Monday, April 30, 2007
第一次当我见到你 你说你紧张的忘了呼吸
记忆里 我只想玩玩而已 在一起 没想过这问题
你说你从来没有忘记 我们第一个夜里
我一边说我爱你 一边喘着气 sorry 我爱你 是指你的身体
ha ha ha, <3 the song.
the lyrics cracked me up because i totally wasn't expecting it.
i know, i am such a chinese niang :)
but maybe i just have something for naoki irie (or prototypes of him)
what fantasies are made of, man.
okay, i know that seemed very irrelevant.
but i really cannot be bothered to explain my thought process ha ha.
i have such vicious friends-
Jos: (with a very benevolent and thoughtful air) You know... Sometimes when I actually think of ___ as an actual person, I feel quite bad for ____.
Clare: I secretly hope that everyone who didn't want ____ have diarrhoea tonight.
i wasn't supposed to come online till the day after.
but i was cheated online by jos.
and now i can't leave.
there were things i was going to blog about, but now i can't remember what they were.
and brendan-
omg, that must suck. but nevermind, either bluff yourself that it never happened or tell yourself that you are too cool to care.
that's what i would do anyway :D
i recommend the latter because the best thing about it is you don't have to lie, haha.
i am so fucking fat that i cannot even sleep at night because i am so disgusted with myself.
and omg, you know i only just recently realised the extent of how much i hate bodily contact- like the whole skin touching skin thing.
just the other week, it finally struck me: that's why i pile my bed with so many random pieces of cloth.
it's so that i can make sure that before i sleep, each of my limbs are individually wrapped so that i don't have to touch myself in my sleep.
and that is also why i constantly wake up feeling like i've been gang raped because in the circumstance of the cloths coming loose (which is often), i will start contorting myself in various grotesque shapes so that each limb goes in a different direction and i never have to feel skin against my skin.
i know i am very weird.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
I am sad.
Mingd is so far away. I am not feeling the <3
Jos and J promptly abandoned me after dinner.
Balenciaga Lariat and Chloe Paddington are only making use of me for my money.
And all these buggers in my room (called law books) are stabbing me left, right and centre.
They hate me and I want to hate them back too but I still need them.
I need them more than they need me.
It sucks.
The books have a greater hold on me than I on them.
This is not a proper, balanced relationship.
I want out.
My father has his ginseng.
My brother has his girlfriends.
My sister has ceased communication with me (or vice versa)
Only my mother loves me and that is going to change very soon.
Oh, wo de ming zhen ku.
I want to stab myself in the eye and die.
....... You won't believe me, but I'm not really in an emo mood.
I just want to be ridiculous and whiny about my present situation.
Well okay, I wasn't really in an emo mood until I couldn't find my case.
Then I got depressed and thought: "I'm going to blog. About the european law case which hates me."
I was struck by inspiration this afternoon to buy the Paddington.
It just came to me.
And you know what you do when things so courteously come to you?
That's right, you return the favour and go to them too.
(Chinese idiom equivalent: li shang wang lai)
It was right there on Pret-a-porter and it would've been mine in about five seconds.
Then I got confused: The black or the sand leather?
So I asked J who was changing her thoughts on the matter with every alternate sms.
I was even more confused.
But I was still inspired, y'know.
And then I lost my inspiration whilst transferring money.
Just think... That bag could've mine already.
Now, all I have is excess money in the current account for no reason at all.
I have greek yoghurt with honey in my fridge.
I feel so blah.
There are no exclamation marks in my brain at the moment.
Just a lot of full-stops.
And capital letters- which to me is a sign of being boring and old.
Chanty impressed me with her insight and wisdom the other day.
Psychology students are a whole different specie, indeed.
Of course, the topic was something considerably less impressive: Men.
Doleful is me.
I need an iPod nano.
This whole turning the computer on to listen to one song thing is getting old.
I'm over the iPod photo thing already, I want the old white nano.
Portability over prestige, ha ha ha.
I think the array of colours available now is horrifying.
iPods should be white. No exceptions.
Sometimes I almost miss CTC for the study atmosphere.
