what she saw in her head whenever she thought of clubbing.
THAT definitely rivals Clare's idea of Newsroom Bar being a room full of newspapers.
my friends are priceless, are they not.
but anyway, my point of all that elaboration is that i fell asleep and only just woke up an hour ago.
which would mean that i slept for a straight 13 hours.
i know, i know!
amazing, innit?
(dramatic pause)
the chronic insomniac finally sleeps.oh, giggles.
i am positively giddy with happiness that i actually slept for 13 hours.
but it was quite weird because i slept at 6:00AM and woke at approx 7:00PM where it was already dark and i very confusedly and dolefully thought to myself how did i only manage to sleep for one hour after such a long day.
then i realised that it's been a loooooong time since i first slept upon checking my phone.
so then i called J to show-off (and also to tell her that i am not dead)
and J was impressed lehhhh.
she who sleeps at any and every turn; she was amazed.
har har har, i am smug.
of course, Anthony also pointed out to me very unhelpfully that i am not going to sleep tonight and it is going to set off a vicious cycle.
the insensitivity of males... (mutters)
BUT, that bothers me not because i know that i am not a sleeper by nature and i am prepared to face the sad reality that i am probably not going to sleep for the next week or so because of today's overindulgence.
Anthony also sucks because he does not want to help me tell my hostess that i am: not coming back to the UK/studying in the US/dead, and help me go over to 33 Mayfield Rd. to grab my stuff for me.
my hostess doesn't want to answer her phone!
it frustrates me thoroughly because i hate calling people.
especially when i have specifically arranged them as part of the past and no more relevant in the present.
anywayyy, i still have my contract tutorial to do.
but i am not worried either because the night is still young, and being the complacent cow i am, i don't think there will be anything in there that's gonna stump me because i had a brilliant A-level law tutor and i was an amazing student.
ha ha.
let me think of random things that's happened.
OH, you know i live very near London Bridge?
and that day when Jos and i were attempting to walk to Trocedero for Ten:10, we actually walked on London Bridge.
except i didn't know it at first.
and then halfway through it, Jos casually said,"Oh, this is London Bridge isn't it."
to which i suffered a brief stab of alarm and went,"YOU MEAN
... oh, but it looks quite sturdy from what i could tell, so i wouldn't worry about it crumbling anytime soon.
but then again, you never know right.
this IS london afterall.
i think only the Millenium Bridge looks good and trusty because it is made of metal.
but my favourite is the Waterloo Bridge still, since afterall, it is the main reason which convinced me that King's is the school for me.
we also planned out a bit of our Birthday Week yesterday.
that was fun, and i am going to fight with my life to make sure it happens.
oh oh oh!
but oh boy, somebody needs to lose weight.
i think i will eat my next meal next week, thank you.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
oh youuuuuu make me so happy
hee hee, i think being tired suits me because i get floaty and mild.
and therefore, happy.
went back to Croydon today and hopped by Ikea.
i was too tired to do any shopping and being The Master Procrastinator, i also once again forgot to call my hostess about my stuff.
it's been like... a month.
yes, i know.
i ought to be shot.
if my mom found out about this, there will be a bloodbath, i assure you.
oh, and i have also decided that i am going to turn prep.
hello, white shirts, cords and Ralph Lauren pullovers!
Clare said it was going to cost me since prep clothes are not cheap.
but no matter!
i will somehow get my mother to fund it.
i mean, you know, i used to dress prep!
or rather, my mother dressed me prep when i was younger.
didn't own a single t-shirt or even jeans till i was 11, imagine that.
don't believe right!
i tell you, my mother is a hardcore preppy okaaaay.
don't play play.
but anyway, at one point, i chopped my hair off and suddenly went all... grungy.
so then it was oversized black t-shirts and berms for the next five or six years.
and the coolest thing was, they were the same black t-shirts and berms for the span of six years.
in retrospect, i think my mother shouldn't have despaired so much over my choice of clothing, seeing i actually saved her a lot of money wearing the same things for almost a decade, through puberty and all.
aren't i the amazing one, though?
point here is that mother should be pleased that i am returning to my preppy roots and will (most hopefully) fund my new wardrobe.
oh hee hee hee, i am the sly one, i am.
today was friday the 13th.
