Friday, December 15, 2006
hi, i'm home :)
and i have no number, so i'm gonna be needing to hear from you guys first.
pretty please!
clare, charlotte, bri, do me a favour and definitely get in contact.
ha ha.
i have the most stoic family.
or rather, absent family.
quite devoid of emotion, i daresay.
did you know... i arrived at 5pm, and it was only at 8pm that i saw the first sign of kin.
and that was but one of them.
the brother, who to give him credit, was appropriately pleased, hopping about self with the likes of an enthusiastic puppy- looking as if he might almost embrace me though thankfully, he knows full well that nobody lays a finger a finger on me, no matter how good-willed.
(i don't think he enjoyed being an only child, i wonder why)
ah and besides, he was drippin' and stinkin' to high heavens from his all day training.
truly, i do not understand the pleasure in running about after a ball the entire day under the sun.
my mother only deigned to set foot home nearing 11pm.
some time in between, my father called to wonder autocratically where my mother was, and so my presence was revealed.
in a gruff manner.
allow me to illustrate our phone conversation-
self: HI, GUESS WHO.
father: WHO.
self: guess.
father: WHO ARE YOU.
to which i gave my name, and then-
self: hee hee hee hee!
father: eh, do you know where your mother is?
tell me my family is priceless.
anyway, a day and half has past and i've yet to see the man.
but no matter.
am sure to see him tomorrow.
sister still at Tokyo, so no prizes for guessing how much of a welcome i got from her.
i'm guessing that any other person (i was going to say a lesser person, but that struck me as inappropriate) would've crumbled under the quite decided lack of attention or affection.
but ah me, i revel in it.
this is what things should be like.
am loving it at home, btw.
my wardrobe is awash with fascinating bits of cloth which my sister has purchased in my three month absence and i spent a lovely time in the lapse of time between my arrival and any form of familial knowledge of my arrival looking through the clothes and thinking of how much i want to be skinny.
very fun.
also, i slept!
from 1am to 5am.
and then 7am to 11am.
and then 5pm to 7pm.
very good stuff, though not unexpected, for someone who hasn't had proper sleep in three days.
oh, am right pleased with everything now.
me heart is deeply gladdened that am for the next weeks temporarily relieved of incarceration in some cramped accomodations surrounded with the nervous energy or vibrant and raucous youth.
as you might have ascertained by now, my family home is quite relieved of the burdens of much noise or activity of the most detestable sorts.
now, that's what i call civilisation.
being in my room reminds me of the happiest of memories which i had when i left in this summer :)
has definitely restored my good humour which has been sorely missing this past week.
ah, and my mother has wasted no time in making a trip to the pharmacist to get me something to help me sleep once i return to the cramped brickhole that is GDSA.
a milder form of an anti-depressant, said the nice lady.
and better than antihistamines, i am told.
lovely :D
also picked up one of those random trashy romance novels i have lying around in the house and have in the intervals between sleep and conversation finished it.
have missed reading, even if it's a scrap from an inconsequential genre.
very very very much into romeo and juliet now.
there's just something about the uttered lines that really get to me at the moment.
and chicago, ha ha ha.
singularly obsessed with that bit when the woman went,"and then he ran into my kitchen knife... he ran into it 10 times." or something to that effect.
murder, how sexy.
yes, i know i sound depraved.
that's what comfort does to me.
only wish my sister had saw fit to remove the untreated wooden table from the room in the wake of the O levels.
it's taking up quite a lot of space and i prefer my immediate surroundings to be an open space with no obstruction whatsoever.
did not realize the extent of my mind-numbing from this past term until i read that novel i picked up yesterday and actually felt that my mind was coming to life again.
or rather, that i have not completely deteriorated to disastrous levels of idiocy.
maybe it is pathetic,
but i'm nevertheless still glad that the words 'avuncular', 'ersatz' and 'asperity' still have proper dictionary definitions available in the dark recesses of my mind when needed.
just a random illustration, is all.
damned glad i'm home and quite looking forward to the following days :)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
omg, i just found out that i have a myspace account!
shucks man, is that weird or what...
i totally didn't know.
which shows, because i only have one friend.
ha ha ha.
well, now two, because some guy added me and i was notified via email.
this is a very funny happening.
had meal at '97 again.
we're going there so much it's like a second home.
but it's goodgood because we're getting more and more free stuff.
first, it was the doughsticks.
and today, we got free bubble tea.
this continues and sooner or later, we're gonna be able to pull an entire free meal.
anyway, !!! I'M VERY HYPER NOW.
hee hee, people!!!
