Monday, July 30, 2007
Ann Siang Road, yo.
i think i am falling in love with singapore.
the touristy bits are honestly SO fetch :)
and as for our quote of the day moment;
whilst browsing at Stamford House and upon seeing a kooky mustard yellow tunic dress with an odd detachable black flap at the back,
Charlotte: "Is this a cape? ... Because Edna Mode says no capes."
LOVE <3>
Thursday, July 26, 2007
haha, guess what my sister said the first thing she saw me today?
"OMG, SO FAT!"and she wasn't even trying to be bitchy.
she was genuinely shocked.
like, i get that the whole ruched front thing is a big mistake.
i know that okay, and i was SO over the outfit by midday.
but what to do.... my sister wasn't there to buy me a new outfit -doleful
then again,
it's not the dress that makes me look fat, it's the fact that i am fat that makes me look fat.
grrrrRARRR! :/
a week ago, i convinced myself that i was so over the thin thing (i know, WTF?)
being out in town with the rest of the living population easily rectified that.
i could definitely do with some drastic weight loss
if i could just bloody return to my weight before christmas
okay enough about that.
we shouldn't obssess about our weight because through that are zoebots thusly made.
charlotte did us proud today, ya'll.
holler for her :)
this week past, i've been rapidly discovering the sublime pleasure of actually being one of the living.
can't bloody wait for ann siang road, ha ha ha!
i do need to tan, but because i'm not as willing to tan my face as i am to tan the rest of me, i really need to be introduced to some UV rays with discretion (ie. solariums)
uh, if you want dVb shades please go to london to get them.
the ones at on peddar were,
!@#$%^&* kinda pathetic.
and now, i'm going to spend the rest of my night thinking of how to make those people who antagonized my sister pay.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
high tea at the rose veranda <3 div="div">
now we know where my old high tea favourite went when that florescent monstrosity called the line came into existence at the poolside.
by the by, do take a gander at the lovely china- we were quite taken by it.

we took turns drinking our tea trying to be dainty fairies sticking our pinky out
(charlotte's idea)