... but as far as i remember, my friday 13ths (with one exception that time in 2001 when i went to Clementi to watch the last 5 mins of Cath High losing to Anglican High in their basketball match thing and then almost got napped by my mother because i was supposed to be in school having math remedial, not in a NewTown at a godforsaken green line spot) have usually been quite happy days for me.
and today was a good day because i found out that Bulgarian Mc..uh, Spicy IS IN MY CRIMINAL LAW SEMINAR!
:D :D :D !
so ironic.
i thought he was in my Public and Contract tutorials and not my Criminal seminar.
but the bugger transferred to other tutorial classes.
and turns out he is in my Criminal seminar.
which would mean that he really was meant to be in my basic classes except he toyed with fate.
that is what i cannot stand about europeans- they do not understand the concept of not messing around with Heaven's will.
but anywayyyy, i am pleased.
he is damn damn damn hot, you know.
i like that whole regal, indolent kind of attitude he has.
like DaoMingSi.
<3 <3 <3 !!
ha ha, wow man i swear i am turning into a rapid fan.
i think i might have to re-think my prejudice against Criminal Law.
it's lucky we took Contract instead of Criminal for the A-levels.
if we had taken Criminal, i don't think i could've survived through the exams.
Jos and i would've been sure to just laugh through the entire thing.
the questions are amazing!
read this problem today about Causation and it was about miserable, unfortunate Dolly who first unwittingly became a prank victim where a metal bucket fell on her thin skull which then cracked open and gushed out massive amounts of haemoglobin.
then when another guy was carrying her down for help, he dropped her and she hit her head against the stairs.
when he finally got her downstairs, he handed her to a passer-by while he called for her.
except that passer-by recognised Dolly as his arch-enemy and took this chance to stab her in the heart.
when Dolly arrives at the hospital, she is dead (duhhh!) and the coroner finds that it was the second blow which killed her.
so the question is, who should be held responsible for her death.
hysterical, isn't it.
when i read the part about her getting stabbed by the passer-by i almost cried with laughter.
but everyone else in class were all serious and quiet so i couldn't do much except stare fixatedly at the front whilst trying not to snort.
i am really tired now.
need to do some serious shopping.
ALSO, have to pay fees.
and must call hostess soon.
hence, that means also have to return to Croydon soon to get stuff done.
... so lazy
and jos and j are like crazy muggers now so basically, i have no friends.
and tomorrow is saturday and guess what we are going to do.
we are going to study and then do our laundry.
this is the life of a university student with mad friends.
might just be too lazy to function tomorrow anyway and end up vegetating in front of my laptop surfing the net and yammering on MSN thinking,"waa so lucky i took law and govt. for A-levels or else now sure die. thank you mr norman i love you."
everyday, i think the same thing because i haven't even looked at my textbooks and still so blissfully going through school day by day, bluffing my way through each tutorial.
complacency, i tell you.
very bad.
wa cannot i need to sleep now byebye.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
today, i went for the 9:00AM lecture even though i was almost prostrate with exhaustion.
i am so tired nowadays, and i don't even know why.
but anyway, not the point.
point is that, in the middle of lecture, saw the bulgarian guy.
OMG, i tell you.
so hawwwwwwwwwwwt!
(clutches heart)
i tell you, he is so smokin' that i almost hyperventilated.
seriously, too early in the morning for that kind of excitement.
my heart couldn't take it.
he is like, so DaoMingSi that i start acting like a crazy 14-year-old whenever i catch a glimpse of him.
damn buff, you know.
like in the damn hot, DaoMingSi-perfect way.
wow, cannot take it.
i am so intimidated by such... uh, heat.
ha ha ha.
but the sad thing is that i am convinced he has changed his timetable and is no longer in my tutorial.
so no more dying over broad shoulders during lessons.
but good also, cos' then at least i will pay attention to my lessons and not be conking off whenever his shiny watch flashes in front of me.
ha ha, okay what next.
oh, CC Club was damn lousy.
i am not going for any Abacus thing anymore.
so lousy, waste my time only.
and plus i developed a sorethroat from it.
also, got a brain short-circuited moment later in the night which i am still recovering from.
not good.
