Thursday, June 28, 2007
haha i feel so out of touch with blogger now.
i still blame google.
jumbled, incoherent thoughts now so here's what i'm seeing in my head in point form-
1) BRI are you still using your old number? i'll call :)
2) hongkong show- OMG so bitchy i love it but sometimes the women are too much for me to take. today, i felt sorry for the main character because even though i was irritated with him yesterday for being weak enough to be manipulated by his rat face cousin into shagging her, he's now being pressured into marrying her. i mean whaaat the hell, people. why can't you guys just take it as a middle-of-crisis frustration shag?! like people have one night stands all the time anyway ): haiya the poor boy. any fool can tell he prefers the fishgirl.
and rarr <3 joe ma even though clare says his face is like 'a broad lanjiao'
which actually is true and anyway i think of AIDs and expensive prostitutes when i see his face.
it's just what comes to mind when you see his bitch face.
but what the hell.
i like my men tall, arrogant and with bitch faces ha ha ha ha
3) i just remembered there was one night when my sister was on the phone and was doing the whole woman of mystery act being all locked up at the balcony/terrace whispering on the phone so my brother and i decided we were very indignant at not being let in on the secret and went out to provoke her. so we slithered through the corridor and then all over the dining room and the living room and all the other fucking rooms finding objects to throw at the balcony doors (they're like sliding glass doors so we were basically rolling like balls from point to point so she wouldn't see us, wtf haha)
BUT, being all caught up in her conversation, she didn't even give our efforts the slightest acknowledgement.
then my brother came out with a hugely brilliant idea.
we crept (after realising that even a 3 foot tall teddy bear being physically flung against the glass door wasn't disturbing her in the slightest, we decided that perhaps rolling around with our faces flat against the floor was action uncalled for and took to sneaking around on foot) to a corner with all the TV remote controls and switched on the TV, channel surfed to the eeriest channel and gleefully sat there and waited for a response.
and we finally got some sign from my sister.
she stopped yabbering for one. then a few muffled shuffles emanating from the balcony.
then the door was unlocked and my sister stepped out.
she called out my name tentatively to no avail
(but why does she have to immediately think it's me up to that nonsense and not my brother? i resent that)
then, "OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD."
followed by a brilliant freakout.
4) i think i love ai sha 17. it's so illuminating and i think it's shed light on my sister's true self (which she didn't exactly deny) and that's quite frightening. but anyway, i've already told the girl that if she wants to kill me, i'm already expecting it so it's best if she waited for another 10 years where she has the advantage of it being a surprise attack again.
5) jos sent me that NYP thing. i must be the last person on earth to watch it
"WAIT! ... eww. ayyyy seeee blood! ewwwwwww~~"
"don't like that"
omfg, hilarious.
but only that part. the rest of it was mind-numbingly boring.
okay i'm bored i wanna sleep
i think i need to do something for self-validation
pls ask me out to play people :/
Saturday, June 23, 2007
general word of advice, kids:
you mess with my sis, you mess with me.
always been that way and there are some lines you just don't cross.
it's my old man's 56th birthday today and we celebrated in.......... heartland style, yo.
yeah i think i'm irritated.
we need some time off at cameron highlands, the dad and i.
my mom and sister as well, come to think of it.
because even if we can't get rid of the problems, quality time in cold temperatures with good wine make 'em a damn sight easier to forget.
Friday, June 22, 2007
hurrumph, so frustrated.
if/when you see this, i can't find my mobile! ):
left it somewhere in the house, forgot about it until it ran out of batt and now i don't know how i'm supposed to find it.
email about melb?
if/when you see this, i think it's time you did your duty as a friend to tell me where you are because if you're away now then there's hardly any point of me going to melbourne in the next week or so.
ugh, it's all very horrible and messy now.
i hate it when i don't know what my plans are and feeling at the same time that i'm holding up plans as
well..........!@#$%^&* irritated
went to orchard with my sister yesterday.
was all hyped thinking,"yay going to shop and be normal! :)" and club21 sent my sister one of those cards saying that it's the end of season sale and members get 10% off so we thought to be typical singaporeans and go hunting for a... hehheh, good bargain (!)
but i think the trip was doomed from the start because the moment the cab turned into the cabstand at forum, i felt this sudden wave of boredom and exhaustion.
and at that moment, all i wanted to do was go home and sleep.
i don't know why i'm so infatuated with my house, especially since it's such a crap hole.
just last night when i was on the phone with my dad, he was bitching and bitching about how my house doesn't have the right atmosphere for wine drinking and good conversation.
anyway, reasons why yesterday kinda sucked-
1) loewe said it'll take them three months to get my damned coin pouch zip fixed because they are going to send it to spain and back for that one bloody zip, ROAR!