'tis true, i am chubbing up.
methinks it's time the feeding stopped.
would've stayed out longer and roamed town if not for the fact that my shoes were killing my big toes.
my nailbeds are bruised now.
it's quite gruesome and i try to pretend it isn't there.
charlotte's still to bring me to the body shop, and i'm to bring her to on peddar.
so................. haha charlotte when's our next date?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
okay, LOVE SNAPE. ! <3
i'm actually dissatisfied, and it almost makes me want to cry thinking of how in a few years' time daniel radcliffe will be standing in hogwarts yelling all those beautiful things harry yelled to voldemort.
daniel radcliffe, that ugly git.
and after all that sexual tension spanning reams of pages and a great number of years, the woman gives us one kiss between ron and hermione.
that by itself wouldn't be so unforgivable if not for the fact that we've had to endure all that bloody overshare about cho chang and ginny before OMG.
"Wands are only as powerful as the wizards who use them. Some wizards just like to boast that theirs are bigger and better than other people's." -chapter twenty one, pg337ayep, a sexual euphemism if ever i saw one.
p.s/ phoon you are a woman of great foresight because you were the first and only person to tell me that snape is hot, and back in 2001 too when most people thought he was a slimebag.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
my dad's cured some guy who had stage four bladder cancer and the guy's in complete remission.
apparently, that's a miracle in western medicine.
the man found my dad again one and a half years after my dad first gave him one of his herbal concoctions (for the ignorant bitches, one of my dad's hobbies is dabbling with TCM), accosted my dad in the middle of some hawker centre, told him the joyful news and
knelt down to profess his thanks.i think my dad was quite horrified.
but anyway.
wahlao damn cool right, my daddy's like jesus.
so this man brought three new cancer-stricken people to my dad's office yesterday for a consultation.
i think what my dad found the most pleasing was that these people (all rich businessmen who really don't want to die) bought him dinner and more importantly so, two bottles of cordon bleu.
also, the oncologist who treated leehsienloong called up my dad to refer one of his patients to my dad. (okay la, they were friends before, it's not like my dad's some famous legend with cancer doctors now haha)
ah, clare reminded me the other day how old we all are already.
she's 19 going 20 and i'm 18 going 19.
do you know what this means?!
this means that my child-bride fantasies are no more! NO MORE.
velly sad.
ha ha, this is very weird but my house smells of what it smelled like during the SARS period when we were all locked at home like caged animals for two weeks and it makes me feel all.... floaty.
those were happy times, those were.
talking on MSN all night, making pacts to sign each other's guestbooks an obscene amount of times a day so that our guestbooks would progress quickly and accumulate more pages of inane "hi there dear signing ur gbk again. love ya!!! -hugs"
aiyo omg i'm so scared of hypertensive heart disease now
where's my father, we need to have a heart to heart talk about this.
hurr, where are my tomatoes. i'm going eat them now.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
hell, i think i'm sick.
i wish someone would get married, dammit.
feeling very much in the mood for running around in hotels and complaining that wedding dinner courses are inedible.
and i want to hang out in a hotel room.
went to school the other day and entered the primary staffroom in search of linlaoshi.
on the way there, came face to face with some teacher's cubicle which had its walls plastered full with pictures of 吴尊 and i don't know.... it kinda undermines their authority doesn't it?
i don't know if i would've been half as terrified of my teacher if i'd known she was a crazy fangirl over some taiwanese boyband pretty boy, you know.
anyway, the other day my brother was attacked by the father of an scgs girl with a durian.
so now his knees has these funny looking holes on them.
it's very funny.
i know it makes you wonder what on earth my brother did to the girl, but haha as if i'm gonna say.
been sleeping the whole day and now my brain still feels numb.
comes from being sick, i know.
was with charlotte at SMU yesterday (she's left for sydney already and i'm so envious i could keel over right now) and i felt so sorry for myself being in king's and all.
in the perfect world, all of us never left and will go on to SMU together (assuming we actually made it through jc, but hey perfect world. perfect world = getting 4 As)
and just think... not having to waste time making new friends and ponning lectures to go shopping.
life sucks,
watched transformers the other day.
hahaha, so sexy man.
but i thought the last bit where the guy and girl were making out on his car was a bit warped.
i mean, isn't that basically the same as making out on top of your friend?
which.......... actually omg come to think of it, i actually know people who did that and lemme tell you I STILL DISAPPROVE.
on more counts than one.
and i realised i haven't watched movies in a long while and hot damn, i miss it.
so much so even watching the movie trailers were such emotional moments for me.
my sister is a fathead
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
on monday, i met charlotte and bri.
we hung and chilled.
i was very happy.
mm, 'hung and chilled' feels like i'm describing a delicatessen.
there was this priceless conversation between charlotte and bri about keeping a still-beating frog's heart in a jar-
bri: It's so cute! You feed it with solution to keep it beating... It's like a pet!
charlotte: Ooh, like a tamagotchi!
and following further exchange on the same subject which moved too quickly and excitedly for me to memorize.
but you gotta have been there, the words don't do them justice.
so cute, the two of them.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
conclusion of the week:
nestle cornflakes > kellogg's cornflakes
okay, other than sampling cornflakes, i have not done anything more constructive this past week.
except doing random things when my hipz&happeningz family members deign to return home from their various extra curricular activities.
it is not a lie when i say most of my money has been spent on beer and cigarettes since i returned.
anyway, my sister bought me a big cream leather bag yesterday and i like it very much because it's big and square and looks like a cake.
we also bought three pairs of birkenstocks and affiliates (betula/tatami/etc etc.) and i know you're wondering why when we only have two pairs of feet.
but okay tell that to my sister and her never-ending deep pockets.
we also hung out and ate japanese.

even though my mom was thinking of dinner at raffles hotel or something like that.
and then we bought funky art supplies and they are so funky i think i want to go back for more.
my sister also told me yesterday that she likes that whole pouffy long tiered skirt look which was all the rage ala sienna miller circa 2005 and i felt duty bound to tell her that many fat people thought it was a great look because it hid all their fats, but what they didn't know was that even though it hid their elephant torsos and limbs, it did nothing to beautify them. especially if they donned the long skirts of the white variety. because they just ended up looking like fat cups of ice cream frappuccino.
ooh and we also saw a 14-year old chinese girl making out with a 26-year-old caucasian man. that was sick.
i haven't made any sort of orders for the newest harry potter yet but i've told my sister that i want them made at novena because it's the nearest place to us where the book comes to me nicely wrapped in clear plastic. you don't get that sort of service at popular.
i need a life.