:) :) :)
oh ya, my mother is very funny.
being very random, i think i am going to die from the not sleeping but like... cannot cos havent done what i have to do, grarr
OMG, just saw oldoldold spoof blog entries at sid's friendster profile :D
the gay ones about amputated balls and tommy that josephine started and sid willingly continued.
ha ha ha, maybe i'm high from not sleeping but hell, i giggled so much i almost peed my pants.
unglam :)
but wahlao damn happy over it now.
seriously damn shitass funny.
i don't know why i'm so pleased with it.
wasn't even that amused last time.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
haha omg, i feel so stricken!!
this is a funny moment, i must remember to tell clare haha.
heard shopkeepers bitching about customers in hokkien today.
does that sound like i'm in singapore or what!
but no, sadly i'm not home.
(and really, nobody in singapore would be stupid enough to bitch about anyone in hokkien)
this actually happened in london.
wtf right!
i almost told them to watch what they say cos' people (ie. me) might actually understand.
they were bitching about this chinese couple.
chinese as in, actually from china.
and the scary leathery looking woman was calling the chinese woman crazy, looking at all the stuff and not buying anything.
and then the guy shopkeeper who i thought was malay tried to hush her.
and leather woman went very huffy and said they won't understand hokkien for sure.
wonder if she also thought i was from mainland china.
or if i looked too young to actually understand a chinese dialect.
i would think the former, bitchhh.
but anyway, i didn't want to be antagonistic or bitchy because it really takes a lot of effort.
and i usually am very stoic when alone since there is no need to express any emotion to anyone.
so what for spoil a good thing just to tell off an ugly middle aged woman.
moral of this story is that hokkien is a very useful secret talent.
we were at oxford yesterday.
impromptu road tripppppp!
very cold.
anyway, i love doing these things.
even though usually, i either get very tired or very cold or just very... nyeh.
but still!
anthony wasn't as happy.
but he is such a groucher, so we shan't care.
dammit, still haven't gone to calvin klein.
shopping is such a drag sometimes.
especially when you don't have a car.
anyway, shala :)
in a right good mood now and also... stricken!!!
i feel so- woman with a mission.
Monday, December 11, 2006
just randomly,
i really despise those people who have extensive wishlists on their blogs wherein they name items such as 'black dress from zara', 'denim mini from guess' and other bits of clothing in that fashion one after the other.
i'm not trying to be mean and snobby, but seriously, if you want the goddamn dress-
FUCKING BUY IT ALREADY.i mean, is there really a point in listing what clothing you want instead of getting off your lazy ass to actually buy it when all it will do is remain a pointless wish on a pointless list in a pointless blog until the dress sells out or it goes out of fashion, whichever comes first.
or they are waiting for some admirer to acquire it for them, which would really top the list for being pathetic.
really... the girls these days.
and you know what?
if you cannot even afford a dress from zara, then it's time you learnt how to sew and make your own fucking clothes from leftover curtains or whatever.
and omg, it's Stratford-upon-Avon not stradford-upon-avon, you fucking retard.
(okay, and now it's quite obvious that i'm not bitching in general but doing so quite specifically. dang, there goes the effort made towards some discretion. BUT, oh well you know waves dismissively and all... since i've exposed myself, i might as well go all the way and tell you i derived inspiration from chuceline.blogspot after a morning of aimless blog linking)
Sunday, December 10, 2006
alas, the dead is arisen!
observe who has come online :D
and still true to form-
Black Dahlia says:
how's the exams been?
touch me i'm famous says:
it was sodomyand then there are the little things which pop up now and then to remind me why i will always remain faithful to the old crew even if we hardly ever meet or even keep in contact.
touch me i'm famous says:
did clare tell you your collarbones resemble baby penises?
Black Dahlia says:
Black Dahlia says:
Black Dahlia says:
omg, please elaborate
touch me i'm famous says:
she said
touch me i'm famous says:
"lee's collarbones are like (long pause while she tries to find something analogous) baby penises"
touch me i'm famous says:
touch me i'm famous says:
upon further questioning, she added, "erected":D
i love my fucking insane friends.
only they can make insanity seem so sane.
am lovin' that will be seeing them all in a matter of days.
because we cool,
and we always gon' be cool!
I'd almost forgotten how much I love talking to Sanny.
Today, I was reminded :)
Talked so much I couldn't even be fucked to go for Oliver's pre birthday bash which, to give me credit, I was fully intending to attend.
Love Sanny.
Met Yiyang as well and had a dang happy time look-seeing at Camden.
Very cool place, Camden.