CTC is possibly one of the times in my life I could forget (not do without, mind. I needed it. But I could jolly well forget it clean now it's over too) but that doesn't negate the fact that it was a small, boring and relatively peaceful congregation of people who all want (or are supposed to want) to study and get into a good university.
And I like congregations of like-minded people.
Especially when they include such sweet people as Sanny.
I don't know how uni is different, exactly.
But I don't feel like I am supposed to be here.
The people are so different from me that sometimes I wonder what really happens to people like me.
I mean, obviously there's the very blantant (and rude) theory that people like me don't end up in university.
But even so, here I am in university.
And so too are my friends who, without meaning to abuse their names, are very similar to me in academic temperament.
So the million dollar question is: Where are the rest of our kind?
I'll be off.
Pray for me people :)
I am about to attempt the impossible- passing my exams.
Ha ha ha (because it's so gruesome, it's funny)
Friday, April 27, 2007
King’s ‘04 Criminal Law exam question
Brian and Clive have lived happily together for twenty years. They enjoy an active sex life in the privacy of their own home. It includes controlled acts of sado-masochism that they both enjoy. On one occasion, Brian asks Clive to carve his initials onto his (Brian’s) buttock. Clive does this to their mutual satisfaction, but the carving turns septic and Brian has to go to hospital.
On another occasion, when both of them have been eating dried ‘magic mushrooms’, Clive asks Brian to pour lighter fluid on his chest and set it alight. Brian does so and Clive is seriously burned. Because of the ‘magic mushrooms’, Brian had actually imagined Clive had asked him to ‘clear the stubble on a hayfield’ and this he imagined he had done.
Discuss Brian and Clive’s criminal liability, adding critical comment where you think the law is unsatisfactory.
ha ha ha, tell me.
exam got this kinda question, how to concentrate?
showed it to jos who loved it so much she posted it on her blog.
and then i decided this morning that i must really let you guys see it too.
so i stole it from josie's blog.
sometimes i think king's is really damn fucking cute.
but of course at the moment, i hate king's and crim law because it's killing me.
... haha omg i am going insane.
the moment i wrote that crim law is killing me, my brain immediately went into overdrive thinking about whether crim law would have criminal liability if it really killed me.
anyway, yesterday was a super emo day
(which i think was brought on by a whole day of mugging on sexual offences which is made especially disturbing because i am currently sexually deprived)
but i got cookie love from j and jos.
and i finally went down to see my mail which was when i felt love towards sanny because she's really the best classmate on earth to have (loooooooooove u sanny)
and then i got emo about not having maxi my neighbour as my neighbour anymore because i used to be able to call him out to walk off my anxiety attacks while he smoked like the old man he is.
but anyway then max called and i learnt of a horrific deed he did.
max is a bad boy.i disapprove of his actions..... but that's out of point because since when have i ever approved of max's actions?
j mentioned japanese lunch last night.
and i woke up thinking of it.
i am tired.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
been up mugging on sexual offences since 6AM
it's killing me.
i mean, technically speaking, i'm loving this whole rape thing because it's the one chapter with good odds of coming out for the exams but honestly, beneath all the dry law bits, the entire thing is just disturbing to the max.
and if i see the word 'penetration' again, i am going to convulse and die.
i'm so sick of this shit.
oh and there was this bit that left me gaping for five seconds.
lemme go find it in the book.
"Controversially, the Act continues to render illegal sexual activity between adult brothers and sisters." (controversially?! WHY. HOW CAN?!)
i heard it's no mean feat to pass the exams.
these kind of knowledge, i could very possibly do without.
now everytime i think of it, i go into a panic attack.
god i just want to pass this exam.
everybody else can go clamouring for their 2.1 s and first classes-
i just want my pass so that i needn't come back in august or worst, retain.
okay sorry i really don't mean to be a chao ah lian but i am so sad now that i really have to rant.
and now, there's this thing i want to say which i have never said before in my entire life but it's suddenly launching a continuous attack on my thought process- so i have to say it.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
i just found out that my flight is in the afternoon tomorrow.
needless to say, that completely ruined my day.
and i think dawn yang is very pretty.
i think she is inspirational.
and i will bite you if you disagree.
i mean, just look at her in sec 1 and look at her now.


