Wednesday, January 31, 2007
i made very pretty notes today for public law :)
am pleased with self.
met j, jos, ant, jessika and their leftovers at some dimsum place in chinatown.
then camdennnnnn!
yay, and here are the pictures!
(like, omg right, i am so shallowwww. ha ha ha!)
very many random and unglam photographs-
first up, at the chinatown restaurant

and then, at.....

and that's it for the day (:
observe extract of MSN conversation:-
yes i want justin's dick in a box says:OMG LEE YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS!!yes i want justin's dick in a box says:HE IS ONLINE ON MSN
PERFECT STUDENT says:shit shitPERFECT STUDENT says:has to change my nick
PERFECT STUDENT just sent you a Nudge!
... yeah, i know. a bit not obvious only. hurrrrrr :D

i need to buy myself some kiwis.
am i the only one finding pictures very tiresome?
anywayy, i feel like writing random things now because it is unbright and early and i am un-asleep again, oh hooray.
this being perpetually happy thing is starting to drain on me.
i am not a happy person.
i'm thinking the sooner i accept that, the better.
anyway, what the fuck man.
i am going to rant.
in a long block so nobody understands, suck it!!
(insert obscene hand gesture)
shoutouts: LOOK WHAT LOOK, BITCH/why like that????/eeyerr/STAND BACK! ONE ARM'S LENGTH!/yeah, whateverr.
to various different people who made me sad.
very sad right.
i can't even fucking blog properly for fear of the world.
why like thattttttttttttt.
stab me.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
also thought i should mention.
nick is 27 today.
amazing how things work... because i was actually thinking of how nick is going to be 27 this year (and it's been a long time since he's occupied my thoughts, really) and marveling at how old that seems compared to the 21 he was when we were dying over him in sec1 just this morning for no reason at all without even realising it's actually his birthday.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
This is the hole I live in.

From the door.

The black glitter rose I put on my door which has no purpose whatsoever except that it made my heart go pitty-pat when I first laid eyes on it whilst window-shopping in Selfridges.

My desk, the chioest-bu around :)

My very cool solution (or decoration) to the scratchy excuse of a chair they gave me.

Bedside. View my brightly coloured cushion, newly purchased from Ikea! :)

The bit I kept white and plain so as not to agitate self when trying to sleep.

I only put small bits of paraphernalia on/in it because it's already threatening to fall off the ridged wall. Duct tape isn't as good as they say, no.
And what's that green bit up there?

My favourite nametag :)
Friday, January 26, 2007
i've gotten my sister's photos over the holidays in my com :)
some of them, i never even knew existed.

