Monday, May 28, 2007
argh, i feel sick now.
haven't blogged in awhile and i suddenly don't really know what to say, haha.
but not to worry for it will come back to me soon enough :)
my brother's doing his O level chinese paper right about now in sunny singapore.
i sent him a good luck message.
and he acknowledged it with much surprise (as if i'm the sort of person who doesn't remember special occasions, you know. pshaw!)
so then at the end of a few messages, he ended it with a cheery:-
"gtg already! see you tomorrow bitch. you better come back in one piece or i wont attend your funeral. Haha. Nahh, bless you with a wonderful, joyful and meaningful trip on the plane to sunny singapore."so much love........
anyway, brendan's little dinner gathering the night before.
we played so much that it was 6AM when i reached home
(we karaoke-d till 4AM... hardcore or what?!)
it was very funny.
i think i hang out with very funny people these days.
we honestly have hilarious conversations and those are such <3 !
don't you wish you were me, ha.
anyway i figure i shouldn't say much because it's imperative to observe discretion these days with such crucial plans (and very high quality dairy products)
maxi came down today with his newly acquired girlfriend from macau.
i think he was moodswinging at first (and so was j) but because i am such a bright ray of laughter and sunshine, everybody lightened up after awhile.
then we went to haagen dazs where ant started recounting all the ctc drama we ought not to know but somehow got to know in the days when we still matriculated at the dreary little hole.
underneath all that boringness, there's actually quite a lot of shit going on.
the ultimate conclusion is that ctc is a congregation of wannabes who think that being in ctc is a fresh new god-given chance for them to shine ( like socially, yeah how sad is that, please?)
that's my conclusion at least, but whatever.
i think after i'm done with this whole studying deal, i'm going to forget that i ever went to that school.
should be meeting jos now to get my stuff but its still raining and the rain in london is no joke at all.
plus did i mention i still feel ill ):
why is it so cold
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
haha, i hate reading all my past entries.
i invariably see far too many spelling mistakes/grammar errors and it really pisses me off.
bought two very random books that day in a very desperate bid to lessen my post exams idleness and.
they were aiiiight, i guess.
hmmpf, somebody needs to recommend good books to me.
selfridges with the shoppers united (teoh&brendan) today :)
a lot of happy talk.
then later, for elaine's and sylvana's thing.
mmhmm. it was aiiight :)
i did something unprecendented (also, terrifying) and i'm still shaking internally.
it's but a trivial matter but you know... these things just-
anyway, like that lor.
i feel embarrassed now, but i don't know how to explain why i feel that way.
WTF get over it.
anyway, one of the books i recently read said this
:"She'd met enough Americans in the Caribbean to know that they preferred to stand on their own merits, not those of their ancestors. But in England people took bloodlines much more seriously...."and that's why i prefer americans to the english.
it's not like i have a problem with people being privileged from birth.
i mean, that's life, suck it up.
but being so singularly obsessed with the caste system is just, for lack of a better word, bloody retarded.
especially when you consider that a significant percentage of the english nobility are descendants of illegitimate kids of the king.
i mean, is there really much to boast about when your title's all due to some dead king's indiscretion?
i really don't like white people now.
going through a phase where i have some serious racial purity issues when it comes to white people.
talking to a white person makes me feel like i'm talking to a performing monkey.
or maybe it's just to white people in the UK.
i think americans are just adorable- i love that whole capitalist spirit <3
now i feel like venturing into an entire lecture of my hierarchy of life argument
but that's going to take too long and i'm still reeking of frustration.
ugh ok let's not think about it anymore leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
it wasn't a bad way to spend the night
i hope hvv updates soon
Sunday, May 20, 2007
i betrayed my friend for a bag.
omg i'm such a bitch
i feel so bad now i think i need therapy.
anyway, lovies to teoh for being nice about it :)
but okay i think i'm going to need some time before i can forgive myself for breaching such an important code of conduct.
that's it for today i'm just feeling very fucking bad so i haven't started feeling excited about the bag yet.
that was pretty damn weak of me, come to think of it.
oh lee, such a fucking
i'm feeling very emotional now.