HOWEVER, did manage to get a fuzzy glimpse of Shaun dancing and that was fucking hilarious.
he was like, doing some kind of tribal rain-dance in slow-mo.
J, Marcus and i were giggling all over the place.
... not sure if that made up for the entire night of time wasting though.
had moment of funny when i came home.
was so tired that really was half-stoned.
and thought i lost my specs when it was actually caught on the top of my head in my hair.
so i was crawling all over the floor, miserably searching for my specs when it was like... there on my head.
and it was only until i clutched my head in desperation did my specs fall on the ground and i found them again.
now, tell me that was stupid.
i need to do my laundry againnnn.
this sucks, i really need a maid with me.
mmmmmkay, i NEED to sneak a shot of the bulgarian guy, man.
for he is far too hot to keep underwraps.
why did he change his timetable?
or rather, why didn't i change my timetable?
it was sucky to start out with.
and now that the object of my lust is gone, it sucks even more.
lousy lah.
but anyway, note to self: no more going too crazy when see male (was hopping on the spot compulsively when talking about him to Elaine, Addie and Adam. baaaaad) as do not want people to think i actually like the bulgarian guy when i do not.
you know how i have this tendency to over-react... yeah.
and they won't know that i cannot multi-task and am unable to like two people at one time.
SO, they will actually think i fancy the hot guy when i am merely expressing immense appreciation.
you know, you know.
yay, i love it when there are actually people to look out for in school.
haven't had that in awhile, seeing the lousy (not to mention, limited) selection in CTC.
hee hee am right pleased with school.
fo' shuhh !
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
okay i had to blog because the large block of words in the last post was so ugly.
i tried to sleep just now but then my phone started vibrating all over the place with this sudden influx of messages.
tuesday is my fucked up day.
so i have a tutorial at 6:00AM
but European Law, i definitely like.
and this might sound very premature and defeatist,
but i think i have already developed a protective mind-block towards Criminal Law.
just thinking of the words Causation and Omission makes me ill.
HOWEVER, because i am so full of courage, i still bought my Criminal Law textbook today and i will attempt to read it tonight.
i don't believe that i cannot conquer Criminal Law.
it should be right up my alley, i think.
leaving in two minutes to rush to school.
(ya, try figure. i always leave at the same time to rush to school and it never occurs to me to bloody just leave the house earlier)
it looks like it's gonna rain.
thank god had the foresight to borrow bright blue umbrella from J.
everybody's been asking me about the party tonight.
i wonder what is up with this party.
i must ask someone in tutorial later and see exactly how happening this party promises to be.
the weather still sucks, though, so i don't understand why anybody would want to go out.
Monday, October 09, 2006
today, Anthony came down to London and he crashed my Contract Law lecture :D
was so happy cos' for once i had someone to people-watch with me.
but anyway, he also said that he hasn't read my blog for some time already.
i know assistant managers are busy people, BUT THAT IS NO EXCUSE.
... you know how i hate it that too many people read my blog sometimes, but Anthony is one of those who must and will read my blog regularly.
as i reasoned to him, how is he going to catch all my insider references if he doesn't read my blog right?
anyway, happy day.
and at Zizzi, i again felt just how happy i am.
i don't really understand what's there to be so happy about.
but i am really really just plainly happy.
it's so not me, i know.
but what to do right, happy then happy lor.
i think i was such a prickly creature in CTC.
so constantly grouchy and mean.
ha ha ha.
too bad for CTC people lahhh!
oh, we looked at old photos and i've only just realised exactly how fat i was.
i am still traumatised, i tell you.
not going to eat anymore since i am obviously still fat and i better lose more weight before i start going back to pre-summer fatness.
cannot cannot.
cannot, i tell you.
wahlao there is some string orchestra music playing now.
it reminds me of last time when we were going to school in the morning and i'm curled up in one corner of my mom's car trying to sleep in an upright position and hiding from the aircon, and Symphony 92.4 is on with all these orchestra-ish stuff.