Oh, I love this feeling of knowing that I don't know what plans I'm gonna have for the next few days.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
dinner at Athenaeum tonight :)
it was supposed to be a shared dinner thing.
but i think in the end, i also forgot that it was for me too and was thoroughly convinced it was a j thing till... sometime in the middle.
hee hee.
but anyway, i got a damn nice glass and a cabbage.
okay, uhhhh... IT IS NOT LAME OKAY!
funky wine glass sort and decorative cabbage (which i used to go hyper over in shanghai last time whenever i saw them)
so, very good choice of present.
i like.
ms. j got swarovski jewellery.
how 'bout that eh :)
and just randomly, jessika wore a damn damn damn damn damn nice dress.
very pretty place, pity didn't take many photos of the interior because damn, it was seriously chio.
the toilet was crazy nice.
we went in and didn't come out for a very long time.
my jaw is scaring me with the way it's grown.
jessika had a theory...
anyway, i really want to be skinny.
and please jaw, don't grow further.
i already look like a pitcher plant ):
in other news, SEV IS BACK!
we were so excited, man :D
he's gotten darker (well, darker) and damn thin.
army's done things to our favourite pretty boy ha ha.
and i swear it's fate because it's friday and you know what that means... Sevverl Day!
ha ha ha.
friday was always sevverl day for jos and i because of brilliant timetabling on our ctc fridays.
tired now, maybe photos if they are uploaded.
want to upload photo of jessika in her dress because that was seriously a damn nice dress.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
hurr, very traumatized by my jaw.
anyway, Mcspicy cut his hair and my interest in him is piqued again.
he is bloody fit, omg :D
shall be succinct as have decided to do crim law essay and be present tomorrow at my seminar so that i can oogle more fit bulgarian meat before school breaks for christmas.
... okay, i get that that didn't sound very nice.
anyway, i hate insinuations.
please be blunt because i am strangely literal and unable to understand the subtle and finer nuances of the english language.
so well... blingblangblong :/
that was code.
god, i hate my room.
it's in a state that even i cannot bear it.
want to blog more so as to push entry with pictures down.
too goddamn big, and my face scares me everytime i see it.
plus now it annoys me too.
weird, saw loads of king's people at bankside.
i hear male voices.
hello, christmas break greatly needed.
i am really just... tired.
all i want to do now is go home and sleep on my bed with my actual pillows and my safety blanket- lie there all day squinting at the sky and hiding from the world.
hard to believe that once upon a time, that was all i did.
and now i can't even afford that simple pleasure when i really need it.
i've stopped wishing that time could turn back.
wonder if resignation is better than wanting the impossible.
anyway, am not in any sort of mood.
just thought about it.
bloody hell essay.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Christmas Ball at Penthouse :)

I like this picture very much.
and by the way, wasn't my hair nice? :D

Anyway, I also got very emo and homesick last night. My spacing is also screwed up due to the pictures- what's new eh. Hence, I am attempting to type with the proper capitals so that writing in paragraphs won't look so weird.
Also realised the extent of how fat I am last night. As in, you know, I knew I was fat- but last night, I really
knew I was fat... If you get what I mean. Ah, Lee, you fat lump ):
There are many other photos from last night, but I am very confused with the way they've been uploaded and I'm convinced the set isn't comprehensive. Therefore, I shall wait till J gets her hands on them before I have them properly saved because I only trust J's superb organizational skills.
Lots of random... randomness last night. Felt strangely morose after. Yeah, well.
I want to go home.
And, I want the mister right here next to me nownownow! Wails, I am really very sad now. Time, turn back! And let me go back home.
Ooh, decided not to go back home since it was already nearing 5 after supper at '97. Well, actually I did want to go home. I wanted to take a cab home and just, you know... go bloody home. But there were males around with the normal chivalry- the whole nonsense with 'we must see them safe before we walk home' which just greatly unnerved me. Hello! I am from Singapore! The males in Singapore are pussies who do not open doors for the females! I've never been subjected to such treatment, and I'll happily do without, thank you very much. So, not wanting to add to my already very low emotional low, I decided to spare everybody the pain and just walk to J's house. (Okay, I know that doesn't sound very right logically- but it does make sense)
But anyway, main point of that is that I made the 9:00AM lecture! Gold stars and chocolate bars for meeeeeee...! Looked like hell because I didn't go home and was all... fucked up. But hey! I was there in my European Law Lecture this morning. And by the way, Andrea Biondi is so cute and boy am I going to miss seeing his funny italian antics early in the morning next term when he isn't our lecturer anymore.
Very irritated and sad with life now. I am... Grarrrrr!
Oh, and met (well, half met) this french guy at Penthouse last night. Whoa, quite impressed. I must tell you about it, man! but see, the thing is, I don't know who the you is. So nevermind.
By the way you commoners, I got my dress from Paris!
(Mwa ha ha, doesn't that sound very impressive now? I am so... living the high debuntante life- haute couture and all! Okay, no. Not really- it is from Paris, but it's nothing much to brag about and my life really stinks in this subtle but not any less bad way so, what the hell)
Why do I sound so empty and superficial, even to myself? Will someone from the past say something to snap me out of this... whatever this is. Bri, if you see this, will you tell me that I am really just wrong now? Because I can think of no one else who does it as effectively as you.
Yes, I am going through some crisis.