2) went into balenciaga and saw my bag in three different sizes on display- i hate singapore why is it always two seasons late and i hate the fact that now at least three other people in this country is going to have the same looking bag as me, which is a bit rich of me to say so since my bag is not strictly speaking... y'know, mine exclusively in the world of my friendly circles, haiiiiiii.
3) spent the whole day walking all over town in that heat seeing all these random people carrying club21 sale bags and thinking how come these bitches can find stuff and i can't, and in the end, we bought a dvf at tribeca
which isn't part of club21 wtf why do we do such things to ourselves
4) i ate.
anyway, i've missed people-watching but now i feel ill at ease in the places i used to frequent in secondary school (wisma/taka/paragon) so it's a bloody good thing, it is, that when we hied back to forum and saw some interesting people.
and just because i feel very moody and bitchy this morning, i must tell ya'll about these two girls i saw while waiting for my sister outside the changing room at calvin klein.
they were well-spoken and all, and one of them was actually pretty decent looking.
but the thing was that the pretty one was the one tagging along and while the other must've been the one with more spending power, by god, she should've used that spending power on plastic surgery instead.
and at one point, rich-but-ugly wriggled out in a dress which she was very pleased with (i couldn't see anything to be pleased about, but to each her own) whilst pretty-but-poor gave accomodating bleats about the dress "being very slimming" (omfg liar i know what i saw)
and at one point, both noticed my presence in front of the other changing room door and threw me a cursory glance and truth be told, i wasn't too becoming a sight being all slummed over the wall and looking pissily at everything with my slitty eyes.
though that hardly mattered because both were not so much looking at me as zero-ing in on my right arm, more specifically so, my bag.
and i know my bag is pretty hotstuff since i practically orgasmed everytime teoh lifted it before my eyes but gawwwd, that is so secondary school.
then rich-but-ugly went back into her little changing cubicle.
and after a tasteful enough two second intermission, i heard her call out to sidekick/friend of the lesser wealth,"(insert name) is it okay if we stop by balenciaga? there's a dress i want to check out! i really like it!"
and i don't know about you, but i somehow think that if you're that short and with so much flab, there's no way on earth you can do justice to the silhouette of a dress by balenciaga.
unless of course, balenciaga's doing a line for the pets of the mighty rich.
honestly.okay, enough about my disastrous excursion to orchard road.
the other day, my mom and brother did a most random thing.
they set off at midnight to some port to buy fish with all the other fishmongers in the country, or something like that. seems that's how you get really good seafood for wholesale price, not that i care since i abhor seafood.
i had to spend the rest of the night huddled in my room without daring to venture anywhere because together with the fish they came back with, both were reeking of all things gone bad and everywhere they went, they brought with them the smell of freshly slaughtered sea creatures.
and the scariest thing was when i spoke to my mom just before she went to bed, she beamed at me and giggled out,"Ahh, chopping up the fish was so therapeutic! Ha ha ha!"
?! my mom is seriously... i don't know what to say, i'm speechless.
she and all her crazy phases.
two years before, it was yoga and pilates
last year, it was korean drama serials
and this year, it's chopping up fish.
am i the only one who sees a trend of regression into market auntie no. 1?
ha ha ha, my mother.
ay everybody is so hipz&happeningz these days except for me.
i think i need to do something to validate myself.
and ooh, the dumpling guy is qu yuan (credits to mateq who commented, and btw wow i sat there for a very long time wondering if you're a friend and mateq is a name that's like an insider
secretssssss thing between us but i'm sorry i'm a bad friend and i really.. bu zhi dao ): and i don't think its possible for people i don't know to read my blog... hmm. but yay pls be my friend if you aren't already because i can never have too many clever friends hahaha.)
yar, you know i told my sister that.
and she just nonchalantly replied,"ya it's qu yuan what, i checked it out in my books."