if that isn't inspirational, i don't know what is.
so a few weeks ago, i decided that i was pussy enough to forego a pretty nose when i saw this tumour growing out of my cousin's nose because of an infection.
like even without standing too near, i could see the edge of that horrible cancerous looking stuff poking out through his nostril- how scary is that?!
but now, taking dawn yang as inspiration, i say what's a little pain here and there?
besides, pain builds character.
i do love the girl.
she gives all us ugly fuckers in the world such hope.
i am tired and i am unhappy.
i hate growing up.
there are exams and university with unkind people to contend with and worst of all, i think i am starting to grow wisdom teeth.
plenty of messy thoughts swirling around now.
i cannot really see what my mind wants me to think, there are too many fragmented ideas coming in.
i think.
i am sexually deprived.
my handwriting test didn't lie.
(mr lin SIGH)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
haha last night i got so completely smashed drinking with my dad.
we drank fuckloads of wine- red wine, white wine, table wine when we ran out of the goodstuff...
haven't had so much alcohol and priceless conversation in eons.
(: love my daddy.
okay i don't know if it counts as smashed, exactly.
because i mean, i was fucking high, but i wasn't like, off my head.
dunno, always think i'm actually a fluke when it comes to drink but we had like seriously a lot of alcohol last night and....... bu zhi dao.
i think maybe i am really quite a good drinker and everybody haven't really been lying to me all my life.
i'm not being showoffy okay, i'm really serious and pensive about it.
because i don't know my limit and it worries me.
okay whatever, it's all coming out wrong.
i sound so fucker.
i understand if you want to slap me now, ha ha ha ha.
but omg.
love drinking and talking and drinking and drinking and drinking and suddenly feeling, EH I'M NOT SCARED OF THE EXAMS ANYMORE HAHAHAHA!
like even at that moment, i realise it's only a temporary thing, but it still feels damn good anyway.
and when you're above average high, you also think of things your subconscious has been thinking about.
which is very coolio because it's kinda like a sort of free psychological analysis.
so you forget your troubles and get a better understanding of things.
and that, my honourable friends, is what i call
(dramatic pause) slaying a brace of avian creatures with just a single petrous conglomeration.
hurr sorry again, i just wanted to see what it feels like to write pretentiously.
it takes a lot of typing- i don't recommend it.
anyway, in the last moments before i crashed last night, i saw linmd's face.
but ohwell.
anyway, i hate the exams.
they are in two weeks and the last time i was so unprepared was when i was still in secondary school and screwing up was such a funny thing to do.
it isn't such a humourous event now and omfg it's scaring me.
like you know.
i've been more unprepared.
but that was in the days when i didn't care (and i was really good at not caring, i tell you)
and since CTC, i've been trained to care like a motherfucking nursemaid and i cannot get out of this very irritating habit of caring about going into the exams without knowing the slightest fuck what's going on.
i hate exams.
it makes me feel like i have a hole in the heart.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
SORRY i get like this every year when it's near the exams and i don't even know what the syllabus is like.
<3 chinese.
everything comes out looking so emo.
if i articulated the above in english, it would've been:
fucking depressed.
wanna fly away.
or curl up in my bed and diedieDIE.
love you bitches :)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i cannot belive this.
i didn't even go to JC but now i am suffering from the very drudgery that is GP.
met with the neighbour, j and jos today.
maxi arrived with presents from japan.
jos' present was the best.
she got a starbucks mug from osaka.
j got a hello kitty and i got chocolate and green tea.
green tea! ... like i'm some old woman.
that maximiser wu. too much.
jos dyed her hair bright pink.
so coolio.
i'll never do it myself, but i can't help admiring it.
i am so scarred by that korean show.
i cannot even so much as look at a younger male without feeling sickened.
hate small boys.
wiki on annabel chong:
"She attended CHIJ Opera Estate Primary School, Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) and Hwa Chong Junior College in Singapore, after which she studied law in London under a scholarship. During this time, she was gang raped in a rubbish store under an inner-city housing block."ohmyfuck.
so scary :/
i mean, obviously that was maybe 10 years ago but it's not like london's improved a lot since.
and she was at King's College Law! how different could her route have been?