But oh well, <3>3>
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

see here.
THIS, is my brother's current hairstyle.
and my father has not whipped his ass yet whilst my mother just... giggled.
hello, we are supposed to be the world's biggest frigid bitches.
what is happening to my family?!
man, nobody better say anything when i get my red mohawk.
ohbloodyit, shit somebody just smsed and wished me and i don't have the number saved under anybody's name and i had to ask for it..... this is embarrassing.
i hope that person doesn't hate me.
anyway my sister might also shave bald and i really don't feel special anymore.
shitamama got eu law essay and fucking dont know how and where to start.
and that person isn't replying!!
omg i am so traumatised, i think i'm calling up to apologize and form new bonds.
okay, YEEHAW anonymous, here i come!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Paris was the bloody most exhausting thing i've done in a long time.
got home at 9:30AM and crashed till 9:30PM
for a chronic insomniac, i'll say that's a lot of sleep.
anyway, trying to attempt Paris in essentially a day and a half is really not the best idea in the world.
for one, the Parisians absolutely refuse to lower themselves to speak english (yes, it's true! omg) even though you know and they know they understand and speak it.
very... @#$%^&*!
but quite cool also, right.
ha ha ha, even though they have as a nation completely unnerved me, i am now convinced of their superiority to the British.
am pleased because the mystery of how you pronounce
Champs-Elysees- Clemeceau has been solved.
also, all the confusion over the Lourve.
very pleased with self :D
J has a definite preference for european men.
especially the long wavy hair-ed sorts in leather jackets with a vaguely slimy feel.
we saw this adolescent male outside the Palais de la Decouverte which sent her into fits of delight.
he is very very hawwwt, i tell you.
i saw his little brother and was thinking,"waa, little boy very cute."
then i saw the bigger version and went into a blubbering mess going,"J! j j j j j j j j j (gestures as discreetly as possible at beautiful young male in leather coat)"
j turned, saw, and was conquered.
anyway, i think the best choice we made for shopping was at Chatelet Les Halles even though the moments when we first tried to get out of the station were very frustrating.
j had to break some commandment to buy a pain au chocolat just so we could ask for directions from the fat pastry girl (who was still brusque and scary and staunchly french speaking)
by the way, the french is an extremely attractive race.
and they have very beautiful offspring.
i've lost count of the advertisement-worthy children i saw all over the streets.
there was this one shop, somewhere- i think it was near the Arc de Triomphe place where the salesgirls were all clad in black, lithe and abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous.
and this one with the straightest back i've seen rushed over from across the floor when she saw J leaving with a blouse a size too big, pointed out the tiny label with the minuscule sizing (yeah, i know,
how the hell did she know right?!- this is professionalism, i tell you) and immediately dove for the middle of the stack and handed j the right size.
the french impress me.
ooh, and there was this chinese girl there too- whoa i was like, !! so attracted man.
and she was chittering away in french, which made me very sad because everybody in france speaks french and i don't.
later on, we walked passed two chinese boys and was just thinking that finally there are people here who don't speak french when i suddenly realised that they were actually conversing quite fluently and nonchalantly in french.
i was so irritated at that.
does nobody care about english anymore?!
oh, and other than going to the obvious touristy places and shopping malls, j and i also courageously did some exploring and found ourselves in this cool little street with very nice boutiques.
there was one which was selling Marc Jacobs and Chloe stuff and j also bought out the store, ha ha ha.
okay no la, there were just a lot of cool stuff we were deliberating over.
i'm tired again.
is that possible? oh god.
wish i was studying in Paris instead of London.
i like the place infinitely more, even though i might get a nervous breakdown from not understanding the language.
and they have restaurants open till 2 or 3!
with damn good food too, the chicken i ate was possibly the best chicken i've had. ever.
must go back.
oh man, so frustrated.
so much more shopping we could've done.
and places to go.
oh randomly, i like Americans.
everytime i heard an american accent (and therefore, english) i wanted to cry in happiness.
we also saw this damn cute american boy in the metro.
at least i thought he was damn cute- j still prefers the whole european look, not the wholesome american boy in nice hoodie look.
am definitely going to be in paris longer next time.
and wanting to wrangle a guided tour because planning saps my energy.
i needed more time in paris.
so many places i haven't been to yet!
okay i have two essays to rush, one christmas ball to decide if i'm really going (and if so, to get the goddamn stuff necessary by tomorrow) and not in the mood to blog anymore.
really want to go back to paris now, better prepared and with better footwear.
(battle roar!)
Friday, December 01, 2006
oh, i feel so fucked.
maximiser wu bloody hell called at 830 and woke me up, the bitch.
tired and ravenous.
and i have run out of junk food in my room.
but it looks so miserable outside that i quite simply refuse to walk to the mamashop to buy something.
somebody needs to make me a sandwich.