dotdotdotszxs this is what we call 死鸭子嘴硬
mm i want to go to cameron highlands.
it's my favourite place on earth, and i know it's very unglam but i love it and if i marry, that's where i'm going for my honeymoon.
or at least it'll be one of the places i go to because it'll be letting my groom off lightly if he only needs to pay for a trip to a malaysian hill for my honeymoon.
and anyway cameron highlands is one of the places that my dad listed down as a place with good atmosphere for wine drinking and good conversation which means that we are going there soon soon soon :)
i have helmet hair and that is very sad because i don't wear helmets.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
i keep thinking that i should blog, but......... aiya.
whatever la right, ha ha ha.
omg get this, i haven't been to town yet.
almost a month back here and i haven't been to orchard.
amazing right, my hermit abilities.
my brother told me something fucking priceless today.
he did some career analysis test thing to see which job his temperament's most suited to.
and apparently with his character, he'll do well as a florist.
bwa ha ha ha! omg i almost choked on my spit when he told me.
imagine being told that you are most suited to a career hawking flowers.
okay did ya'll know that it's the festival of the pork dumpling (or whatever it's called)
i don't know how i know these things, but the other day i had an argument with my sister in the cab about the chinese story behind it.
she tried to convince me that the pork dumpling guy was Yue Fei:-
I: who's the bazhang guy?
sister: ...... (then confidently) Yue Fei.
and i was all impressed and convinced and
waaaaa you so clever-ing for like five minutes before it started to kinda crumble and not add up.
so i very confusedly asked her
,"but isn't Yue Fei the guy with the tattoo on his back?"and still the cow looked very condescendingly at me and gave a very self-righteous
,"YA. he's the bazhang guy what!"and i was intimidated into silence for another minute as my mind scrambled to remember all those higher chinese ke wen things we had in primary three.
then it hit me that she couldn't be right.
said I,"
NO. Yue Fei was the guy with the (strangled utterance of four random sounds to signify acknowledgment of chengyu now long forgotten)
on his back that his mom gave him and some bitches backstabbed him, that whole 12 summoning thing right. then he was gonna get his head chopped off and the executioner saw his tattoo and cried because he was so touched. RIGHT. RIGHT?!?! OMG YOU CHEAT ME."my sister looked at me pensively
"shut up la bitch"wtf.
i might not know my chinese legends all that well, but i know that the dumpling guy went up some cliff and jumped into the river to kill himself.
and a guy can't die twice.
ay my sister is a horrible person.
i tutored her in econs for awhile just now and i almost died.
six months doing econs and she doesn't know what PED is.........!!!!! can die man.
now i know what it must've been like for my myriad of chem tutors when it was midyear secfour and i didn't even know how to balance an equation
urgh i dont wanna blog anymore i feel so uninspired and it's like i've been forcing out words the entire entry gah
lemme blog in chinese since i need to do something to work off the frustration from:
1) NDC appointment tmr and they want my birthcert and my IC and i don't want to let them see
2) can't find tickets to melb with price my mom is happy with
3) i just spoke to my dad and he sounded hoarsy and i dont care but more than a month of a sore throat speaks of cancer to me ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
那里很多人和烟让我快熏死 都那么热了还烧那么多东西真是莫名其妙
真的 我怕小孩子 搞不懂为什么它们总是有的没的都来找我的麻烦
我弟也跟我讲了一件事 虽已是成年往事但我听完后就一直不爽到现在
唉~ 不讲了
*ps i know it sounds rude but i couldn't think of how to express
grandmother (deceased) in mandarin
Thursday, June 14, 2007
j8 yesterday with charlotte.
loving j8 because even though it's already 2007, the music still hasn't left 2001.
which is just the way i like it :)
i swear they've put the same cds on replay since 2001.
the facade's all different now, but it still smells like j8.
and it's still chockful of school going kids.
makes me nostalgic, even if there can't be much people-watching done now because younger people are boring.
charlotte told me that putting in braces will cause throbbing ulcers to be suffered quite regularly.
having second thoughts about going for any jaw correction now.
i can deal with the 5-day hospitalization and down time of two months, but gad, the thought of ulcers like the ones which plagued me until recently all over my mouth................... i cannot take it.
yeah, maybe charlotte's right.
