Wednesday, February 28, 2007
omfg why you so hawt why you so cute why you so sexyyyy :)
okay very high now because he's seriously damn cute la omg.
it's damn early in the morning!
and unlike every other day, i've just woken up and not had a sleepless night.
oh happy days..!
i think sleeping at 11 bodes well for me.
haha don't know what to say.
am going to take a short hiatus i think.
nobody blogs anymore anyway, and there's nothing to keep me online now.
and anyway, haven't got much to say these days.
oh except.
i was thinking the other day what i would die of.
and then it hit me.
breast cancer.
i'm definitely going to die from breast cancer.
omg i luff my spesher fwen! <3
okay byebye peaperrz.
today is wednesday (which is my favourite day of the week) and i'm gonna explore my surroundings by foot! hurrah!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
zzomgOMG! i usually refuse to have two blog entries a day but this is too much.
i just read josephine's blog and saw the bit besmirching my good name ):
obviously, most people aren't going understand this because you won't simultaneously be stalking both our blogs.
unless you're j.
and if you're not, you are very sneaky and i don't like you at all.
but anyway, to cut a painful tale short, that nasty creature josephine accused me of jumping on the see-saw and grinding against it with an orgasmic look on my face.
and she brushed off all my indignant rebuttals with a saintly look on her face and the words 'Strict Liability!' on her lips.
she thinks she's so clever just because she knows a bit of criminal law.
and she even said on her blog that i admitted to thinking of him during the scene.
don't believe her, omg!!
it's all a figment of her overactive imagination!
i don't even know where she got that from la, my mind was completely blank and i was just squinting at the sky listening to her yabber away about masturbation and whatever else she talks about all the time and the next thing she was accusing me of using the see-saw as a substitute for my guy........!!!
wa, that josephine. too much.
hi peaperrz :)
ha ha ha, i ponned school again!
and i refused to blog the entire day because the 26th of feb on my blog shall remain separate and sacred because of all the special meaning it has.
AND he is not old!
perfect age, for him for me and everyone.
and i will not hear otherwise from anybody else.
-gazes pointedly at j.
hokays, mission failed today :/
didn't go to zara to find and buy pretty top.
but nvm because slept through till afternoon and am now very well-rested after all that gallivanting and activities from last night and am hyper now.
yayness :)
but ohman, am such a failure. didn't even manage to hand jos my laptop because i'm too lazy to walk that paltry 5 metres to her house and she is too lazy to receive me.
huh. why am i so high now.
i'm still going to wash my bedsheets. laterrr!
zomg, such a procrastinator.
muzz gif meester computer 2 dat hosiefin soooonz!
going through a phase where i want to misspell everything ha ha.
and i should stop blogging so much and start paying attention to my very neglected personal diary.
i think the last proper entry was made in march last year.
it is followed by some entries gurgling disjointedly about maddewwlinz <3 but those do nothing but portray a raving nymphomaniac (me)
and that's it!! so sad right.
i mean fifty years from now when i'm old and creaky, this blog will be long gone and all i will have are the diaries and i will never again know what the hell i did at age 17 to 18 except maybe receiving a very expensive gift i do not deserve and embarking on the journey to insanity.... beri sadx.
actually, i think matthew is a very unfortunate name to have.
like because that's the name of the lawyer who committed suicide.
and we used to laugh at this other damn random weird guy of the same name from ctc- hahaha which reminds me, jos and amandatan were just brilliant when they bitched together about him DAMN FUCKING FUNNY!
but anyway, unfortunate name aside... still :D :D :D
i think, instead of remembering the ugly freako from ctc or the overachieving nutter who played superman, i shall strive to ever only associate it (if necessary) with ken matthews who is blond and beautiful and quarterback of the SV football team :)
i think he was my favourite guy character in SVH, come to think of it.
shala! i'm bored.
okay, shall use this time and energy i have now productively and go wash my stupid bedsheets.
aiya, idiot.
i'm damn sad that i can't watch SPL because we already have Merdeka on that day.
so ironic... being leg-shackled with a play called Merdeka.
this is probably quite random, but i just feel like sayingggg
geddit, geddit?
Monday, February 26, 2007
hi, guess who's 27 today :)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
yesterday, as i was walking to the bus stop to meet j for lunch, i suddenly remembered an exchange i had with sylvana also to do with the topic of procreation and building a family in the future and it made me think how i really should watch my tongue in front of strangers.
sylvana said with a smile,"I want a boy, a girl, and a dog."
a beat.
said I, "I want a pot of fern."
ayep, they definitely think i'm weird.
that can't be good.
i'm currently wondering what time everybody else slept last night and what time they are planning to be awake. hopefully it'll be before the sun sets.
i'm quite disconsolate about not having my strawberry&apple juice.
though i did manage to soften the blow with a pair of completely darling purple earrings from covent garden.
my brother has really strange friends.
jos made a seriously priceless quip today!
i just love it when she does it, especially when she does it in such an offhand manner, ha ha ha.
so we were walking back from the malaysian restaurant we lunched at.
and on the way, we passed a billboard with a child's art work on it, signed at the bottom in juvenile handwriting: Terrie Wheeler
jos asked some random question about what some splotch of colour on the drawing was supposed to mean.
equally stumped, i answered,"I don't know, why don't you ask Terrie Wheeler?"
and she replied,"Ya, I should... But if he lives in this neighbourhood, he's probably dead by now from some shooting."
i almost died from it, i tell you.
especially since there was a kid and her mom walking just in front of us and they very possibly heard the exchange.
we're starting this new thing tomorrow where i don't eat and if i do, i have to pay for jos' meal.
and she only eats when i pay for her food.
or, in a stricter sense, she only eats when she doesn't pay for the food entering her mouth.
the plants are springing to life now and i'm going to bring my camera along with me wherever i go to take photos of all the prettiness that's soon to happen all around :)
hur, i'm being very bored now talent spotting online for pretty people.
i'm having a bit of a communication breakdown moment with j because she's on about really clever people whereas i'm currently only interested in chiobus.
don't get me wrong, i like intelligent people very much.
but i'm just not into the overachieving nerd thing at the moment, myself being such a fucking academic failure now and already fucked up enough thinking about it.
i have a mission.
it's a mission which includes a zara outlet and an elusive purple top.
tomorrow, i set out to achieve this mission.
i wasn't going to mention this at all, but i am strangely attracted to the sleaziness thai square oozes. being there is like being in another world.
it's almost exhilarating, and i don't understand it.
it doesn't please me to think that i might be a person who thrives on the darkness of gutters.
always fancied self to be all rive gauche sort of person.
but then again, my whims and fancies usually just stay that way.
it's all very tragic.
i miss those days in secondary school when i was untouchable.
okaaaay, before i plunge down into the whole sad introspective emo mode again, i'm changing the topic.
going to crash josie's place later just for the hell of it.
and to hand her Mr. Vyeas
desperate measures, truly. i've reached that point where i'm willing to try anything.
i hate computers anyway.
ah, and i was just thinking a while ago that Mr. Vyeas first name should be Igor.
i thought, Ebenezer at first.
but that brought forward images of a scrawny, mean old man receiving ghosts in his house after bedtime.
so now i have Ethan and Mr. Igor Vyeas.
except i don't technically have ethan anymore.
but minor detail and we shouldn't fuss with the little details if we wanna make it big in life, children.
so funny how the distinguished Mr. Igor Vyeas started out life as a very inelegant Beeep!
okay, insider joke :)
mmmf, i should wash my bed sheets and wash my hair and then hop over to jos' at midnight.
doesn't that sound delightful...
urgh, contract tutorial tomorrow and i detest saul lemer RAWR!