okay like we are not going to continue our aimless wandering at 3AM all over london. no.
my brother is a loser.
he thought Clinique was pronounced Clink-koo.
wham bam thank you m'am :)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
ahahahahaha in the homemade caravan!!
quite high quite high :)
when i forget that the guy is nine years younger, it's actually quite sweet haha.
but i still feel sorry for the woman.
actually, it's more like i feel sorry for the whole of womankind.
quite complicated, not gonna explain.
anyway so fucked up.
the older sister is 33 years old going out with a 24 year old boy
and the younger sister is a 25 year old going out with a 42 year old man.
maybe i'm twisted,
but i think the latter situation is more acceptable.
anyway, i'm so sad that i'm supposed to be studying because my aunt's japanese friend left for japan and gave her this entire sack of jap vcds and i was rummaging through it and found basically
all the jap shows i've watched (which is... about two serials and one movie, discounting The Ring).
super happy when i saw the takuya kimura one because i never saw the starting and that show really got to me.
it was the one that made me switch from adoring normal males to lusting over psychotic ones, ha ha ha ha.
i remember rhapsodizing on the bus to sylvia & co. to their immense horror in sec three or four;
me: i wanna marry a murderer.
syl: (eyes wide) why?!
me: because so sexy.
jade: he kill you then you know.
me: no no, not the common type of murderer! must be damn clever and he'll cover up all his tracks and baffle the police and never be caught!
syl&jade: (laughing) even worst! then he will kill you and nobody will ever find your body!
secondary school was so priceless :D
Ant, it's in Sgp dollars.
what say you?
ah, just thought of the korean show and its stupid little ending.
har, so cute.
conclusion: korean people are ugly.
(i swear i will learn how to cook)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
quite fucked up for exams.
hate being in university.
my mom told me over dinner that annabel chong was at King's law for two years before she left for the US of A.
don't know what to make of it, ha ha.
charlotte makes a mean, kickass cheesecake.
she's such a stepford wife.
saw ACSian's westside story.
it was aiiiiiight- i didn't see stars like i did for twelfth night, but it was a very solid performance
(not like the london university ones)
didn't hang out at riverine after because wasn't up for all that drink and smoke.
threw a tantrum shortly after which happens when it's warm and i don't get what i want.
dinner at shangri-la was fucking boring.
the line will never match up to what the shangri-la high tea place used to be.
it's so ugly and neon and IT DOESN'T HAVE MY FAVOURITE DESSERT.
i still mourn the loss of that scrumptious little thing.
it came on a spoon and it was a sort of mini cake with a raspberry on top.
i don't even know its name and now i will never see it again.
watching bits of that korean show.
the woman is nine years older than the man.
i'm seeing all the scenes with a sort of horrified fascination.
and i just feel sorry for the poor woman.
i decided that my brother must never be like that man.
just now when he came in to disturb me, i glared at him and yelled,
and he looked at me as if i were the biggest sinner in the world and said,
"what shit. i don't go for older women."
and huffed off for his math tuition.
velly good.
my whole family says funny (translation: strange) things.
on saturday, my sister setting off for her competition and my dad off to his office;
sister: Da, do you know where SAS is?
dad: (singsong voice) I KNOWW~ DON'T TELL YOUUUUUU!"
some days ago when it was raining and i was emo-ing slightly;
me: i want a life.
sister: (not really paying attention) orh.
me: i want a life. with clare and phoon and bri and charlotte inside.
sister: that's very greedy.
on friday, when my sister was hysterical over school;
sister: i'm dead, you know. i'm dead! boiled stewed steamed fried DEAD.
i wish i were a contented housewife.
not interested in this whole london student deal. pah.
i want to stay home everyday to water my pot of fern.
is that too much to ask?
anyway, Ant.
i checked your tiki tiger (or whatever they are called) shoes out as soon as i came back, being the good faithful friend i am.
and the pricetag scared me.
why would anyone pay near 500 bucks for a pair of sneakers?
tell me if that horrendous price is still cheaper and i'll get it.
could my life be anymore unhappening........