maybe i don't want a jaw like everybody else's.
i really don't like mouth ulcers, you know.
everytime one appears, i become convinced that i have leukaemia.
that sort of paranoia is not to be toyed with, and i do not like the idea of wasting away from a terminal illness (and losing my hair, oh good lord kill me first)
i was going to get a blood test done to be completely sure that i haven't been stricken with cancer but then my dad pressed my nail beds and assured me that my red blood cells are still proliferating.
which is comforting enough, i guess.
okay my sister is such a bitch.
she just came in, sat down comfortably on one of my chairs and earnestly told me-
"wanna go orchard...? Kenzo and Escada having sale. 60%"so obviously, a very proper and perfunctory reply would be-
"ooh, i wanna go buy stuff"which was what i said,
and the next thing i knew, she gave me a bambi bitch eyes look and went,
"you very thin is it?"honestly right, i don't know why i put up with such abuse.
back in my glory days (circa 1995) those two wouldn't even dare look me straight in the eyes; i raise a hand in some harmless action, they take cover.
my sister verbally abuses me everyday
and my brother keeps launching face-on attacks on me with his fucking smelly bolster.
the old don't get any respect these days no more.
it's two weeks i've been back and i'm finally feeling a small flicker of need to find myself a life.
like track down some old friends and such.
but it's only a little wisp and i'm sure it'll flitter away in the next hour or so.
though my sister's put the idea in my head,
should i go towning now or not.
i heard orchard's unrecognisable now; it'll be like exploring new terrain, ooh yeah.
ha ha ha julian yang, oi sexy! someone's looking fiiiiiiine in a black shirt :D
aiya should i go to orchard or not........................zzzzzzzzz.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007
yay, happy.
facebook is very much in my favour these days.
i love this whole fascinating graffiti business.
pottering around with the shapes and shades makes me happy
so engrossing you know, and i am never engrossed unless it's a book which is different because the relationship i have with books is ..................... you know, a very profound thing. haha
oh but art always did give me a high too.
still in experimentation stage, but OMG love it love it!
in the midst of figuring out how to get things the way i want them to look arghh so interesting hahaha.
reminds me of my childhood :)
wa, i was damn into this shit in p6
but then my dad didn't allow me to take lessons at NAFA and ya i know right so tragic (i was about to say the most tragic story of my p6 life and then i remembered... uh, other things. haha)
so then i stopped because it makes me all like, sad. or something to that tune la
don't know why my dad like that.
he wants all his children to be humourless and artless creatures.
didn't let my sister learn how to play the piano.
and even when i wanted to learn like... wtf was it, karate or something, you know what they did?! THEY THREATENED ME WITH BALLET CLASSES.
low blow,
ooh, digress.
anyway yay love graffiti.
i think i just drew my best one yet today
v pleased with it because it's also the flower that my dad (or whoever) places around his office during happy times

oh the little words are there because i drew that on brendan's graffiti board. been bombarding my friends' boards because i'm so excited with it haha (omg so childish i know haha)
yes, i realise drawing on the internet is different from drawing online but it's just as absorbing or maybe even more because you need a lot of concentration when you want to control your mouse. i wanted a tablet but then mervyn said something and then i thought about it and realised i didn't actually really know what a tablet was and even if i had it, i wouldn't know how to use it anyway.
aiya whatever.
ay, if only i went to NAFA. then i can draw and then- fuck university ho ho ho. don't need to read all those law books and feel so alienated HAI.
okay la, kidding. i never wanted to be an artist, just liked to draw. my life's ambition is to open a second-hand bookshop in a village in some random countryside (currently, ireland) and spend the rest of my days manning the till and reading. money and books, two of my favourite things in this world :D
watched the last of my show this morning and bloody hell man, it's so creepy but in this subtle way so i don't even know why i'm creeped out.
and ooh, he who is evil died in the end and i thought he made a very becoming corpse, especially togged in that purple t-shirt. i like purple. it's a very attractive colour. and the guy speaks english too you know, and it's not funny sounding. ! ............ what's it about guys who speak nice english that makes them hotter? i mean, it's all very well when they speak mandarin because it's not like i have a problem understanding the language. but the english just makes all the difference somehow, ha ha ha.
good english is very important okay kids.