i need to go home.
i'm going crazy here.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
haha, i really think i might be headed for a nervous breakdown.
but what the hell, since there's hardly anything i can do about it.
need an outlet that doesn't wreck quite so much psychological trauma on me afterwards.
anyway, it's 1:04PM and i have no obligation to be awake but i don't want to waste my life away in bed.
see, that statement in itself is so un-me. i've been acting so abnormally recently without realising it till j and jos told me that they really think i'm going mad.
as in, j actually waited till i'd giggled away the first statment and went,"No no, seriously. Seriously. I really think you are going mad."
i am thinking of hopping down to borough market to get an apple&strawberry juice.
jos is probably sleeping, as is the rest of my world in london.
that means i have nobody to accompany me and that will also mean i will be too lazy to do it on my own.
the more i think about it, the more i think that josephine's paragraph mocking sheep christians who blog shamelessly about, i don't know, the love affair they have with god is fucking priceless.
and i am going to put a bit of it down because it made me choke on my own spit laughing.
oh on second thought, it's too hard to copy and paste it here because.
i don't know, it's fucking up.
or maybe it's some clever website thing that jos did which prevents plagiarism, i cannot be sure.
did i mention that i was cheated into doing my criminal law essay?
it's such a damned stupid story that i'm not even going to talk about it.
but twas a good thing because with the essay, it meant that i could walk proudly into my criminal seminar (instead of ponning class like i actually planned to) and i got mini sizzles from the guy i've took the liberty to name clay aiken since the fateful time early last term when he sat next to me during a contract law lecture and i took a double take upon seeing him and actually wondered if clay aiken decided to give the american idol hoohah a rest and start studying english law instead.
anyway, he's a better looking version of clay aiken.
and he's a lot cleverer than bulgarian mcspicy.
i always get these weird chemical reactions in my head when i'm depressed.
it's got to stop.
aiya anyway who cares.
clay aiken is such an ugly fucker.
even a nicer looking version of him can't be that pleasant on the eyes.
you know i don't think i've actually ever fully forgiven blink182 for spoofing bsb in all the small things. i still get tiny flickers of outrage till this day.
okay i know that was a complete non sequitur but it just hit me randomly and i got slightly worked up thinking of the video where the guy blacked out some teeth and was gyrating in damn ugly white underwear pretending to be bsb in i want it that way- which is The video pls, because nick was so facking hot in it and it thrilled my little p6 heart to no end.
i think i scared away some of the random readers.
good work, good work :)
please stay away.
yesterday, i probably upped my weird factor further in front of the king's people again when i told the korean guy that the reason i didn't want kids was because i hate all things that crawl.
and that if i don't get married within the next two years, i am never getting married.
and only because i have child-bride fantasies, without which, i am completely uninterested in the premise of marriage.
uninterested or disinterested?
but no, i prefer uninterested more in this context. i prefer the feel it gives.
oh and that reminds me.
i need to find out the etymology of 'lukewarm'.
the question was, why lukewarm? not tobywarm or petewarm.
okay please will someone wake up so that i can make some plans and not feel so useless and strung up in addition to freezing my ass off.
aiight, prima facie findings show that the luke in lukewarm has nothing to do with the name.
luke in lukewarm is old english to mean tepid.
whereas luke the name has german origins.
reduced to tracing the ancestry of words, my god i need a life.
ugh, faggggggggggg.
Friday, February 23, 2007
you might already know that we're currently caught up in a craze of blogging in all the weird little styles available in the world.
josephine just managed a truly admirable attempt at writing in ah-lian speak.
complete with atrocious spelling, blinding colours, and extremely complicated smilies to show an entire range of emotions.
so she challenged me to this.
style o5.1. why do YOU mean so much to me? why must YOU hurt me so much? (must not mention who YOU is)this is gonna be hard.
yesterday was a really depressing day...i woke up, and everything was just wrong! it was all just... wrong.i shouldn't have gotten out of bed at all, i should've known! something in the air was positively reeked with the ominous foreboding of some bad karmic event to come.and it was right. it happened.why must you do this to me? don't you know that you mean the world to me?i mean, i put in so much effort... i gave you as much attention as my selfish little heart was capable of. you were practically the centre of my world. as long as i wasn't busy whining about something else, the weather perhaps, i cared about you.and yet, in return, all i get is... this.why?you left me.and sometimes i wonder why you still mean so much to still do, you know.sometimes, you cut me.i know it wasn't on purpose, but those times, it was like you took a chunk of my flesh with you.there were days where you poked me so sharply, i almost couldn't do my homework.but rather than see you leave, i would endure the pain and the welts that rose up were just another sign that you were there.and they gave me still mean so much to me.when you left, there was a deep tear left behind. there was a physical pain!you really hurt me.and i wish you didn't go... because, all that is left is an empty space.)':
i went completely off tangent, i know.
i didn't have someone to base it upon, so i uh wrote it to... oh god this is embarrassing.
my fingernail.
it broke yesterday and i almost died.
if you actually knew me (as opposed to stalking me randomly), you'll know that i have a very deep and spiritual relationship with my nails and i love them all almost equally (i do have a special affection for the nail on my left index finger because it has such a lovely shape, but the rest, i heap on equal amounts of adoration)
so the trauma from breaking one nail is not at all contrived.
though i mightn't have been quite so pathetic about it in the normal course of things.
but, anything to meet the challenge...
fine, this has been a failure.
goodbye, we are out to get wasted so as to seek temporary respite from our sorry lives.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
oh, brilliant. just great.
i wake up crumbling and sinking into depression.
and when i've mustered enough courage to face the world, i sneeze.
and out comes blood.
what's this?!
these days, i'm bleeding from all possible orifices.
(and i know that in a few days, it's going to be that horrible monthly southern affliction. ARGH!)
why am i bleeding from an orifice that i am not supposed to bleed from?
i just erased a chunk of this entry because it reached an anti-climax and i hate anti-climaxes because they cheat people's feelings.
that half goes against my personal rule about writing absolutely everything and anything without fear of censure. and never getting rid of anything because that's a pussy thing to do.
BUT, i really don't like anti-climaxes.
so deal with it.
j said i am supposed to blog about her.
here's what she said to me yesterday-
"i think you should be locked up."
because i am a raving maniac and people who've come into contact with me go mad too.
yeah, oh well. what to do, right?
it's not like i planned things that way.
anyway, i'm crumbling and this was supposed to be an emo post except i went too far in trying to blog under one of josephine's listed blogging styles (05.7. suicidal) and it reached a point where it went far beyond my acknowledged principles and i had to bring it back, thus creating an anti-climax.
which, i once again reiterate, i hate.
anyway, where's the fun in seeing me talk suicide and then seeing me alive and skulking around the next day?
that would be one hell of an anti-climax.
and we cannot have that.
i'm repeating myself like an alzheimer's patient, sorry.
just a random thought.
do pretty people know that they are pretty?
okay, i really have nothing to talk about now.
unless my dad could be like the dad of that hongkong girl who used to be in my classes except she disappeared after the christmas holidays and it seems that she just decided she wasn't coming back till she was good and ready.
last i heard, she was in phuket.
man, if my dad could be as indulgent as her dad.
i SO wouldn't be here now.
oh, enough of this.