aren't they the most random things you have ever seen?
my mother was right- cheap thing(s), no good.
funny colloquialism, but true. so true.
my pretty Bata shoes tore a hole in my foot and now it's bleeding and i daren't look at it.
and because i got so irritated at it injuring me, i stepped all over it and now it's a soggy, grey mess which means that not only is it cheap and bloodthirsty, it is also not pretty anymore.
angry >:(
Bata officially sucks, people. It sucks.
oh, and i also just cut up the bottom bits of my Zara trackpants.
but that's a practical move since i'm never going to wear it if the ends of the pants extends all the way to and inch past my toes.
and anyway, i don't much care for velour clothing.
... and now i have velvety stuff to stick in my scrapbook if the need arises, hee hee :)
this week, i was very very good :)
i went to all my lessons and i took notes, and i filed everything.
yay for me!
went to Ikea and bought my lamps.
and so now, my room is seriously damn nice and bright.
ho ho, very good because my mood is very affected by the whole weather/temperature/light thing.
i hate copiers.
go die!
nobody is going to entertain me tonight.
it's because i'm sticking to my resolution about not clubbing again :)
gods, sometimes i stun myself with my tenacity.
ha ha ha.
josephine is so gonna DIE when she sees my new King's College men's rugby jersey i bought today.
it's so pretty and i'm very pleased with it (even though it cost me more than all the other clothes i've bought together since the year started)
shala :) it's fucking chio, i tell you.
and King's, however much i rat about it, has a damn fucking chiobu school crest :D
oh, happy days........
you know, actually i think my room is very pretty.
i must conduct a photoshoot one of these days to showcase it.
i remember jos saying a lot of damn funny things this week, but for the moment, i can only recall a token one.
we were laughing about how she always sticks her tongue out for no reason and sometimes it has all these lascvicious connotations, the way she flicks it around.
she laughed a bit with us and then lowered her head and muttered,"ayy.... tongue in the mouth very bored whaa...."
josie, so cute la seriously.
i have a bulbous nose.
and OH, the other day, mervyn told me that my nose is crooked and one side is bigger than the other.
zzzzzzz.... that's me, asymmetry-girl.
i've learnt how to transfer photos!
and jos has kindly lent me her wire.
lot's of love there :)
so photos up whenever i take them.
photos over christmas proper up when my lazy/cannot-be-fucked friends send them over in my next life.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
really, i need someone to tell me how to transfer pictures from camera to computer.
random thought of the moment: i am not a good person.
but who really is, eh.
so i forgive myself for my propensity to ungodly behaviour.
(: ha ha, okay i know la- whatev, man.
singaporean musical last night for some cancer foundation for kids in singapore.
i hear they might want to take it to singapore.
seriously, it's not that great.
i've seen better from LD.
but okay, it's for cancer kids, so we'll just take it as doing charity.
josephine was being very clever last night.
she punned in chinese.
took me quite a while to process it and OMFG, i was damn amazed!!
but she was also very mean.
when the girl at the door handed me a book to write a message to the cancer kids, i was very hesitant because it somehow didn't seem right to say, "Get Well Soon!"
so i decided to draw random things- suns and stars and trees, the normal singapore things.
and then jos whispered in my ear and said,"draw the 5Cs... No, 6Cs- for cancer too."
i. was. horrified.
but anyway, jos also gave me the quote of the day;
"WHEN WILL I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN?!?!?!"quoted very much out of context, and i'm going to be the only person in the world who understands it other than jos.
oh, i like insider jokes so very much.
:D when josie uttered that, i got so very happy i just hopped on the spot and cackled hysterically.
ah ha, and the other funny thing was at Guy's when we stood around some glass/glacier-ish structure and jos started arguing with weizhi about something.
and then weizhi, in this damn funny solemnly quizzical way went,"it's glass, what." and proceeded to pound the glass structure very systematically.
i was all like, wtf?!
quite funny.
okay this is all very sad, but people think a lot of things about me which are untrue.
they think i'm a lesbian ):
they think i fuck around ): ):
they think i have a whole resume of relationships- with both genders behind me ): ): ):
they think i look like i play hockey ): ): ): ): !!!
very sad.
i don't want to look like a sexually confused, mostly gay, all around fucked-up hockey player.
i am a clean, straight girl you know.
i <3 Mr. Lin Chao Zhang Matthew Mingdao very much.
Mizunderst0odxzx~*! ):
i am going to start wearing flowers in my hair and talk with a melodious lilt and you know... whatever, wear swishy skirts and walk with a flounce.
going to view houses today, i think.
nobody's up.