lemme check what it actually is.
bleah ):
change song.
oh, Happy Boys & Happy Girls!
ya, i'm really damn high nowadays it scares even me.
schoolwork is a bit fucked up and i am getting slightly anxious about my non-studying.
especially since the King's people have turned out, rather disappointingly, to be damn studious.
and scary in tutorials!
omg, you should really see the scary bitches sitting at the edges of their chairs literally fighting to answer questions.
raising their hands like gravity doesn't apply to earth anymore.
yelping out all their arguments for every goddamn point of law (even if it is a point of law only in their imaginations)
like, this one was going on and on about "sincerity", "...BUT THEY MADE A PROMISE!" etc. etc. about bloody carbolic smoke ball co. 's idiotic advertisement.
talk so long, in the end just to say one thing-
talk so long for what.
waste my time only, these people.
but there is also this guy who took law for A-levels and he makes a lot of very nice, succinct points.
i like.
and plus, he comes from somewhere up north and it's such a joy listening to his accent as he speaks.
makes me happy :D
haha, shit man Yvonne is having fun in Manchester.
that was my first choice leh, you knowwww.
now i wanna go down to see what's it all like.
yay! let's go to Manchester, people!
and Warwick!
and Leicester!
and Scotland!
oh, so hyper.
ha ha ha, yes i must go soon to have a bath and then sleep so that i will wake up for my lecture tomorrow.
Regina is going to call me at 8 to make sure i am up.
ha ha, shit man stupid Ant la, now all the King's people think i'm some screwed up party slacker.
i am like, how good and studious.
at least i will be now that i have cleaned up my act and am going to start studying compulsively everyday.
hee hee
yes, i am a happy girl (okay, half girl. not feminine enough, i know)
With nothing but a t-shirt on,I never felt so beautiful,Baby, as I do now.Now that i am with you.(:
Sunday, October 08, 2006
for a person who has no moral fibre to speak of, i am amazingly, horribly affected by Anna Politkovskaya's death.
it's quite contradictory since fundamentally, i have no problems with fascist regimes and should i be in a governmental position, will make sure that absolutely nobody gets away with criticising me.
but see, the thing is, people know that the crazy Russians are capable of anything, brutal barbarians that they are.
and yet, this woman still went right ahead with all her reports and stuff.
is that fucking too full of fearless defiance or what?
definitely admirable.
if i don't become the Ruler of the Universe, i think i want to be like her.
a journalist unrestricted by anything, exposing all these bastards in power without giving a damn.
wow, just thinking about it gives me such a feel-good, righteous... anger.
if i develop more moral anger, i could definitely do this.
am afterall already defiant enough.
and also constantly criticising people without restriction or fear of further, future ramifications.
(but bad example, because obviously the woman was being a voice for the victims who were unable to speak out whilst i'm just being bitchy)
you know how being Singaporean makes you naturally blase towards social ills because PAP lulls everyone into this false sense of security about the world, thinking that everywhere else is just like Singapore.
can get food everywhere, anytime; can go out in just a hankerchief and mostly will just get an old woman sniffing disgustedly at you; walk alone at night without caring about getting mugged because it just
won't happen- everybody else is more concerned with what's on TV at home, innit? etc. etc.
okay, i need to change that.
and when i get sick of being a lawyer (which, i am sure will be fast and soon), i can do all that.
fearless (at least externally) reporting, exposing all the bad things in this world.
and then when i get really scared about being murdered, i'll just run away to a fishing village in Waterford, Ireland and open a book shop.
ha ha ha :D
but actually, if i don't manage to run away to fulfil my life's biggest dream (the bookshop), it'll be okay too.
because ever since i was 10, i'd wanted to die from a gun shot to the head.
i mean, if i can't live the way i wanted to, then i guess dying the way i'd wanted to is okay too.
ha ha.
so it's all coooooooool.
though, i still really want to have that bookshop...
ha ha ha!
of course, that is all only if i don't become Ruler of the Universe.