it's a good and proper solution i'm needing here.
maybe i'll go out and get myself drunk.
and then i am going to bed, and tomorrow, when i am sober, i shall arise early and hang myself.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
i feel like spouting some completely offhand comments.
namely because i have absolutely bloody nothing to talk about.
and i'm only here now because i'm waiting for my hair to dry.
i swear my blog exists solely for the reason that i need something to do while my hair dries.
the other day, i was thinking how i actually manage to blog compulsively when i have no life to speak of.
don't you think it's odd?
and the weirdest thing is that it actually seems to people like i have a life.
i must again reassure you all that the concept of having a life is purely a myth to me.
i've heard about it happening, but i've never actually personally known it to exist.
and logically speaking, people who have a life will actually be out there busy having a life instead of blogging, really.
of course, all you silly people seem to find my no-lifer blog patently interesting because you keep coming back- and god forbid, you're bringing your friends.
will strive not to be a slag about that again because the only thing worst than being a bitch is being a predictable bitch.
but i should think that if all of you are going to be ungracious enough as to spy so shamelessly on me, then at least have the decency to say hi.
too much la seriously, just blithely ignoring my comments box like that.
make your presence known, kiddos.
i could do with a higher level of interactivity here, being as uninvolved with the world as i am now.
josephine compiled a hugely comprehensive list of different blogging styles she wants to try out one day. i find blogging style
05.3. my parents are biased, my siblings are much better than me most intriguing.
i must try that out someday.
though, then everybody will know that i'm lying through my teeth because you'd be hard pressed to call my parents biased.
and my siblings are not better than me.
feeling strangely tired.
were at marylebone village today.
highlight was when we walked into the bookstore which was already totally calling out my name.
omg, it was fantastic!
saw loads of books that i wanted to buy but had to resist because i'd already gotten two new books at WHSmith the day before.
i love books :)
they make me happy.
very into historical narratives these days.
can hardly resist all the tudor books i see.
crazy phase, i hope it passes soon.
the language is archaic and mad and being that i'm always very influenced by the literature i currently have at hand, i shall soon write like my name is Mistress Jane or Elizabeth and say things like,"thou art most disagreeable! by my sharpish spindle thou shalt die!"
whilst affecting a swoon, no less.
that would be terribly unpalatable.
oh shit, i think i was supposed to call my dad's associate and collect my ginseng from him!
i've still been stuffing my face.
was just dolefully scoffing some munchies.
till i reached the chilli heatwave doritos which were... such a shock to the senses.
methinks somebody's gonna have to starve right and well for the next month or so...
ah well :)
mmmf, wish everything would come to a standstill.
or everything would end.
not in a death way though, because i'm more into being a waste of the earth's resources than to be its fertilizer. always take what you don't have to give, i say!
but anyway, thing's aren't great and i'm not sad.
but neither am i happy.
i fucking hate my contract tutor.
(: toodle-oo!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
hi, jos and i just found out a new blogging style that is all the rage with the young kiddies.
we call it,
blogging in cloze passage.
as in, one of the sections of english paper two for the PSLE.
apparently, the little ones blog like that now to add an air of mystery to their, uh, aura.
but more on that later.
maxipad's 17th birthday today/yesterday and isn't that great?
in a year's time, he will legally be able to do all that he's been doing since he was 12.
a quote from the birthday boy on chinese new year-
"Lee, you know how you call me Maxipad? Today, I woke up and saw a pad right in front of me. As in,
literally, my nose was rubbing against it!!... Ya, actually it smelt quite nice."
he might kill me if he saw this, hur hur.
chinese new year pictures at my sister's blog.
made me sad.
today, it also hit me how deeply unhappy i am.
with everything and nothing in particular; in an intangible and almost puzzling way.
words cheapen it. it's not even a melancholic thing.
it's just...
this.wo bu zhi dao, really ):
Cloze Passage; Fill-in-the-blanks.A slight drizzle had started to fall, dampening the mood further. With some strategic maneuvering, I managed to convince Josephine to join me at _____ for some nice pieces of fried bird. We then proceeded to her house to deal with the recalcitrant cartilege piercing on her left ear. As it turns out, Josephine who usually has a high threshold for pain, has a fear of ___ water. This resulted in quite a lot of inventive cursing in which the useful, multi-purpose word: ____ was utilised quite liberally. I was supposed to leave soon after, and indeed, I picked up my bag and made to go.
Then, we were distracted.
In the following hour, Josephine and I proceeded to have an impassioned discussion about our worries for the _____ , their alarming sheep syndrome, and the recent trend of mass conversion to ____________. This also brought about the worrying topic of the rise of the __________ and how the world will ___ because of all these fools.
An interesting plan was then hatched wherein we will sit in for a ________ and ask some pertinent questions so that, as Josephine nobly puts it, "We save them before it is too late!"
We stood in the same braced position, clucking like ______ hens for a good ____ hour(s), conveniently forgetting that I was supposed to leave ____ hour(s) ago.
Josephine talked about how life is _____ because of the lack of suitable ____. Some ____ were mentioned, most met with __________. It was agreed that _____ and ______ should never _______ as their offspring with arrive looking like bald currant buns. On the other hand, should _____ mate with _____, the child will be a bonny looking thing for sure! There were worries for awhile about being ____, but that was cheerfully shot down because how can _____ be gay when _____ has ________?
Josephine thinks she should write a song. She should write a song called her ______ has a secret ____. Her _____ is being abused by the other _____. Under all that opression, Josephine's ______ is forced into being an ______ gypsy. _____ is a typical angsty ______ and everything Josephine stood _______. We decided that this must be what people call the irony of life.
:D !
that was a damn long insider joke.
seriously.i know! it IS irritating, isn't it?
tell it to the youth of today.
we really worry sometimes.
Monday, February 19, 2007
today was amazing.
we ate till we almost died (in a good way).
i only have 59 photos to commemorate today,
which is appalling.
but that just speaks of brilliant conversations, does it not?
and brilliant conversations we had!
not in the intellectual-ish way though, i feel honour-bound to add.
so, main tidbits learnt from the day (without being too revealing) are-
a) dolce is nice and funny and cool and we should all be her friend.
b) hilary needs a good smack on the head, and celine is now a clone of her ("ello! thinkew! -blinkblink" anybody?) also, hilary thinks she is damn hot and well, she is wrong.
c) some males are such fuckers.
anyway, i must tell you that i really cannot stand celine because she was born on the wrong side of the causeway but she tries to pretend she was born on the better side.
Our better side.
doesn't it fill you with rage when some JB kid says she is half-singaporean just because she lives a small sea away from civilisation?
riding on Lee Kuan Yew's success when you chose bloody UMNO.
that is
wrong, i tell you.
that is wrong.
like, sorry, but you're not good enough to be property of Mr. Lee with the fancy titles (whatever they've conferred on him now).
we are, you're not.
you're not entitled, celine. try again later.
i have gotten carried away.
what happened to my self vow about not being overtly bitchy on my blog?
like maybe not putting down names or something... but oh well.
this leopard likes her spots just fine the way they are.
(but not literally, pimples pls go away thanks)
it must be said that we had fantastic food today and i've not been so happy with sitting down and just talking for the longest time.
our brilliant company for today (i nicked this off teoh's facebook profile because i don't have a proper photo of them two from today- that's the CTC canteen corner, btw. though i still think of it as the joel table, ha ha)