this is so random, but anyway i stopped watching the show because it is so high that i honestly don't have the emotional range to cope with it at the moment.
especially seeing the way it affects jos so much.
anyway, the show inevitably gives us a look at how singapore looked like back in the early days.
and it made me sad because singapore is so different now.
i hate this whole globalization shit, becoming like the other fucking western countries with all the fucking liberal thought and losing the whole singapore feel.
i didn't even realise it until i saw the old singapore in the show and singapore in the present is just so
dirty.fucking infiltrators.
i mean like, when i say dirty, i mean literally dirty.
which is... i know, quite a weird relationship to draw between that and globalization but.
whatever you know, i'm not bothered with explaining myself.
okay i really have a lot to say on the matter but i won't go on because anyway, nobody is going to agree with me.
just that maybe this has to do with how anything that's mine whatever it's like to anybody else, will always be perfect enough for me.
i guess i get why people are so disgruntled with the whole PAP totalitarian thing.
but that's ours, and what's mine will always bloody be better than what's fucking the united kingdom's.
god i am so emotional now.
i love lee kuan yew.
right, fine.
on to other things.
i met jos down for a bit of ______________________ and i'm actually pretty contented now.
mac donald's is such lurrrrrrrve !
and what could be happier than talking to clare, haha.
she just told me this horrible, terrible thing.
do you know that there are actually people out there who think that an actual balenciaga motorcyle costs $30?
they think the imitations hanging on the rails of those carts at far east are the real thing!
is that motherfucked up or what.
i am still shocked that such.............. plebeians exist.
then we went on to talk about other things which shock us (that cannot be revealed here lest we wish a bout of rotten fruit throwing, ha ha ha ha)
and then,
chanty, true to form, said this:
"if i had balls they'd wobble in shock"the girl really has something about the private bits.
so funny.
i'm feeling strange now.
but who cares man, who cares.
Friday, May 18, 2007
quote of the day issued by clare chan wai man:
the day isn't half gone yet, but i'm already sure nothing's going to top that today.
anyway, there were other much more creative insults which included purple coloured genitalia deserving abuse involving potato peelers (because clare was peeling potatoes at the point of utterance)
but i figured some form of censorship was in need here.
anyway, i was happily watching 双天至尊 when bloody fucked up on me again.
oh, yan fei ):
we were sneaky people yesterday and watched two movies for the price of one.
the second movie turned out to be some sort of indian show.
but it was still quite alright... definitely better than that scary bollywood fiasco we chanced upon when we tried the same stunt back in croydon.
i really have nothing to say.
but i think we're going out tonight.
was supposed to start packing up my room but oh my days i just can't get started.
anyway i really got quite depressed about the exams,
especially criminal law.
i cannot look at nicholas cage's face without thinking of the expression he had in city of angels when meg ryan was popping his cherry and that is................... quite disturbing.
i also think he is a very strange person.
and not in the interesting cool way, just in a strange
strange disconcerting way.
not yet in the clockwork orange way, but almost. almost.
i feel very boring and i'm still sad over the exams.
ugh, belljar-ness.
oh yeah, and i almost forgot but clare reminded me.
the night before the criminal law exam when i was putting in some last ditch attempt of studying, i think i heard my flatmate have sex.
urgggggghhh. so irritated. like, what a fine time to choose to copulate.
anyway, at the highest point, they started blasting bollywood music.
bollywood music!! i mean, to each his own la, but honestly....
bollywood music?
must've been feisty.
clare is a bad person.
ha ha ha ha, here's what she said to some guy who was pissing her off when she wanted something done and he was being very incompetant-
"damn hell, if you cant speak english properly for bloodys sake dont get a job because you GONNA GET SACKED ANYWAY with that bloody ______ accent of yours. freak"
baaaaaaad person, this clare.
i lurb cher :)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Okay, sorry I realise I've been posting quite a lot of exam questions.
But it's hard not to when the King's examiners are such jokers.