(of which, the unattainment is a remote possibility, ha ha)
okay but first, i will still have to get through law school.
which means i better bloody start studying.
and losing weight, because whatever plan i have, masterplan: the crucial point still has to fit in somewhere.
okay hee hee, i have to start doing mundane things like waking Jos up so she can help me with washing my lousy clothes.
and cleaning up my room so that the feng shui is better.
A rude boy that's good to me, with street credibility.ha ha, damn right.
i really adore Destiny's Child, you know.
they have all these cool songs with all the cool lyrics and all that
womyn power!, you know?
and so true too.
hee hee.
right, i need to find some exercise to do regularly because i need 10kgs off before december.
and i have to keep it off for masterplan: step 2
oh, such commitment i have.
i need to clean up my life now.
start with my work.
actually getting a bit anxious about school now that i realise the people are not as slack as i thought them.
god, you should see the crazy angmohs in tutorial.
answering questions as if their lives depended on it.
when i didn't do any of my reading and have so far managed to bluff through each tutorial blissfully and successfully.
thank you mr norman.
haha alright i am off.
and when i wake up tomorrow, i am going to be a new person who studies and never goes out.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
okay, i am greatly distressed by my fat legs.
they are triangular!
i look like an egg on a cup.
also, am in dire need of clean clothes.
i really need a maid.
am currently very tiredly slumped over my chair.
i think it took an hour walking from Covent Gardens to Great Dover St Apts.
okay wait hollaback girl is being very distracting to my thoughts, i am going to sit out this song in silence and restart when it ends.
last night was mid-autumn!
i haven't yet decided if this year's or last year's mid-autumn festivities were crazier.
last year we spent the whole night out, freezing in the cold.
and this year, we spent it in a more conventionally crazy way.
okay, last year's wins.
yesterday started off so tamely.
i was home and talking to Clare on MSN.
and i accidentally discovered that my webcam can take pictures of me.
see, i found the webcam function and was happily preening at it to see which angle makes me look thinner.
then my hand slipped and i clicked something.
and my picture was taken.
was so surprised, i almost fell off my chair.
then met J at LSE.
had a meal to balance my sugar levels.
then off to Leicester to check out if there was going to be any special thing going on.
there wasn't any special thing going on.
but we met a lot of CTC-ians, which was pretty cool.
Teoh had damn nice earrings on.
oh, and there was this fat, black thing from Dubai who was pissing J and i off with her attitude problem.
like hello, not pretty, got such a haphazard fashion sense still come and act what cool.
okay, she was wearing a gingham-ish shirt, knee-length denim skirt and the really special part: long striped socks in rainbow colours and Timberland boots.
hello? HELLO?
what's with the goddamn footwear?!
but anyway don't think can blame her since she's so humongous that there must surely be a limited range of clothes she can wear.
moving on, we set out on an expedition to locate a few missing-in-action rogues.
everybody else defected after awhile due to curfews and attitude problems (ahem, black shit and russian guy-hopper)
but j and i, with our never-say-die attitudes, decided to persevere in our mission to locate Thai Square.
... okay lah, it was because i had to see that singaporean girl so that i can take in more details of her face and make more comments about how she just isn't up to mark.
who, speaking of which, really is quite nondescript.
okay, actually wrong adjective.
she is admittedly quite eye-catching.
but only because of the bad china perm (or else known very happily by Kenta as slut-hair), which, j and i very amusedly noted was also a look sported by an entire clique of about six chinese girls.
i really didn't know that the cotton-candy look (as in, you know, poofy hair on stick body) was the newest trend.
amazing what you learn in these places, innit.
ha ha.
ah, and she has a fat face!
J was telling me how there were pouches of fat on her face everywhere.
as in Dolce&Gabbana.
what were her parents thinking?!
could they have made it any more obvious how noveau riche they are?
naming your kid after a brand... GAWD.
ya, i am rolling my little eyes now.
ohboy, and creepy chinaman alert.
but J and i were very sneaky clever people as well and were safe and sound throughout.
can i say, WOMYN POWER!
that's about it for our night.
starting from next week, i am going on full swing for the studying.
i can actually feel myself becoming more and more like my secondary school self and that is not good, i tell you.