at the first restaurant for lunch.


the spread at the restaurant we walked to immediately after leaving the first one, ha ha ha. we're talking serious gluttony today :D
omfg, now i seriously want more of that french toast.
(insert: wahfuck GST rising to 7%!)
okay yay, tomorrow, we are going back for more french toast and noodles! this is good. or bad, actually. was supposed to start my fast tomorrow. but on second thought, she who starves herself on the second day of New Year is a fool. hurr.
J had tangyuan with Dongdongchiang just now!
or, at least, she was invited to have tangyuan with Jessika and Betty and Dongdongchiang was there. so jealous, because he is hot and i am fixated on the image of expensive handshakes going on in front of my eyes. anyway, he looks like the Dongdongchiang- okay, J just enlightened me. the Fahrenheit guy's name is Dongcheng. but i am going to continue using dongdongchiang because it's so cute and it cracks me up. (also very appropriate when you take into account our current festivities harharhar)
so now obviously, J is going to do some fishing since i obviously will not seeing i don't like fish. and plus, being quite dumb, i can't multi-task and meddle with two people at the same time.
Okay, no la joking. no fishing going on. i only wanna look, and j's pussy prefers wuzhun of the pretty face. Boring.
Josie, pls wake up to feed me ):
okay, mervyn mocks me.
omg and i alliterated without meaning to.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
my sister is 17 today,
and it being her 17th year in existence, i thought it ought to have a mention.
Happy Birthday Yime :)
i expect to have an entire blog post dedicated to me and my brilliant present as soon as it arrives in Singapore.
ha ha.
blogger's not being very kind to me these days.
being now.
woke up today thinking i was back in Singapore for Chinese New Year.
it sucks when you're perfectly happy one moment, and the next you realise there's nothing to be happy about.
i want to be back home.
anyway, since am being very emo and random, i just thought why is it that people boast about pulling strings so much. why must there be all these pulling?
and why is it that other than my parents' own, i haven't got anybody else's to pull.
besides all that, people pull my mother's strings far too much.
if you'll listen, i think she might still be fuming over that one thing with my aunt, her son and his PSLE.
maybe i should start being more assertive and find people's strings to pull.
hell, i ain't even into that kinda shit,
why not make my own goddamn strings?
if that even makes sense.
it's a sin, it is, that i don't give a fuck.
because people would kill to have a mother like mine.
ignore me, i'm in a bad mood.
i want to be home and i'm not and that's making me very disagreeable.
but if this offends, good.
because if i'm not happy, everybody else can forget about it too.
i mean, it's not even as though my parents are the most accomplished.
or maybe they are, suck it.
last night, i watched indecent proposal.
i detest rich people.
and i especially hate rich people who think they can buy the world, even if that's very true.
or maybe i am just disgusted by third parties. and this one happened to be filthy rich too.
fuck you, john gage.
my ears were burning when i watched the on-screen happenings.
my ears never burn.
it was disgusting, even my ears were expressing their disapproval.
robert redford isn't even hot.
oh, we also saw some dance thing at LSE.
the dancers were all fat. someone needs to put them on a diet.
they weren't even that bad at the dancing, but the fat just killed even the last shreds of professionalism they might've possessed if they had only been thin.
i'm not even being bitchy.
dance is about having a disciplined form.
and fat just equates ill discipline.
another thought is that fat latin dancers shouldn't have shiny foreheads.
because it makes them look like greasy bits of performing bacon.
now i'm being bitchy.
anyway, max is back in london and we went borough marketing earlier on.
there's going to be a dinner at bankside later and i'm going to be happy there because i am.
good at what i do.
okay, something tells me i should sleep and hope to wake up with a better disposition.
Friday, February 16, 2007
it's 3:24AM and i officially have a blog post which disappeared.
damn, i hate it when that happens.
i get all these feelings of misgivings because i hate trying to replicate what i just said, mainly because i say things randomly and usually don't remember them as soon as i'm done.
though that is not to say i am any less proud of these things.
i am just narcissistic enough.
ha ha.
ah well, since i'm wide awake now, i might as well start afresh and come up with a fresh load of rubbish :)
i had to miss the SPL thing because i couldn't move again.
i SO wanted to go and check it out, you knowwwwwwww.
so the main agenda of today is to complain.
mainly about how my system reacts far too violently to the most normal of things and it kills me.
like how exercise is supposed to be healthy for normal people, but it just makes me physically ill.
that one time i went to california fitness with all the good intentions of the world, i came out with a superbug which left me incapacitated for the next three weeks. at least.
today, i spent drifting in and out of consciousness.
oscillating between swoons and being nauseated.
now, fainting spells, i can take.
in fact, quite a lot of symptoms, i can take- but i must draw the line at nausea.
i mean like, hell, what's up with that?
it was like evening when i truly awoke for the day so it couldn't even have been morning sickness.
i think it was the midnight bubble tea and mango pudding which did it.
now i'm not pointing any fingers... BUT DAMN YOU, YOU GLORIFIED DAIRY PRODUCTS!
i was just about to say, no use crying over spilt milk.
but that seems vaguely ironic, and i usually try to keep literary techniques, or whatever the fuck they call them in literature exams, out of my writing.
i don't know why i do it, but it might have something to do with wanting to write humble.
you know, appeal to the masses and all that.
not that i particularly like it when the masses read my writing... but okay something tells me this is going nowhere.
i'm still irritated because i couldn't go for the SPL thing.
j called during the interval to tell me it was pretty good and that turned me greener than i already was from all the nausea because bloody it, i wanted to see that performance.
like, check out the standards and such.
plus there was going to be a stage smooch.
i've never seen that happen before.
oh, and i had to miss french as well.
je suis motherfuckingly annoyed.
conversing on MSN with phoonty now, the dear thing.
it made me realise that my declaration of love for her on my last post has amazingly disappeared.
like, just that paragraph! how the hell did that happen?
so anyway, i love you phoonnn :)
even if we can hardly be in each other's company for a full 24 hrs at a time without wanting to go for the other's throat.
you're my
frenz4eva, no matter what transpired back in '02.
just like the neoprint :)