Here's a question which came out in my exam yesterday:
Alan is a famous politician hated by Dave, an enthusiast for voodoo. Dave believes that he can cause brain damage to Alan by sticking needles into his effigy. Dave foresees two problems, first, that he is not sure he can make a sufficiently accurate effigy of Alan and secondly, getting the needles into the exact parts of the effigy's head will be exceedingly complex. He decides to go to Madame Tussaud's to try out the spell on Alan's effigy, fully expecting that he will need a second trip as he is bound to stick the pins in wrongly the first time around. On arriving at the effigy the coast seems clear and Dave sticks a number of pins into it, ruining it beyond repair. Paula arrives but Dave, seeing that she does not look hostile, explains to her what he is doing. Paula happens to be a researcher working for Alan and sends him a text message describing the scene. Alan is so amused on reading it that he rocks back in his chair and cracks his skull on the wall, which causes him brain-damage.
Consider Dave's criminal liability, ignoring any issue of insanity. Add critical comments where you think the law is unsatisfactory.
Funny people, these examiners...
Anyway, I couldn't do this question and even now, all I see is criminal damage and causation- but I could be wrong.
And I couldn't do basically the entire paper.
My last question which was on intoxication and manslaughter (I hope) was more lit than law.
Two sides of verbal diarrhoea.
I'll be lucky if I passed this paper.
Oh the sadness of life.
I do not feel emancipated like everybody else.
I just feel that there are more to come two months from now.
Jos and J were being very defamatory last night.
And I am friendless till the 19th when I will gain one friend (Ant)
and then only on the 23rd do I get all my friends back.
Watching The Unbeatables under influence from Jos.
And I am so feelin' it.
Yan Fei is <3
Anyway, I just randomly remembered the way I felt when it was some authority figure confirmed my worst fears that a woman's menstruation comes monthly.
I don't know why I even needed to ask, actually. It wasn't like I was completely ignorant, though it'll be fair to say I simply didn't think deeply about such things before.
Still, I think somewhere in my subconscious, I was wishing it was an annual event instead of a monthly one. (I know riiiight, what did I think we were? Dogs? Quite strange, ha ha.)
So when it was so rudely confirmed in my face that women bled monthly, I remember the physical pain it caused me at that moment. My throat constricted and I just thought,"Each month. Every Month. How to live. Curse. Cannot be. Cannot be. Every month..."
Even though I can't say I was completely surprised, it still stunned me.
And from that moment on, another part of me died. I think that entire period of time just saw bits of me die with each horrible revelation which were all becoming reality for me.
Which is why I am still so sensitive to the word 'puberty'. That word, to me, is more vulgar than any other word in the world. It still offends me when I hear it, and mind, to type it out above caused me some considerable trauma.
I will never forget the day something arrived for the first time and I could literally feel a part of me shrivel up and die. Everything became dimmer and I almost fainted.
The scariest thing is that I am not even exaggerating. My mother thought I was just being a drama queen again.
But I swear, hand on heart, I wasn't play-acting.
I think being female is such a tribulation.
Monday, May 14, 2007
dinner at chinese experience with yiyang :)
yay for happy food and talk.
paper today was murderous.
3 hours 15 minutes is tooooooo looooooongggg. honestly.
i kept stopping at random intervals to look around and feel sorry for myself.
anyway, i think CTC has trained me well in terms of timing.
i finished each question like on the dot for the allocated times even without glancing at the clock to keep track of the time.
so that was one hour each question because i honestly don't know how to split that extra 15 mins into 3 ques.................................................. oh.
okay i am speechless.
all of you are going to think i am retarded now.
aiya nevermind i won't even try to justify it- it's exam trauma and i never was good at math.
i finished 15 minutes earlier (obviously) and as it turns out, you can't leave the hall 15 minutes before the exam ends.
so i sat there in my chair, and for the next 15 minutes was hypnotized by the mickey mouse ears of the guy sitting diagonally in front of me.
it was quite interesting how much it stuck out and he was still writing so that ear of his was bobbing along with his head.
fascinating stuff.
turns out i didn't need to buy a watch because this new exam hall has a good-sized clock which actually faces us.
but i figured the watch can still be used as mitigation in front of my parents as proof of my conviction towards the exams.