all those sloths... if i'm up and they're still not, it just goes to show how bloody lazy they are.
p.s: yime, can you teach me how to transfer pictures asap thks.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
my father is a funny guy.
he's just discovered the cute little technology trick my mom's been using.
which is to get one of his minions to print out incoming mail and type his written replies.
so now, my dad can officially email :)
and from my mom, i heard that the dear guy's "thrilled to the bones"
ha ha ha! so cute.
anyway, since he's such a humourous person, i must not be selfish and will share his evil brand of humour with everybody else (not that you guys don't know what the man is capable of saying)
SO, to my complains of a protruding lower jaw, he had this to say:
In your prevailing state of mind, you had a delusional thought that your physical alignment resembles a banana and now a pitcher plant. I would wish that you resemble a pelican. Protrusion of the lower jaw is great. if otherwise (upperjaw) will be a disaster. Out of the four beauties in Chinese history/classic three of them had features resembling a PELICAN.har har.
and then, further, to my mild whining about the weather, it was this:
I love cold and melancholy weather and it is good for people reading law.
like i said,
funny guy.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
school tomorrow.
i hope the weird flu doesn't act up again.
i'm getting bored with being sick, and also being doubted.
that kind of pain does not lie, i tell you.
it does not.
anyway, jos and i explored our way through the Guy's campus for King's just now.
that's the dentistry and medical schools at King's.
i'll just like to say that the dentist part of the campus is a lot nicer than the medical part and i would definitely take dentistry over medicine.
of course, josephine disagrees.
she went into orgasmic heights of excitement as we walked our way through the distinguished (read: crumbling and creepy) hallways of the medicine building.
once again, she wishes that she were at King's and not LSE... yeah, what's new eh.
as it turns out, the 24-hr library is right smack in the med building and we managed to cheat our way in.
very handy that we are chinese people and the staff automatically assumes that we must be students who are having trouble finding our way around as opposed to being indian and them suspecting you to be a radical muslim terrorist.
terribly serious sort of place, the library.
very old kind of, matured oak and mahogany shelves and tables.
and really quiet people there.
we stood out like sore thumbs with our stage whispers of "SO COOL!" and "what, are you kidding?!" along with my huge plastic box (recently purchased from Ryman's) banging around all the chairs and edges of the tables.
anyway, not the point.
jos is psyched about studying there because it looks like a HarryPotter sort of library whereas i am much more concerned about the MacDonald's and Starbucks nearby.
i also see this place as potentially being a haunt where pre-examination ghosties float.
you know how there are millions of university ghost stories about people mugging for some paper the next day till late and suddenly seeing a headless nerd or something floating at the next table.
ugh ):
oh, i forgot the main point, ha ha.
before you all dismiss me as a paranoid freak (even though i kinda am), i must point out that next to the library are the anatomy classes and just two levels above is the dissecting lab.
and we're not talking frogs and rabbits here.
also, as we were sneaking around outside the library before i cheated some man into letting us in, josephine was snooping around all the disembodied busts of the great men of King's or something like that when i realised that she was about to snoop herself into a dark room labelled the 'anatomy class' and i freaked out and gave her one big whack on the arm and said, "anatomy class! omg, THERE ARE DEAD PEOPLE HERE!"
and she giggled, wrinkled her nose and went,"oh ya! no wonder can smell that si ren (dead people) smell, ha ha ha!"
she meant the chemical smell of course, but seriously!
we also loitered near the notice board which coincidentally had a poster stating the rules for students who need to use the dissecting lab.
the two which caught jos' and my eyes were one which warned the students to put the parts or organs they no longer needed in the jars provided and the technicians will put them back in
the appropriate coffins. (!)
and another which said that skulls or skeletons are available for rental if the need arises. (!!)
fucking insane medics.
thank god i never wanted to be a doctor.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
i have no life.
i am going to find myself a fucking life.
omfggodammit@#$%^&*! wendy has a damn hot friend.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
clarechantymanty caught me just as i was gonna go offline :)
we were seeing all her funny unglam photos and discussing her past looks.
and i realised that we've known each other long enough to have a photochronology thing.
so exciting, i've always found those things very thrilling.
oh, interesting trend.
us at 14,