anyway, she is accusing bri and i of treason.
for leaving her alone and desolate in the land of the fat, so says she.
i'll just as soon tell her that if i even left, it's only for a short vacation.
ha ha, can't say that thought makes me too happy.
by the by, here's what my mother had to say about the lawyer who tried to be superman at the tate modern except in his stress or whatever, he forgot about gravity; Sir Isaac Newton must be turning in his grave. -
"With due respect to the dead, Matthew is a loser finally in life.""Leaving the loved ones to grieve is a selfish action of the deceased."well, the woman makes sense, does she not?
and no, make no mistake, she wasn't completely unsympathetic.
preached a little though...
"At the end of the day money fame power are not everything in life. They are worldly things which pass with time.. Lately I have done some liquidation work concerning Bankrupts.. All regretted their extremes in life which bring the downfall. Inner peace joy truth to yourself and to God are the THE factors for living.. No apology for being biblical."haha, love the last bit about being biblical :D
that must be an allusion to how she is staunchly christian while my father is as godless as any man can get.
and i'm somewhere in between, having listened to both their arguments for as far as my memory extends.
anyway, she was more excited about knowing how to forward the article to her best friend who, as it turns out, was trained at freshfields.
and wow, looks like my dad's sending me ginseng.
he and his carbon copy, my uncle, just spent an entire week turning a patch of the main office into a ginseng farm... or so he told me.
one of my dad's latest fancies is traditional chinese medicine, haha.
ginseng is supposed to help my insomnia.
i can only hope that it's not half as foul as lingzhi.
this post better get through.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
looking through my archives always makes me laugh because i say the most ridiculous things.
check out this bit from a post dated the 8th of September:-
"and he knows all the six contraceptive methods for a woman (of which i totally only knew two) and how they work and all the mechanisms involved which i find strangely stimulating.... but okay something tells me that was a serious overshare."ohmygawwwd.
must've been the heady effects of... young love?
it does funny things to me.
it's quite embarrassing actually, when you come to think of it.
but anyway,
i love you mr. lin
happy valentine's :)
not that valentine's is a thing worth getting all worked up over.
frankly, i just don't care.
once upon a time, i used to go on and on about the crass commercialism it embodies and how it's just another pathetic example of our consumer-driven lives.
or whatever.
i must now confess that i went into such tirades only because i loathed thinking of presents to buy for approximately 50 people with additional small stuff for the random people on the way who hand out little sweeties to everybody.
girls are such troublesome creatures.
but i still love us and our silly little ways, ha ha.
st nicks <3
just read jos' blog where she put up this picture about putin and dobby being lookalikes and how there's a lawsuit going on now.
i find that odd.
why is there a lawsuit? doesn't seem like putin to be caught up in a lawsuit.
why doesn't he just send a few hitmen to put a couple of nice holes in the evil perpetuator and be done with it?
that's how he does it all the time anyway, right.
ha, and since we're on articles and such, j sent us the link to a news article of how a lawyer working in a magic circle firm jumped to his death at the tate modern last night, supposedly because of work-related stress and all that.
i promptly sent the article to my mom and told her i didn't want to be a lawyer anymore and that, instead, i now want to open a second-hand bookshop in an irish village.
can't wait for her to respond.
okay, technically it isn't valentine's anymore.
but kissykissy to all you bitches, you know who you are :)
i would send you guys cards, except most of you are off back to melb in a bit and i'd much rather wait till you're all safely there before i send any cards for fear that the cards will end up in a different continent as ya'll.
just now, i received an invitation to visit the stonehenge this friday.
the question is: do i want to spend a perfectly good day looking at a bunch of big rocks in this freezing weather?
even with the good acoustics there, i really don't think so.
it's not like i can sing like a bird anyway, since i am coughing at every half-sentence i utter.
it's late and i'm off.
and i have to be up tomorrow in time to send off that birthday parcel of my sister's i've been meaning to send of for weeks.
such a procrastinator, me.
okay, big lurrrrrrrrve, people!
i'm such a bloody open book.
that needs to change. fast.
Monday, February 12, 2007
you know, it really pisses me off when i think how i could be on a plane back to Sinagapore now for Chinese New Year.
we still can't quite understand how the fact that we were going to have reading week through Chinese New Year managed to elude us.
sometimes, we get too caught up with earlier concerns we forget about the actual situation.
it just pisses me off.
but on to happier things, we had lunch at bayswater today where i had some proper chinese stirfried greens- very much unlike the ersatz leaves these english people call vegetables.
and then we had dessert at haagen dazs which was a bit too much but ice cream makes me happy, so sue me.
and the bestest of all best things was that i actually finished an essay in that time.
that makes me a very conscientious girl and i give myself a pat on the back, and i will scratch your eyes out if you disagree.
oh, and josephine taught me how to play sudoku!
now i can finally catch up with the rest of the world and play with those number things :)
i hate numbers.
might never touch another sudoku puzzle again.
we had morley's chicken for dinner.
everytime i walk into morley's, the words
Morley's- Capital of Croydon! floats into my mind and it still makes me laugh.
it makes all of us laugh.
insider joke... we had some fine times, we did :)
and just moments ago, i had the most interesting MSN conversation i've had in awhile.
i should unblock more people in the little times i go online to see what else the world has to offer.
j and jos laughs everytime i sign in to check my email (which is all that matters to me and i really never give a rat's ass as to who's online because i hate MSN conversations in general as well as the way they make me feel tied down) because i have only a token few people unblocked of my hundreds of contacts.
oh and plus the new ones because i haven't really bothered to go down the list to block them. so tedious, and anyway most of them don't know me and would never think of asking after my well-being because that is of no concern of theirs and we're all very comfortable with the way things are.
now don't bother being concerned if you never see me online and think that i've blocked you.
i probably have.