(which we all know is false, but these kinds of small matters... i don't need to burden my parents with)
by the by, ariel the watch has been
quite the star today.
everybody's been requesting to have a look at her.
so, ya.
thanks all for making the dear thing feel so loved.
scared for criminal law now.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
i got splashed by a car today.
like with a road puddle... if you get what i mean.
hurrf, i hate this country.
it abuses me all the time in all these creative little ways.
this is the first time i've been splashed in that way and i sincerely thought these things only happened on TV.
but i've since rationalized that i watch a lot of angmoh TV and angmohs obviously don't know how to make their roads.
which reminds me, i have a very serious problem with this little road outside the Bankside area.
everytime i cross it (which is everyday to school) i will think,"fucking bad road planning. which idiot did this...." plus other disgruntled mutterings along the same line.
ooh anyway, another addition to my gayness these days.
i had to return jos her watch (which was already quite gay, being all pink and crystal-y) so i decided to go to muji to buy myself a nice no-nonsense watch for the next two papers because the exam hall is quite fucked up (another complaint- later)
but turns out muji only had digital clocks and i wasn't about to bring some monster of a digital contraption into the exam hall with it.
so i panicked because i really don't know where people buy watches since i haven't owned one since primary school.
spent maybe 20 minutes circling covent garden in hopeless despair.
then inspiration struck and i walked into the disney store.
they had watches for little girl children.
i spent another 20 minutes trying to make a choice between sleeping beauty and little mermaid.
okay i know it sounds very trivial here but at that point with the state of mind i was in, it was really a very hard choice okay.
one was baby pink with cloth butterflies all over the strap and the other was glittery with a flower obscuring part of the dial- it was like making a choice between gay and gayer.
cannot take it.
but anyway, after a long and hard debate with my conscience, i chose the fish.
i mean like, if i have to choose which one gets to embarrass me during the exams, i much rather a redhead do it than a blonde.
and here's the gayest watch i will ever possess in my life:

i know, right. i'm such a gaylord.
anyway briefly about the exam hall. turns out it has this fucking big clock which everyone in the hall (about 1,000) will be able to see. but eh, the examiners really damn smart la. they arranged the desks with their backs facing the big clock and the clock we're facing is like this fucking small $10 kitchen clock thing that for some very strange reason faces a pillar directly.
haiya wtf la. everybody in the UK is retarded.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
There's something that I suddenly felt a huge urge to say.
It's so compelling that I had to come online just to blog about it.
And it is that,
I really don't like rabbits.
Friday, May 11, 2007
we had a nice dinner at chinatown.
weizhi and jos challenged each other to a chilli padi eating contest-
i think both of them are still crying now.
(they wiped out the entire plate; you could almost see smoke coming out of their ears)
i just did a very gay thing, haha.
suddenly very jealous that i cannot blog in emo style properly.
you might beg to differ, but i really think i'm a very un-emo sort of person.
i don't understand emo people.
but i'm still very jealous about their blogging style.
it's like some exclusive club and other people cannot do it.
i vant chew velly much.i vant to melly chew-why chew don't vant to see my face.......... even doh i vait outside yor house evly night(in the rain and on my knees)hur, i don't know la- it's really beyond me.
oh i just remembered that i wrote a love letter to jos on the toilet paper she gave me.
haha idiot why didn't i give it to her just now when she was here.
it's like right in front of my face, how did i miss it.
haha a japanese song came out on my itunes just now and i got a shock.
i didn't know i had japanese songs in my itunes.
the only japanese artistes i know are namie amuro because she had this MTV where she was in pink and on roller skates and i don't know, being very gay sometimes, i decided i liked it very much hahaha-
and ayumi because she had enough hair to cover her chest and i've been very jealous of her hairiness. (which is very reasonable of me because i have the exact opposite- not enough hair and too much chest)
oh digressing a bit, does takuya kimura sing?
my very random and abandoned timetable (hahaha omg! i know. so gay right) says i'm supposed to do criminal law now.
but i don't even know why i still bother with timetables when i don't really even look at them.
or care about them.
i think timetabling for me is just a means of getting over another panic attack by tricking my brain into thinking i have a plan and not to worry.
childhood song of the mo = 攏是為了你啦
say hooray for hokkien songs, people!