Not Good.
come back, nerdiness in the dark recesses of me!
oh, and talked to this china guy called River.
really, his name is River.
i was quite amazed, and couldn't believe it until he made curly hand gestures to suggest moving water just to confirm with my persistent questioning.
(as in, "River? REALLY?... River... Really? As in... River? Really?.......... Oh, okay! RIVER! :D")
that was so out of point, right.
anyway, King's is so full of beautiful people!
i am in love with the student population, i tell you.
and i must tell you about the hot bulgarian guy.
and the best thing is that he is in two of my four tutorials.
oh, v. good.
i am pleased.
he is like, daomingsi with an eastern european twist.
so brilliant, man.
i got so high in contract tutorial sitting behind him gazing at those amazing broad shoulders ha ha ha.
korean girl and bulgarian guy.
oh, i am pleased.
so tired now, i shall go off to rest and then come back on later to surf youtube.com for requested clips.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Each beast, each insect, happy in its own:
Is Heav'n unkind to man, and man alone?
Shall he alone, whom rational we call,
Be pleased with nothing, if not blessed with all?
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man.
pretty cool, huh.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

ha ha, i stole this off j :)
we took it at LSE during Bang... like, the photobooth is in the middle of the party place so we hopped in for some stupidity in the middle of the party.
so cute right, the crazy LSE bitches!
ha ha ha.
hee hee, Lauren and Kitty!
okay, insider joke.
anyway, i'm loving King's more and more because of the beautiful people.
each day, it just gets better and better.
also, today in the middle of European Law lecture, it struck me.
and i suddenly thought, how did i get so lucky?
finally doing something i like and not have to deal with numbers ever again.
wo hen happy!
i handed in my AKC form with a humongous 'I AM HAPPY!' scrawled at the top.
that shocked Marcus, i think.
he is like, such a straight-laced kinda guy.
AKC is, by the way, just some King's College propaganda where you learn all the reasons why KCL is better than UCL.
ha ha ha!
these crazy uni rivalries... i like, i like, i like!
so i decided that since it's just a one-hour lecture each week and a two-hour exam at the end of the year, no harm taking it for the heck of it.
and besides, i always do remarkably well in the miscellaneous, out-of-point subjects, so i don't see why this will be an exception :D
did i mention also that i love Mr Norman and i still miss his lessons a lot.
nothing replaces Govt&Politics, i tell you. Nothing.
okay, this is going to sound damn pussy, but everyday, something i do in school reminds me of either law or govt and i get damn emo thinking about mr norman and class and all.
then emo until i start formulating emails and letters to him.
crazy right.
one night, i couldnt sleep because my brain started autonomously writing an email to him, so all i saw were words running across my mind and there were so many words that i got too caught up and couldn't sleep till much much later.
shucks, right.
but anyway, i still think that when i am of saner mind, will definitely email mr norman to... i guess, thank him.
cranberry juice is good for me.
i drank it before i went to school and had a happy morning from my sugar high.
the King's people were very surprised because this is the first time they've seen me in happy mode.
normally, i am just quiet and staid.
or, to be completely honest, just plain stoned.
like, staring blankly ahead and remaining emotionless even when everybody at the table is laughing at some stupid joke.
yes, i know i am socially retarded.
so, sue me.
ha ha ha, i think i must surely disconcert people quite a lot with my anti-social behaviour.
and OMG note to self: get umbrella ASAP.
i walked in the cold rain yesterday with no bleeding jacket because i forgot to wear one on my way out.
and i don't own an umbrella.
which, considering the country i am in, is quite stupid.
am exhausted now, but marvellously cheery despite aching feet and rheumatic toe.
also still have a lot of reading to do, but i am still in holiday mode and not in the mood to start working.
no matter... since i am so clever.
:D :D :D
no lah, not clever.
good A-level teacher, see?
oh, gross.
something smells of fake bake.
... i think it's me ):
don't know what possessed me to buy the body lotion with 'a hint of self-tanning agents'.
so now my skin is damn disgusting because i refuse to smell like a biscuit anymore.
but like, i still smell vaguely like confectionery.
woe is me, indeed.
and i really don't want to use any of my hardcore steroid creams because i don't want to turn into a man.