at 16,

and at 18,

all taken at the end of the year :)
anyway, the quality sucks because i was just fucking around with the webcam haha.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
i don't understand why i am still ill.
so sad.
i'm gonna brace my lower teeth in the summer!
ohmigad, so exciting :D
ha ha, if you're wondering what brought that on, it's cos my jaw is not just aesthetically disturbing anymore, it's actually developing into some like... problem.
anyway, it's to do with stress and posture.
and i've never really suffered stress before CTC, which means that my pitcher plant-ness is all CTC's fault.
but okay la, i've always been a hunched little grouch so i guess that contributed too.
i attempted to go out today like a normal human being.
i almost died i tell you.
asthma-ing all over the place that couldn't do shit.
anyway, very worrying thing happened last night.
my nose started spewing chemicals.
i swear! bright orange and neon yellow liquid.
as in, it was bright orange at first and i thought it was just coagulated blood so i didn't care.
but then the funny hospital smelling yellow thing started rolling and all i could smell was it for the next hour or so and i was so disturbed because trust me, i know what mucus looks like, AND IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THAT.
or smell like that either ):
i don't know wtf it is because as far as i remember, all my medicine goes in through my mouth and i don't ingest anything through my left nostril.
anyway, my first thought was,"ohshit, brain juice."
but then... cannot be right?
): i mean, i know i watched the horror show where the woman got the mummy to stick golden chopsticks up the man's nose to stir around his brain and let the brain bits leak out through the nose.
real life is not like that right.
omg, bio students help!!
it's damn scary okay, i want to know what caused it because i don't want to die in london.
so cold, i die also cannot rot properly tch.
so gross man, yellow sticky liquid...
): sorry i shared it, btw.
but i could do with some imput please.
haha, yesterday i smsed my daddy and said:
"hi daddy, i think my temporo mandibular joint is not functioning normally. help?"
he daoed me ):
i'm gonna call him soon to whine.
and also enquire about the scary nose liquid.
argh, so yucky sick feeling.
i think i am going to die seriously.
anw people if i really die, just rmb that i love you all okay :)
(might not be true but what the hell doesnt matter since im dead haha)
i bought fruits today!
hopefully i live to eat them all.
haha ciao people :)
Monday, January 08, 2007
I have no life and it's really starting to get to me.
Let's have some photos to add some colour and cheer into my life.