i know la, i am really very gay now but i need an outlet to vent all my pent up exam anger and unhappiness.
haha i think i know why i cannot blog emo.
it's because emo people get sad and they look at rocks and recite poems.
when i get sad, i start listening to gay songs that makes all my friends want to disown me.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
last night whilst i was studying for contract, i thought about plastic surgery (again)
and i think.... i mightn't even go for the smallest procedure.
because when it's like an everyday fantasy, then okay la- redo my entire body from head to toe also can.
but then my character peculiarities come in and i start feeling like even a small surgery will... uh. compromise the integrity of my face.
hahaha okay shoot me.
i think i was going crazy about contract law because this very random thing kept floating into my mind:
Lee went for plastic surgery. Her husband married her because she is fucking chio. Then he found a picture of her at age 18. He wants a divorce.
Advise Lee as to her rights.
i don't know leh.
obviously i was being very distracted when i was studying.
but i was thinking right, wouldn't plastic surgery count as misrepresentation?
misrepresentation is defined as: "a false statement of material fact made by one party and addressed to the other which induces him to enter the contract."
and looks will be a factor, inter alia, to attraction leading up to marriage.
i mean you might argue that marriage will not be based on something so superficial.
but let's say you're fucking ugly, then the other party might not even have known you in the first place, much less known you better and then liking the beneath-the-surface qualities.
So, assumption being it's an inducement (JEB Fasteners v Mark Blooms)
additionally, in Gordon v Sellico, it was held that fraudulently concealing a defect is a misrepresentation.
but the thing here is, will there be a fraudulent misrepresentation? oh but then the husband sees the picture and is so shocked he wants a divorce, which must mean he was unaware of the surgical improvements.
Lord Herschell stated in Derry v Peek that for fraudulent misrepresentation, "there must be proof of fraud and nothing short of that will suffice."
that means the husband will have to proof that i've been dishonest.
probably quite easy, that.
huh OMG. will this be an implied term?
no no, i don't think so- does not pass the business efficacy test or the officious bystander test.
does not really go to the root of the contract- not a condition.
i mean, unless the husband is really a fucker la.
then maybe it will be an implied condition and plastic surgery will mean a breach which will make the contract void ab initio.
ohmygod, that means he will get to annul the marriage!
the fucker.
HAHAHA omg sorry i got carried away.
that's all shit. and as you can see, i have a very convuluted thought process.
i need to get contract out of my system.
paper today was quite fucked.
i didn't really know what was up, and i really don't know how come i don't know anything also can somehow anyhow whack 8 pages of bullshit out.
that's like 16 sides, omg just looking at that number scares me- i don't even remember what i wrote!
aiya, don't want to think about it.
got to get to public law soon,
but i feel so sorely abused by contract law that all i want to do is go to mac donald's and eat my feelings.
sadland is the place i'm in.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Oh, ha ha ha.
okay i know that's a very strange thing to say at the start of an entry and especially when the exams are so near.
but anyway, i've been on the edge of hysteria for the past two days because i found out to my utmost horror that my exam passport does not have any of my modules listed in it.
which, i must stress even though i don't feel like giving a long explanation why, means i am royally ass-fucked.
turns out i have been raving like an loonytoon for nothing at all because the modules have since appeared- like they have for everyone else.
now my personal tutor is going to think i am mentally sub-normal.
and the examinations head.
and the law department head.
and the other woman my tutor referred me to.
as you can see,
i tend to overreact.
but all that aside (and anyway, what the hell since these kinda things happen to me all the time)
it's made me all high.
i'm still drowning in adrenaline.
did i mention that king's is a very cruel school?
they hold their exams all over london in all these random little places.
my papers are going to be held in a place called 'the royal horticultural halls'
?! wtf is that?
i'm going to do my exams amongst plants, i tell you.
i've heard of classmates going on long adventuring hikes to the exams
(bus for 20 mins, walk for 40 mins... etc. etc)
but i tell you, that is not going to happen to me.
i need to be sedate and calm and not all hyped up.
for the O level E-math paper, i had to make a trip to the general office to get a photocopy of my IC because for the first time in the two years since i got my IC, i actually didn't have it with me.