Saturday, April 07, 2007
the fact that my laptop emits copious amounts of heat has never bothered me so much.
i'm suddenly wondering if it's wrong to describe heat as being emitted in copious amounts..
haha, such a random thought.
but no matter, since i'm not into being all accurate and uppity about language.
it's all about communication anyway. if you get your message across, then what the fuck. everything's cool.
i have decided that google is evil.
true, it aids me very well when i'm off stalking people in moments of extreme boredom (or whatever other mood which takes hold of me)
BUT. it also aids other people's stalking of me.
it's all very double standard-y but what the hell since i am a female and everybody knows women are difficult creatures.
did i mention i'm just updating because i came across my blog and decided i didn't like the look of my last post?
haha, it's because i spent the second half of it rambling about the show.
which is very secondary three of me, i apologise.
i cannot help myself.
it's like the fanclubber in me hasn't really died a thorough death yet.
i thought (and also assured clare) in sec three that i had gained self-attainment and would never be a fanclubber again.
it happened after the first and last time i deigned to check some visiting taiwanese star out (gaoxing from MVP valentine- and i still think he's quite cool, okay. ha ha ha!) where i almost drowned in a sea of squealing girls.
the clincher came when this
thing shoved her camera in my hand and begged me in mandarin chinese to take photos of the other pussy-faced visiting actor because she was too short and could barely poke her nose above most other people's armpits.
and she seemed completely incapable of comprehending even the most uncomplicated english explanation that i couldn't do that for her, because my point of being there was the other guy.
(i tried to reply in chinese, but seemed my attempt was so disastrous, she didn't understand that either)
the moment she looked at the camera i was trying to return to her and whimpered, (
whimpered!) i knew i was in the wrong place and i was not born to be anywhere near such people (or events).
anyway, i just shared one of the most shameful experiences of my life, thanks.
but that was how i thought i'd gained enlightenment and would never in my life obsess over a taiwanese soap opera again.
clare thought that signified the start of a whole new lee interested in clothes and makeup and being a girl in general.
she was wrong and i was wrong.
haha, so sad.
it's been four years since and i'm still as much a loser as i ever was.
oh. tragedy.
ohmy, i have digressed.
how did i ever get to this point? hurr.
ooh, i think acjc is such a quaint little place.
it's like... so american high school, ha ha ha ha!
the stories about their legendary void deck amuse me to no end.
you can actually dissect the entire area into social strata boxes ala mean girls.
isn't that sweet?
i find the entire idea just absoulutely darling.
trust ac la, seriously.
stumbled on this person's blog and whoa, plethora of multi syllabled words, hello?
i used to really really worship such writers.
but now, they just come across as pretentious.
like seriously, would a normal person use words like peripatetic or proclivity when talking about homework and like... the march holidays? CRAZY LA, PLEASE.
i mean we've all already learnt the words since primary four, so like, get over it already thanks.
rolls eyes, man.
given, everbody has the tendency to drop in a few big words here and there as part of their vocabulary but that was seriously too much.
like, other than the necessary conjunctions, every other word had three syllables and above.
quite scary, actually.
and it takes all the feeling out of the writing.
everything just fell flat. so blah.
anywayanyway! hurr.
i saw this korean thing on tv where the woman is a 30-something porno writer of some magazine but she's actually a virgin and one night, in a drunken stupor, she slept with the much much younger brother of her friend.
or something to that effect.
and the episode ended with her waking up in the morning and in the midst of finding out she just slept with a person she repeatedly said could've been her son or whatever.
omfg, i am so excited!
i really want to see what happens next. like, what the confrontation will be like. hee hee.
no interest in anything beyond that because i know it's just going to degenerate into another romance and both of them are going to fall in love and it's all going to be very lovey and boring.
i just wanna see her die with her realization! ha ha ha ha.
this is such a claps hands in glee moment. i am so excited!!
oh that sounded very mean-spirited of me.
i hate google.
google ruins lives.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
i am miserable.
that is because-
1) i'm fat and getting fatter.
2) my doctor bluff me. he said the medicine is non-drowsy. LIAR.
3) i've spent the entire morning going in and out of consciousness.