(refer: you know how the germans feed their girls steroid and all german women are ape-like and bigger than men... i mean claudia schiffer probably gave the steroids to her dog or something, but exception you know)
anyway, i also don't want additional hair anywhere else but on my head.
my hostess was telling me last time how her friend like... started growing chest hair or something.
like, omg, one thing worst than having an oversized chest is if it's a
hairy oversized chest.
why am i so tired ah, is this normal?
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
today, i almost died!
ha ha ha, almost got knocked down by a fucking black cab when i was walking to school this morning.
and the worst thing was that the bitch wouldn't stop driving and instead kept on horning away to scare me.
like hell i will get intimidated.
so he horned and came straight towards me while i continued jogging on to cross the road.
he's damned lucky he didn't touch me.
so anyway, this is why roads make me nervous.
it's because i am no ordinary jay-walker.
i always run across the road because every car that passes by has me seeing my life flash before my eyes.
but when i walk straight into a car's path, even when i know that my life is at stake, i feel nothing.
and therefore no need to get out of its way.
sometimes, i really understand why my mom's always telling me that i "never have any urgency in life".
i hate jay-walking.
it puts my life on the line and one day i might actually lose it because of my amazing nonchalance.
anyway, i was also very dreamily cheery this morning.
had my one hour lecture where i did manage to dredge up a little bit of anxiety regarding the messiness of the content touched upon and vowed to read up on the EU as soon as i get home (which is now, though evidently am not reading but wasting time on computer)
will get down to it, yes.
have just stuffed self silly with cereal bars.
very bad, since i have only just this summer realised that carbohydrates become sugar and i really don't want to get diabetes.
and fatter.
i think am going to like, count my calorie intake.
always thought that females who can count their daily calorie intakes are amazing.
so now i can be amazing too :D
except not really because i cannot count, am completely numerically challenged and will somehow strive to keep my daily calorie intake at 102 calories (which is what a Frosties Cereal & Milk Bar contains)
i wonder how many calories there are in a strawberry.
i bought a box of strawberries because they were going at half-price at Sainsbury's.
okay, not really.
that was just a bonus since price never really occurs to me.
i bought the strawberries because they were so red and pretty looking sitting on the ledge with their green little leaves contrasting so nicely with the reds that i couldn't resist.
so now i need to find out how many strawberries i can eat per day to keep my calorie intake at say... 400 calories a day.
mm, yes.
do i need to wash them, or do they come washed?
...okay, nevermind i am going to wash them anyway.
everytime i get ready to munch strawberries, i get reminded of Adeline Yen Mah's Falling Leaves where her bitch half-brother ate strawberries without washing them, ended up ingesting human manure and then died from some brain infection.
why you like that, whyyyyy hair?
ehwahlao what kind of chinese song is this playing on my itunes now huh.
oh man 5566.
oh, i know must be that j la.
okay wait, change song first.
5566, i cannot take it.
i need more songs.
note to self: beg j to faster load Ethan with new songs that i can listen to and beg sister to send the other relevant 183 club songs which were coming over to me when i stupidly signed out of MSN in a sanctimonious (and clearly, foolish) fit about studying without distractions.
oh ya yesterday i went to the library and studied lehhhh.
and i went to Hammicks and bought a lot of my textbooks (which cost me a lot a lot- exact sum as of yet still unknown as do not want to find out so soon)
and came back home straight after school.
yeah, i know i am such a good kid.
OH, and that fucking shaun pissed me off again.
waaaaaaa cannot take it.
i am not even talking to him anymore and he still come up to spout nonsense.
see, adam was joking about like walking really close behind girls in NUS when they are walking up the stairs because everybody goes to school in spag straps and miniskirts.
and then that fucktard shaun looked at me at said,"that's what you do too right."
like, i am not fucking lesbian.
get a clue and stop with the harping because it's getting old, fast.
and stop using and insinuating same sex preference in that derogatory way, you narrow-minded fruitcake.
and the thing is, even if i am lesbian, what makes you think i will even have to resort to such pathetic methods to what... check out another female's underwear?
and you know what's the saddest thing?
even though i am radiantly asexual, i'd probably still get more pussy than you ever will,
this trying to be a nicer person to people thing is not working out.
i cannot find it in myself to deny my innate need to not hide any hostility.
and you find that a lot of people don't deserve it anyway.