(see what i mean by these things always happen to me? exams and me, our eight characters don't go well together)
that short little trip over the bridge gave me such an adrenaline rush that i completely didn't see the last question on the paper.
to this day, i still don't know how i managed to miss the last question on my paper. really.
logic, my friends.
if a 1o minute walk is able to fuck me up so bad, what's 60 minutes of travelling going to do to me?!
by the time i reach the exam place, i'm going to be just as intelligent as the plants we're going to be doing the papers amongst.
i'll just sit there for three hours like the plants converting oxygen to carbon dioxide.
and we must not have that-
because as mentioned in earlier posts, i cannot come back in august because i want to go to melbourne to shop and play with my friends chanty, phoonty and domdom :)
meeting the others for mac's breakfast tomorrow.
and after that, i think i'm going to book myself a cab.
i mean,
if i'm going to send myself into hell, i might as well do it in style.
-elaborate flourish.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
King’s College London Contract Law exam May 2005 Q. 4
Harry owns an owl, Hedwig, and has decided to sell it. The owl is worth £15,000.
Harry hears that Dumbledore, a famous owl collector, and someone greatly respected by Harry is looking for an owl like Hedwig. Harry decides to offer the owl to Dumbledore for £10,000 and asks his friend Ron to arrange the sale. He tells Ron that he would not dream of taking more than £10,000 from Dumbledore. Ron sends an email to Dumbledore beginning “Dear Professor Dumbledore”, and setting out the terms of the sale. However, he accidentally sends it to an entire mailing list.
Snape receives the email and thinks that £10,000 sounds like a bargain for this owl. He goes to see Ron, and purchases the owl. Ron assumes that the person he is dealing with must be Dumbledore.
Snape wants to make a profit from the owl, and sells it to McGonagall. Both McGonagall and Snape mistakenly believe that it is a rule of Hogwarts Academy that all of its employees (including McGonagall) must own an owl, although in fact the rules have recently been changed. Snape tells McGonagall that if she does not buy his owl, he will report her for breaking the rules. McGonagall is worried by Snape’s threat, and reluctantly buys the owl for £25,000.
McGonagall learned almost immediately that the rules of Hogwarts do not require her to own an owl. She then demanded her money back from Snape. Ron also realised that he had made a mistake, but he was too embarrassed to tell Harry. Three years later Harry found out, and ordered Ron to get the owl back.
Advise the parties as to their rights and liabilities in contract.
haha wtf.
if my life didn't depend on passing this exam, i would definitely appreciate king's and all their random funny questions.
BUT. i need to pass this exam.
and the questions could really be a lot more straightforward and a lot less distracting.
so, not funny :
honestly i can read a problem question and get cross-eyed halfway through.
so loooooooong.
wan le.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Argh, damned stressed now.
You know last year this time when I was studying for Law units 4 and 5, I was thinking,"Maybe taking Law in uni isn't the best idea because I'm already dying from stress here."
Bloody hell right... Now I'm really feeling it.
That's what happens when you don't listen to the voice within.
But then again, it was because I listened to the voice within that's why I am even in the UK.
(And by that, I mean, literally, I listened to The Voice Within by Christina A and decided to fight it out with my dad... Hai, childhood foolishness)
Anyway, I found photos of my sister and I in uniform, ha ha ha!

I know it's gonna sound all biased and everything, but I really think my mother is very chio. Like, even without makeup and with blue skin (like up there).
I don't know how come I ended up looking like this... Must be my father's fault la. Ha ha ha.
Hokay, damn stressed. Going to start on contract tonight and hopefully I get through this entire fucker of an exam this May (passing) and then I swear to God, I am totally going to be the ultimate nerd next year and study.