A bit funny, the colouring.
I think I might have went overboard with the whole brightness/contrast thing. You know how the excitement of photoshop does things to people, ha ha. Now I have to type in paragraphs again because the picture screws up my spacing. Sucks, innit. I hate paragraphing like I'm writing some sort of an essay. Informality is so severely overlooked these days.
Friendster is all my life revolves around now. Ohmygod, yes. I'm in super-stalker mode and after days of intense Friendster surfing, I now feel as if some of those people are my closest friends. Amazing isn't it, how much information you can get from random scraps of comments or whatever. I've always found that reading the main text never helped as much as reading all the sub-text; because people conceal less when they think nobody's looking. Simple logic.
One of my latest emo musings on why I ever left Singapore for London is centered on whether it was worth it giving up a BMW for an overseas education. Ha, that sounds so sad and pathetic. Like, because I came here and used the money, I can no longer have a car. Almost as sad as those people who had to sell their house to send the kid overseas. Now, that is some serious omfg sobstory.
Okay, but I digress.
The thing is, I was promised a BMW as a kid. 4-years-old, in K1 crawling around the car and my mother saying,"Ah see, next time when you make it to NUS Law like mummy, I'll buy you a BMW too. In a nice shiny black." The woman made it sound like the best incentive in the world and it's had a resounding impact on me as even though she then went on the exhange her Beemer for several subsequent Mercedes models, I have viewed the BMW (in a nice, shiny black) as the very ultimate. I mean, of course there were a few detours here and there with the babyJag phase or the Modena360/lambydiablo phase or the landrover/cadillac phase, but at the end of the day, it's still that black Beemer I want (though black now being a moot point because all my cars are going to be black, regardless).
It seems, however, that by entering King's and not NUS, the Beemer has been forfeited (or at least, postponed) because it does not make any sense to my mother to buy one now. I suppose I do see her point, but I'm just being irritating about it now because I'm cold and grouchy. I'm not even clamouring after a 7series, you know (I shall derive more satisfaction from buying that on my own). I'll make do with the teeniest Beemer, really!
Ah, but main point is that, if I didn't leave, I'll have a car now. Though of course, if I hadn't left, whether I would actually make it to uni is suspect.
For some reason, this talk of my car keeps reminding me of my sister saying,"...Like mummy said, I haven't proven my worthiness yet." For the life of me, I cannot recall what car or house or vacation my mother used as a carrot to dangle for my sister.
You think when I graduate and go back home my mother will buy me a car even though in the strictest sense, I didn't actually fulfil my end of the deal? Like, I mean, I guess I could settle for like... a Lexus or something.
I want a white Balenciaga Office Motorcycle. Clare has the black and although I'd initially given up thoughts of purchasing the bag at all because I was all pseudo student poverty sanctimonious before, seeing it on my good friend's arm has sprung up a fire in me and I. Want. It. Tooooooooooo.
Yes, I'm very irritating right.
Okay, I'm sick of this shit. As you probably already know, I am in arsehole mode today and the moneytalk is pissing me off.
My sister is in ac. I'm never going to get over that.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
i'm feeling very emo nemo at the moment.
i guess i just forgot how much i hated my schoolmates until now (now that school starts tomorrow)
i'm so jacked.
sometimes i don't understand why i do the things i do.
this sucks because i still don't feel well and @#$%^&*!
i don't even want to express it because thinking of it makes me panic.
also very conflicted because i do not want to blog and it feels funny blogging now.
but i could never just kill my blog because i love it too much
(or rather, i love my writing too much- i'm sorry but i amuse myself very much and i like reading what i write because i crack myself up and i write better than you hurhurhur)
anyway, i should probably disclaim that this is going to be a very fractured and deranged entry because of all the influences surrounding me now.
i feel like some fuckedup crackpot going insane.
it's also fucking cold, and i've only recently realised that all my life, i've naively fooled myself into thinking i like the cold when i actually hate it.
anyway, charlotte & clare, it's for you guys :)
i will attempt to not moan about my life because this is like some re-orientation post and heck, it's the first post of the year 2007.
which since we're on it-
happy new year, bitches, i hope it sucked as much as mine did.
okay, attempt to happy up this entry and i hope to goodness gracious that my ahlian influences are drastically reduced (a comment drawn from charlotte's sister which, actually, didn't affect me much because i sometimes think that i have an alter ego called pInkgAlx88woRxz anyway- NO, i'm kidding)
.... i'm lost for words.
that is so weird.
i've never had a problem like this when i blogged.
okay i think it might be because i'm feeling very solemn and happy words cannot flow when one is sad.
nevertheless, since it is that way... here's a sorry in advance to those with delicate sensibilities, but i will have no choice but to strive to be ahlianically happy with excessive hyperbole!!
christmas was great.
i don't really know how to articulate it, but it was great.
going out with my sister was fucking orgasmic because she paid for everything.
i don't know how she does it- like, stay so bloody loaded all the time.
but i like it :D
and anyway, beyond the material benefits, i adore going out with her because she's the only person in this world who will dare look me right in the eye and say,"you look damn disgusting in that, go lose some weight you fat lump."
and plus, like she pointed out to me, since she's my sister and has no need to flatter me, i can also fully believe her when she says that i look passably decent and can walk out of the house without scaring little children.
being with the clique was like we never really left.
things just fall into place but there were like moments when it'll suddenly blur and become surreal and you just cannot believe that we're all actually together again.
do i sound like damn cringy and emo?
but you know, i just thought of it, like how it's crazy happy to see them all again but that sometimes makes things worst because i get reminded of exactly how much i've missed it all.
there was this moment when we were at ps cafe wherein i was actually stoning in the general direction of clare and suddenly focussed on her little hunched back and no joke, truelifestory, i actually thought,"i cannot believe she's sitting right next to me now after so long."
fucking cheesy right!
but omg, it was such a strike me to the heart kinda moment when it hit me that it's been so long that i've forgotten exactly how much i've missed all the little things i used to take for granted.
): fucking sad now.
okay i dont wanna get stupid over such things and be a mush over stuff.
but aye, how'd we all end up this way.
aiya, ohwell.
time's a bitch and what are we mere mortals to do but just take shit.
as with time old clique tradition, we hung in style :)
am loving clarke quay and the various other locations we found ourselves in.
haha omg!
and i got all @#$%^&*! over some stuff again.
shit man, when will i ever fucking get over it... bloody hell.
anyway, i guess it's one of those things, you think,"WAHLAO SO GOODSTUFF AND I LET THAT GO, FUCK MAN!"
and you hit yourself over the head for your stupidity.
but aiya -waves airily.
guess it's like buying stocks- you win some, you lose some hurr
and another thing i got over the break!
a fucking cigarette burn on my hand.
teaches you not to glug red wine over stupid little emo reasons and lose your ability to react quickly.
to the little kids out there, stay away from smoke and drink.
and also, don't look down on Bata.
eh, seriously! ha ha, ya okay, just because i got myself very pretty shoes from Bata.
i swear to god that Bata is damn hipz and happeningz now heh :D
oh haha and just because i want to record it down somewhere cos its so funny,
ha ha, clare, ha ha. you joker you.
anyway yay, even though my life sucks now and the only thing thats keeping me going is the thought that one day, we'll all be back in singapore again, this christmas still kicked ass and lovelovelove all you bitches who are all living testament and reminder of a time when i was damn fucking cool and had a goddamn life.
also, i want all of you to know that i have a very deep and meaningful relationship with my bed and that kind of love is just... beautiful.
okay lah, very out of point.
but my bed holds a lot of very happy memories for me and if i could stay there forever, i happily would.
im very irritated with this entire entry because i feel so empty even as im writing it and everything just comes out wrong but whatever.
my sister is in ac and it made me realise that when i said that ac was what i lived for in sec3, it bloody hell was true (no matter how pathetic) and even until now, the deep wrenching want for it is still pretty great.
wish can be like charlotte to nonchalantly say,"I'm so over college." and mean it.
but guess i can hardly be over it when i never actually experienced it.
and ctc cannot bloody be counted a college because its a loser school and everybody inside are losers and even the happening ctc people cannot have be counted actually happening in the true sense of the word in the real world because they were ultimately still losers anyway.
one-eyed jack in the kingdom of the blind, anybody?
okay bye