(and hello, i know for a fact that i am not a nice person and do not deserve pleasantries either, so like, stop being like the rest of the world and start showing me some hostility
to my face.)
okay, i am not really in the angry mood so i cannot keep on with the angst thing, nope!
man, there are some really pussy songs playing on my itunes.
what is this teenybopper shit playing now?
i will kiss you like an angel, baby.... OMG ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
randomly, my phone is screwed so badly and i don't understand it anymore because it put a message from phoon as being from clare.
so actually it was phoon who called me a smelly asian... yarr, okay thanks phoon i love you too.
ha ha.
i am off to read some european law.
ciao, all!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
this week, i heard of a person.
not known personally to me, certainly not a friend.
but it made me think.
how stereotypes can be so misleading.
so anyway, know how there are always these males who pride themselves on the fact that they come from money and status?
and indeed, outwardly, they do a pretty good job of acting the upper-class gentleman.
but only the naive is fooled.
for the discerning eye will see the insecure coward beneath that gives rise to all the snobbish antics;
see how they try to judge and undermine others with what they preceive as a higher social standing.
and what, with their parents' achievements (and i stress, their parents'. not their own, mind.)
and really, what is all the good breeding in the world when you are not even well-bred enough to know that a gentleman keeps his hands to himself even when inebriated.
taking advantage of a girl when she isn't in the most sober of states, that is the lowest anybody could go.
i know of "poor", "uneducated", "uncouth" people who would be enraged to hear of such a thing happening.
and no, the fact that you might've been under the influence of alcohol is no excuse at all.
and you know what i feel when i hear of people like that?
just one word: Contempt.
wahlao, my toe hurts lah. fuck.
you know, even though i definitely agree with conservative ideology over labour stuff,
i am still quite a hardcore brownite.
if labour has to win another term, i want gordon brown as the PM.
he's waited long enough, for sure.
i should sleep but i want to make sure that i have all the water i can have before i get off for the night.
okay, will go off at 2:30AM
did i mention how much i miss Mr Norman?
God, i don't think i have ever felt so much attachment to a teacher.
but then again, this is the man who made me actually develop a huge love for politics.
as a rule, i do not get emotional over political issues.
and as a singaporean, i have also always taken it for granted that singapore is cool and fine under PAP and that there is never a reason for real democracy and opposition parties.
BUT, damn me, am i bloody passionate about bloody british politics.
i actually care enough to scour through guardian.co.uk everyday to check out the latest happenings in the Brown VS Blair thing now.
and i keep thinking how it'd be like to be in govt class when Mr. Norman will start off talking about it and giving comments (which i will lap up)
i swear i worship the man.
and one of these days, i am going to write an email to him to tell him exactly that.
and to thank him for inciting such interest in politics for me.
because i have never actually liked a subject or going to class that much.
you know, if i missed govt class, i actually got pangs of sadness from it because i just loved going for class so much.
yes, okay i know i sound crazy but really, govt class was the best thing i had going for me in CTC and i love it.
if there is anything i actually love in my life, it is govt class and everything i have learnt in Mr. Norman's class.
i don't even know why i'm writing all these, but omg you have no idea how bad it is in lectures when the lecturer is saying something and it's something i've learnt in either law or govt and i start getting all these huge, crippling pangs of nostalgia.
thinking how much better Mr Norman is and like, how much i miss going to the law room and having lessons with Mr Norman everyday and having such quality teaching, actually having feelings for the subject.
i'm really sad.
i miss Mr Norman and govt class and law class (but more govt class because i adore the subject)
i don't even care about CTC, but ........................ grarr.
okay no more i am being very embarrassing.
and hello, i am damn good.
but such a show-off, so that is bad.
haha, and i cleared up my room today!
yay, now my clothes are not in a sad mess and i can actually see the floor.