4) i'm trembling internally
5) my nose is starting to leak again but i don't want to touch the medicine again.
and that means-
1) i cannot study when i really need to
2) i took about half an hour to finish a search puzzle and that is an eternity in search puzzle time and it makes me feel dumb.
oh and because i am so grouchy now, even the thought of having dinner at shangri-la tonight makes me want to go on a murderous rampage.
live life to the fullest for the future is scarce is really starting to make good sense now.
like, i'm really
feeling it, y'know.
nick carter is such a clever man.
btw, writing in chinese is fucking tedious.
i used up all my brain cells just to come up with a decent length entry and it's still bloody sub-standard.
it's so simplistic it's laughable.
i so know that if my sister's friends (esp. chiko) saw it, i'll be the biggest joke of the year ):
haha cannot la. i cannot marry a chinese speaking man.
we'll have to spend the rest of our lives communicating with body language.
which, if you're interpreting it in a dirty little way, wouldn't be a bad thing ha ha ha.
but..... you know la, that's just not going to work out.
my sister told me i am too wordy and seeing my blog gives her a headache.
always the supportive relative, that one.
anyway, i couldn't understand why the taiwanese version of itazurana kiss was so popular at first.
but on second thought, i'm starting to see it.
i like ariel lin. not necessarily because she is a brilliant actress or because she is very pretty (she is not) but i think she is the perfect lead actress because she's always such a good foil for her lead actor.
like, she draws them in and puts them in a good light too.
and okay la, zhengyuanchang lowers naoki irie's cool factor by like 500% and he is quite unconvincing as a 200-point IQ genius (i don't know why, but i see his face and i think: happy and dumb) but he humanizes naoki irie and makes the falling in love more convincing.
not like the jap one where the guy was like so cool and uppity and so obviously didn't give a fuck about the girl until like, 10 seconds before the show ended where he ran after her and smooched her insane. not very convincing.
but what do i know, eh.
especially since i not so much watched as fast-forwarded through the show (taiwanese) and finished each 45-minute vcd on an average of 15-minutes each.
the kissing could've been better though.
like seriously, the whole set up would be so pretty and thrilling and then the moment they connect, it's like.................. uhhhh. (because they just freeze there for 20 seconds)
and ariel lin obviously isn't the problem (refer: love contract and totally phwoarrr kissing, tongue and all) so zhengyuanchang must be the one at fault.
... haiya, so old already still shy what right.
okay bored already byebye
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
好! 我今天就用中文写我的部落格 :)
请大家先不要揍我... 这是我妹出的主意. 哈哈.
我: Should I blog in chinese?
妹: 好啊. 你想就去写啊.
我: Huh. 可是... My chinese sucks.
妹: 没关系啦! 就让大家笑死啊!
刚刚我看她一脸不爽就想逗一逗她啊. 然后她真的是不给面子的好不好.
我: (一幅装可爱的样子) 你爱不爱我~
妹: 累...
我: 你爱不爱我!
妹: ... 唉~ 我明天再爱你啦.
?! 你们看这女人有多怪.
她妈的, 老娘不顾形象地来哄你还不捧我的场.
连敷衍一下也不能吗? 没礼貌的小孩.
哈哈. 好啦. 其实也蛮好笑的...
(还有, 突然觉得我不该乱用 '她妈的' 讲我妹. 因为想一想... 她妈也不就是我妈吗?)
哇... 用中文写字真的不是件容易的事. 就一直有个文笔被卡住的感觉.
可是也还好啦. 反正闲着也是闲着.
最近几天我都过得好开心... 整天无所事事.
还有... 我从一下飞机就开始猛吃.
本来都已经是肥妞一个了, 再加上我最近的自我放弃... 简直是惨不忍睹!!
唉~ 不管了. 开心就好!
写了那么久, 我也只写出这一两句.
看似一些也没怎么样的句子, 我可是绞尽脑汁才写出来的喔!
哈哈. 真心酸... 学了几十年的华语, 我(还是)也不过这样而已.
咳... 真搞不懂为什么世界上有像鄭元暢那么优秀的人我还是比较喜欢那林朝章林先生.
好啦. 我也困了.
这应该不会太难读吧? 可是讲真的, 看到这一大片的华文字, 我真的会有个晕车的感觉.
看到头脑发热. 哈哈哈!
我要睡了! 再见!