Friday, May 04, 2007
i didn't want to blog because i was scared i'd get carried away and lose an hour in study time
(assuming, of course, that study time is in fact the opportunity cost and not one hour of slackage)
anyway, i'm finally getting a sense of urgency about the exams
(the first paper is on wednesday)
which is a bit late, i know.
but nonetheless still a relief.
for a moment, i thought i'd gone back to the secondary school days where, as clare will cheerfully tell anyone who'll listen, i consistently started getting pangs of fear
after the paper.
which, when you think about it, is really hardly any use.
alright, i'm actually quite alarmed about the exams now.
i don't know whatever possessed me to blithely live through this entire year somehow on the very foolish presumption that you can get away with fucking around with your university examinations.
but i was never a clever child.
i think my biggest problem is this whole martyr complex i've got.
because of the way i am, working hard is not a fact of life but a temporary state which i fully expect to be relieved of once the task is done.
the said task here was the A levels.
and after, i felt so sorry for myself that ever since for this past academic year, i've patted myself on the back for being such a good A level student, told myself that i've suffered enough.
and just let go.
not very clever.
omg why am i rambling on again?!
anyway someone needs to tell me what 抚媚 means.
i think jeff chang is gay but i like all his gay songs very much ha ha ha.
mmmmpf i really just want to pass this exam and not retain.
or come back in august for re-sits because i really do not have time for that nonsense.
plssssssss lemme pass god
ogay, bubbai :)
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
King's Aug 2005 Public Law exam
4) Compare and Contrast the fucntions of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
omg, primary school question!
anybody could do that without studying and with their eyes closed.
if only all my exam papers came out with questions like that.
i could definitely stand a chance in getting a pass then.
josephine is bad influence.
she made me do many bad things last night at the library haha.
har, that sounded so ...
uhh -looks shiftily around.
anyway, if i pass the exams,
i have to thank all my ex schoolmates-
Sanny for posting me frustration notes.
and Teoh for bringing over europe and police powers notes.
yay for mr. norman's students :)
<3 br="br">
anyway, it's been almost two weeks since i had some proper wine and i'm dying.
everytime we go out for dinner and i get a whiff of the wine from the next table, i have this immense urge to clamber over and beg them for a sip.
i don't know what's with this sudden wine obsession- it's very recently developed.
but it's good for the heart.
so yay for my heart.
i am such a hypochondriac.
every little thing i do makes me feel like i'm one step closer to death.
and i'm still blogging even though it's just a week away from my exams.
fuckernadden man, really.
computers will be the ruin of me.
i am selling my vaio.
our bus home last night had some drama.
this woman came on with her very brightly dressed boyfriend and they thought to get a free ride.
but the bus driver wasn't having any nonsense from them.
and there was this really long wait where the woman clomped all over the bus yelling, "Well, you're not going to drive until you get down, and i'm not going to move until you drive- So, i'll just sit here and wait!"
and she just bulldozed over to one seat and plopped down.
oh the nerve of all these mongrel breeds....
it was maybe 2 AM and everybody was grouchy and cold so after a while everybody started finding trouble with them too and the woman started calling some random man "spastic".
ooh, and next to me was this random foreign man.
and he was squeaking out in his funny foreign accent, "fuck off fuck off fuck off the bus man"
so funny.
it was actually very near to our stop already and we could've just got off and left but jos said that we might as well stay and witness the drama.
so even though we were two minutes from home, we just patiently sat through the entire 15 minute debacle watching with the interest of two singaporean aunties with nothing better to do with their lives, ha ha ha.
can hardly see these kinds of things happening in singapore.
here, the bus drivers can spend 30 mins without moving to spite some guy they don't like.
see la... give them human rights la.
what Human Rights Act 1998-
i puii.
jos has run over to the dark side of european human rights ideals.
so now i am the sole campaigner of a strong benevolent dictatorial government.
also going through a very pro-PAP period.
ha ha ha, should go join the grassroots.
no sorry bad joke.
but some times you see the state this country is in and you wonder what's the point of having so many rights and freedoms when they don't even have the right infrastructure to live properly.
quotes of yesterday which made me happy-
xunming: I think this ____ is testing the system la-
"eh let me see if i can be mentor m_____. WA! really can eh....."jos: (peering intently at her tube of mentos) WHY do they have so many pink mentos? ... I mean, who cares about pink right?
and don't go to corean chili.
fucking slow- waiting for the food made me so anxious i ____________________.
wa, i love this fill in the blanks thing.
makes me feel so
full of secrets.
(: bye loverducks.
ima go learn me some public law now.3>