but see, the thing is i don't even talk to the people i leave unblocked and those are family who are entitled and friends who are cross continent and are never online when i am.
that is why i only care about emails, and i don't go online.
but i digress.
i had an interesting MSN conversation and that was useful distraction from youtube which was being a bitch in the ass and not working as it should.
hurr, i think mervyn's a cool guy even if i'm getting question marks flying around all the time.
i like question mark moments because they are uncomfortable.
comfortable conversations with no antagonistic remarks are boring.
anyway, i think he mocks me.
i cannot be sure because i am strangely literal, but it does not bother me if he is because i find myself very unconcerned about what other people think.
in my world, we only care about what i think. ha ha.
if i knew my way around a computer, i would put some excerpts up.
but i don't, so too bad ): ha ha believe me, quite classic though :D
and then at the end, there was an anti climax and there was the whole. flat bit.
i am still deciding whether that is a waving white flag thing or another example of the lightening the situation "U R A BITCH! HAHA I LOVE MY DOG!!! GOD BLESS, PPL~~!" kinda thing.
or maybe just... how the other side i don't know of does it.
still reserving judgement.
am i saying too much? thank god people don't know my blog.
haha oh shit, no, i think i put my url on my MSN thing because this morning i got so irritated with the whole questioning thing i decided to just make it public domain so that i can get over it and know and be more discreet.
looks like i busted myself.
ohwell, i don't think people pay much attention to the fine print anyway.
that's what's keeping contract lawyers in work.
will rectify that next time i'm online, whenever that may be.
sorry, i don't think i am capable of discretion.
what was i thinking this morning?... i must learn to suppress my sudden whims.
we are visiting croydon tomorrow.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
my neighbour maxi wu came down to ol' londontown today!
most of the day's boring and same old, same old.
lunch and such. camden.
okay, well we went to camden to meet jackie but mostly it was j and max doing the meeting because jackie was shisha-ing and i'm done sick with that cloying sweet smoke shit.
plus i'm still coughing like some motherfucker and i didn't want to trigger off an asthma attack in the middle of camden.
jos went walking with me because she didn't want her coat stunk up.
so we walked around and saw this damn cool shop selling haunted house furniture.
like, omg seriously fucking cool. they had chairs with the metal backing welded to look like spider webs.
and clothes' racks looking like skeletons.
oh and plus this candle holder twined with black roses and a matching mirror nearby which was so faackin' hawwwwwwt.
i'm still dying from this killer cough.
last night, i found out that there's this whole registering for summer exams thing which i never knew existed and even now, the concept seems alien to me.
anyway, as it turns out, i've missed some deadline.
and even though i was reassured by addie that we needn't do much, somehow myKCL is empty and i have no exam passport to speak of.
hurr hurr, dire.
dire fucking situation.
i think i might be barred from the exam.
you know, like the whole attendance shit.
oh. mother. @#$%^&*!
but keep yer panties on, ya'll.
i'm not yet sure what the fuck's happening and i'm likely finding out on monday.
and don't worry, i'm fully planning on going to the school office, falling at their feet crying and gibbering in half-chinese so that they will take pity on me and all that shit.
and if i'm really barred, then i guess i can buy myself a ticket now and go home for Chinese New Year and just flubber around till september or something...
sounds like an interesting idea, though might get ass fucked by my mom.
fo' suh.
anyway, also found out that the contract essay due on friday which i didn't know existed until thursday afternoon and then simultaneously decided to just fuck it off again actually has an email deadline of sunday.
SO, with my limited conscience, i have decided to do the goddamn thing and to have it in to saul lemer by tomorrow.
oh... chittychittybangbang.
i just thought of that.
max mentioned it on the bus to camden.
speaking of which, i am going to check myKCL now in hopes that last night's scene was a fluke and i am not the most fucked human being in the world.
and then i am going do that fucking essay and hand it in to the oxford cow to make up for ponning class so much and never really responding when he calls my name.
not that it's going to be much of a make up... but oh well, i still tried right.
oh heyyyyyyyyyy, OH HEY! check this out!
Note also that if you have an outstanding debt to the College you will only be able to access the fee details and payments section. Full access will be granted only once the finance department has confirmed that your debt has been cleared.i just found that on the help page.
and now, didn't that credit control man call just the other day about my fees because they couldn't find my payment.
and didn't i go right down on thursday to set the record straight.
and didn't that man there tell me it was all set and the bank people are going to put that down on my record.
ah, now this all makes sense.
they're obviously not going to be efficient enough to deal with the thing immediately.
and it's just two days since.
so i'm possibly not barred from the exams.
and it's probably going to sort itself out soon.
... don't know if i'm relieved or disappointed.
ohwell. life, innit?
don't know if i've ever mentioned it, but walking on the waterloo bridge at night makes me fall in love with london.
i really have pretty strong feelings for the bridge.
it made me think that King's wouldn't be so bad after all.
which is kinda weird, because the first time i fell in love with it, it was the open day and it was drizzling and i was having cramps
and i was irritated at our guide and niggling reminders of 'donuts'.
oh but then of course, i usually fall in love when in the deepest of miseries.
it's inexplicable, but i actually feel really big emotions swell up in me whenever i look at the lights of the buildings from the bridge (the OXO tower side, not the London Eye; Big Ben side even though the latter is the prettier bit to everybody else)
i get all misty-eyed and i start to think,"it's so pretty..."
and "sometimes, i think i love london."
and "i think i could actually live here."
and "i think i'll miss this place when i've graduated and returned to Singapore."
by this time i'm almost done walking the bridge.
and the moment i step off, my head clears and then-
happens all the time.
i don't get it too.
Friday, February 09, 2007
ohmyfuck. OHMYFUCK.
i've got my internet back!
Brendan- i got it in Waterstones @ London Victoria. it should be out all around, though.
and now because i am so happy, i am going to put up some pictures from Warwick.
note that i absolutely did not photoshop anything.
the colours were just fantastic!