anyway i still think he looks like a llama and he's got such a slimeball feel. like Duncan, but less hot. but i was more discomfited at the start when he was all nice guy because somehow (even though there was no indication until much much later- i think that was the plan- that he was bad) he just felt like an evil mastermind waiting to happen. so when he actually did go all mr psychotic, i liked him a lot better because at least now i wasn't going to get all tense whenever he appeared waiting for him to turn bad.
okay yay i think it's such an exciting show.
byebye :)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
it's been awhile friendies :)
but then again i never blog when i have something better to do.
and you know how the more you don't blog, the less you feel the urge to blog.
i don't even know where to start.
suffered the requisite fever my body delights in abusing me with whenever it's time to get on the plane.
i don't even know what the hell's wrong with my immunity system,
if i can even call it that, since it doesn't actually seem to be
immune to anything.
i have three ulcers in my mouth, all on the left.
and they are killlingggggggg me.
my sister handed me Bactidol and i can safely say that it is the foulest mouthwash i have ever had the misfortune of being introduced to in all my eighteen years alive.
it was so nasty that the moment i poured it into my mouth, i promptly forgot which side of my mouth the ulcers were in and started frantically swishing my head to the right (don't ask me why)
i do not like Bactidol.
it is smelly.
my dad was home for six days last week, which is quite unprecedented for as far as my memory extends.
i am girl who was dearly missed.
okay, hit me.
ooh, watched The Holiday on the plane (quite reluctantly at first) and either i was in a pussy mood for soft films like that or it was actually pretty decent, but i cried like a baby.
okay, not exactly. but there was this point where the old man walked up the red carpet and i was so touched/proud/hormonal that i had to physically fight the urge to whack the arm of the poor old man sitting next to me and cheer.
that would've been ungainly, so i settled for shedding a few maidenly tears.
and i also feel honour bound to declare that Jude Law is
the hottest man in Britain.we here at enraged.blogspot think that Hugh Grant should go help his grandmother with her knitting and stop distracting everybody from the grand (and damn sexy!) charms of Jude Law.
my sister and i actually had a conversation about how hot he is.
which is saying something because our conversations about any male usually consists of-
me: omfg! (insert name) is so hot/sexy/beautiful/fuckable!
sister: can you please get a life
so anyway, we decided that jude law is very special because him standing there = hawwwt!
but then you see him with two little girl children hanging off him and generally bullying him and it's like... nose-bleed nose-bleed puddles of drool kind of hotness to the max.
that Jude, he's something ain't he.
watching 爱杀17 now and it is......... i dunno, mind-boggling.
the entire show is just like a conspiracy of titanic proportions.
it's so super fucked up! everybody, and i mean
everybody, in there has issues.
like, if a newborn lamb was in the show, it would have issues.
so obviously, i'm lovin' it.
and i like it because even though everyone has issues, it's still not yet dengenerated into a draggy, blubbering soap operatic mess.
and there's this guy................................................ huh.
i don't know what's with me and people i inexplicably don't like at first sight.
because it becomes a thing.
and it is not good when things become a thing, if you know what i mean.
so anyway, the last scene i saw was him forcing the head of his ex-girlfriend (also the twin of his evil co-conspirator, now deceased, who, incidentally, he had an illicit affair with- i know man,
wtf?!) underwater to kill her.
and there was definitely a thing.
i know.
something's quite wrong with me.
y'know that secthree marry-a-murderer thing?
maybe not so gone yet.
wellymelly, july's going to be an exciting month for me!
two books coming out then :)
Harry Potter and Elvenbred!
This Elvenbred business has been very sluggish.
it's a four-book fantasy (which is not a genre i very attracted to) series.
the first book came out in 1991 and the third, which i just found recently, in 2002.
i'd rather hoped that the fourth book would be out already and went in search of it online.
and i almost stabbed myself when i found out that one of the co-writers
died two years ago.i thought, that's it. 完了, 没有了 and i'm never gonna know if Kyrtian (which by the way, how would you pronounce that?) found his happily-ever-after or how he was gonna win all the other bitchy elvenlords.
so you can imagine how pleased i was when i found out that the fourth book is finished and ready to be published.
isn't it lovely?
even if the old lady had to die, at least she done finish the book before she did the same herself.
very courteous of her, i think.
........... oh, that sounded quite bitchy.
i didn't mean it.