nice right, the colour. and can you see my cigarette burn ): seeing it makes me sad.

we found some graffiti.

typical random one

isn't Warwick pretty? :)
and somewhere along the way, someone suggested making sad faces. haha, this is embarrassing, why am i publishing them.

out of point, right.

jos after she took a tumble in duck mud.

i like this one even though everyone was kinda cut out.

with sanny and j at oxfam in the middle of her rehearsals :)

trust that josephine to look so angelic when giving the finger.

happy camper j.

finding ourselves at the biomed campus after the nature trail.
and YAY, next two are favourite pictures of the day! we put my camera on self-timer and ran to do something random hurr.
i'm gonna make them big in honour of how much i like them. haha.


weirdest photo of the day. and it wasn't even planned.

j playing with the ducks. eh, why like that. the picture is wonky! it isn't even like that anywhere else. oh god please don't let the comp fuck up on me again ):
now, isn't this pretty too? the crazy mayan/aztec figure shadows are j and jos of course.

with sanny before the dinner and performance.

with the other ex CTC-ians. minus CJ who was running about busy with stuff and a damn shame that was because she was seriously damn pretty that night. no actually, she was just damn pretty the whole time i saw her, morning to night.
okay and then my camera pretty much died and the remainder of the visit has been documented in j's and sanny's camera instead. and anyway, i suddenly feel like i'm dying. i tell you, being sick in the UK really brings the experience to a whole new level. i have never felt so shit before even though i know i've had the flu worst before. seriously, you're just never fucking warm. and the cold makes you all wonky because your limbs are frozen all the time but your head and neck's constantly steaming and pounding and ya, it's basically very fucked up and i hope to goodness gracious this thing goes away soon and i don't get sick again until june wherein i will buy myself a nice big flu jab at the doctor's and keep myself immune from such fuck as this shit flubug that keeps coming back to ravage my system.
i swear, i never thought i was the weak sort even though some teachers thought i was because i was absent so much in st nicks. but i'm starting to think that maybe i am actually a weak little thing. it's kind of lowering. i mean seriously, two cold jags in a span of two months?!
weakling, lee. fucking weakling.
oh my mother, this cough is going to kill me. i'm coughing up my liver soon. i want a jab to make this all go away ):
and btw, redoxon fucking does not work. seriously, i've been conned.
oh, sister got back her O level results. she did good. she did damned good :) nice to know that not everybody in the family flubs it up like i do... oh, though actually, i really probably am the only true fuckup in the family who is capable of getting more than 15pts for the Os. even my crazy dad got himself a nice set of straight A1s and one A2 for his Higher School Cert or whatever it was they called it in those days after fucking up his prelims stupendously with straight F9s. okay, he failed on purpose, but it still makes for a nice tale. funny how even back then, they had the A1 to F9 system going on.
i'm dying, bye.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
maybe it's the effects of being ill, but this morning, i woke up and realised that i'm angry at charmaine lowe.
angry at her for what she did in primary five after andrea and daphne left. really, really angry.
i was never angry. never thought to be.
not even at that one turning point at the start of primary five. that one moment where i was standing alone by a pillar in the canteen watching people mill past at two o'clock, and suddenly realising that just like the past few times she'd promised to meet me, she just wasn't going to appear because she's got new friends and she's plainly forgotten about the old ones.
i knew because that was what she did to jacintha the year before. and now i saw it happening to me.
still, i wasn't angry. and didn't even think to be all through the secondary school years even when it started occurring to me that what she did deserved some backlash, even if it was just verbally.
i don't know why i took it so stoically- maybe it was a self esteem problem. but now that i've definitely gotten over any misconceptions about not being good enough, i find that i am angry.
even for a child, that was plain callous.
now, i'm not even trying to say she wasn't to go on having a new crowd of friends because that, i understand, is what young children do regularly. it was how she did it. just never appearing. not the slightest bit abashed about standing people up. and making added fervent promises about not missing the next appointment and then cheerfully and thoughtlessly not turning up anyway.
i think now that it makes it a lot worst that i also knew what it was like to be a part of the new crowd and sitting at a table sneering along with charmaine at the pathetic old friend who stood there alone, discarded. she made me not like her new bunch with what she told me, conveniently leaving out the fact that she was always the instigator as she was when she laughed at jacintha.
i wonder if jacintha got mad. i hope she did.
for a person as clever as her, i really hope she didn't stupidly take it quietly like i did.
this isn't even holding a grudge, seeing i never thought to blame her. and i'm unlikely to nurse it, because seriously? it's not worth it.
and you'll find that i was never so passive again. true, it would take a few years before i reached the peak of my agressiveness, but, subconsciously, i never allowed myself to be in that position again.
and then i had phoon. who flighty and bitchy as she was, never did what charmaine did. we've had our share of disagreements but she's never just dropped me like that. i mean, at least phoon had a conscience.
and now, i wish i could say it all to charmaine lowe's face.
spit in her face and tell her, "BITCH."
never again.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
i'm damn irritated now!!!
i don't even know why i'm irritated, just that i'm feeling crap and it really sucks.
i don't get it! wasn't i just ill but a month ago?
shouldn't there be some immunity going on?
isn't there some law against getting a cold so soon after recovering from a cold?
i mean, WTF RIGHT.
i reallyreallyreally don't want to be sick anymore.
it's bloody miserable being ill when the temperature outside is -1 and there is nobody to tend to you and heap on some much needed pity.
it's some good old TLC i'm needing right now ):
wtf. i refuse to believe i'm sick.
is it possible?! my mind doesn't want to work around that.
i was just sick less than a month ago!! where is the justice in that.
really frustrated and pissed off now.
don't want to be feeling so uncomfortable and fucked up all over again.
cannot believe i used to like being sick.
WHY?!!!! who are the fuckers who lied to me about the miracles of redoxon, i'm going to hunt you down for cheating my feelings.
i'm going to gulp down more panadol. i don't care if the overdose of paracetamol kills me.
i'm killing off that flu bug if that's the last thing i do!
oh motherfuck my phone is clanging away and its giving me a mother of a headache.
come back when you can make this flu go away.
not in the mood. not in the fucking mood.
i need a flu jab. i don't want to be sick anymore dammit.
i'm really really irritated now. do you get how bloody !!!!!!! i am now??
probably not since my words are so worked up everybody is going to think hey, the girl's fine and dandy and just being melodramatic again.
i hate you if you think that. just try getting the cold after just recovering from a really long strain all through christmas. JUST TRY.
oh god, this better be a 24hr strain or i will really motherfuckingly slit my throat.
i dont want to be sick i dont i dont i dont
Monday, February 05, 2007
Warwick is so pretty!
it has like, all these flowers and trees and ducks.
and graveyard grass! (like, you know, the really green, really pretty ones)
took a million photos because the sun was being very nice and happy and coloured us all most prettily.
i feel like i've been cheated.
london sucks and i really want to have campus life not bloody london uni life where everybody pons school in the day and gets drunk at night.
fuck you, london ):
ah, i miss being in the same school and class(es) as Sanny.
anyway, we came back to london and for the first time in yonkies, i went book-shopping!
haven't felt so happy for such a long time.
i love books so much i swear i could trade away one or two people for more books.
high point of yesterday was when josephine spotted the newly out Shopaholic and Baby.
!!! the only chick-lit i will read! and the best to happy up any sad day!
yay, i love becky bloomwood.
and i lovelovelove luke brandon!
if i could have a say in my personality, i would really like to be like becky because she is so nice.
i wanna be a nice person.
and luke is so fucking hot, omfgggggg. i think everybody i know who's read the books are in love/lust with luke because he is SO the bloody epitome of HAWT.
and oh, haha, he also spells hope for jos who was convinced that she'd never get married because she likes no nonsense men and she's nothing but nonsense.
i say, if luke brandon can marry and live with becky, someone out there can love and marry jos.
and that started my book spree.
grabbed all the cool ones i could see and ended up spending a bloody load on books.
but no guilt in that because if it's just one thing i've learnt from my mom, it's that we never stinge on books.
as if i'd ever stinge on my first love though..
:D ! so i'm happy. happy the way books and nothing else can make me!
oh and i've learnt a new word from the book.
hee hee... squillionaires!
so high, nothing makes me hyper like a coupla of good books do.
but ooh! the book's damn funny and everybody faster go buy them now!!
love backy and luke :D
pictures when i'm more in the mood.
Friday, February 02, 2007
I think I am losing my style.
You know, as in my writing style.
Which just goes to show that Lee Kuan Yew was right and you have to be constantly learning, reading, writing, speaking or your level is going to fall.
And something about compromising one language for another.
Yes, like how your english level (assuming it is your first language) will have to drop from 90% to about 70% to accomodate your mandarin level which will then (if you are lucky) rise to 60%... or something to that effect.
Isn't that old man clever?
Though I beg to differ slightly from that theory.
You see, my level of english has deteriorated to the point wherein the fall is practically like, you know, tangible. And yet, the whole inverse relationship between the two langauges thing isn't working for me and I don't see my mandarin improving one whit.
Oh, tragical....
And this has nothing to do with french because I've invested so little time and effort in my learning that till now, all I know is that je suis etudiante.
and oh, I could probably give you directions of how to walk from LSE to GDSA.
(though I expect it would mainly compose of the words 'droit', 'gauche' and 'uh.........' along with the requisite inventive cursing)
The last book I read was The First Wives' Club.
Please laugh at me.
Oh, and before I go back to forcing myself to sleep, please sample a random photograph from the christmas.
Isn't that cute? I look like I'm putting on lipstick (which I was, but it's very misleading in that it makes me look like some girlie who dresses up and fusses compulsively about her war paint every half hour)
So. Children, don't believe people when they say that a picture speaks a thousand words because a picture only speaks what its subsequent caption wants it to imply and even if it does speak those thousand words, they are not necessarily a thousand true words.
... I don't know what brought that on. Amazing how I can attach a moral to everything. I could have my own version of the Aesop's fables except mine would probably make the little kiddies cry. Awhh.
One day, I will re-tell my classic children's story about the happy butterfly which sang and flew in a pretty garden thinking that life was perfect. It flew and it flew, and it fluttered its little wings as it flitted from flower to flower. And then it flew into a spider's web. And the ugly spider which never thought the world a beautiful place ate it up. The moral of that story was that life is not a bed of roses and you're more likely to succeed if you know that.
I am going crazy.
Goodnight, ya'll. Have yourselves some pretty dreams.