Wednesday, January 30, 2008
ah so sians, why can't i concentrate when he's in class
(i'm sorry i would write the name but it's the same as some other person's so seeing it in this context will disturb me haha)
wish he'd just pon so that i can actually learn something
like last week, where i arguably had the best trusts class i've had since school started.
ooh and friends, have ya'll heard about the edison chen scandal
it's all over school (well, at least all the hongkong people in school)
all the naughty pictures and shit.
i always suspected that edison chen would have a small appendage.
you can tell from his infant sized hands.
hahaha, ya i know man
why am i so frivolous?! cannot take it.
but it's either that or i obsess about how i am going to keel over for the exams (which i realise are in may, but it's never too early to start worrying you know)
yeah i don't get why he's suddenly so chatty this term.
his voice is a bit squeaky
and i liked him better when he was silent as a greek statue (almost as hot, and great hopes for the appendage! ha ha ha)
anyway i can't concentrate when he's in class, it's so weird because i'm not even feeling any compulsion to look at him.
or maybe it's the topic we were doing today, what do you think. hmm.
okay i probably shouldn't talk about people that way
objectifying them like that.
what i really want now is a face.
a face on which i can really unleash all i've got inside.
like, you know say mean things.
i've got so much in me to offer, you know.
yeah i wonder if i can say mean things on
but then it magically registers comments under my name (how scary is that) and the person in question will be able to trace it back to me.
which i don't normally have a problem with, except these people are being lauded for their sartorial elegance and who am i to say mean things, me in my faded hoodie and jeans.
anyway i still want to point out that the last person posted there looks gay.
he is pouting some serious homosexual message at me.
he is saying, hi i take it up the arse.
aiight, i'm out.
please comment and tell me that i am amazing thanks
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I'm ashamed to admit this, but I actually really like The Bell Jar.
I guess this makes me an angry woman.
Quite pointless really, but then women usually are.
This computer is damaging me.
I keep saying I'm going to shove it aside and start a new life without it but that just never happens.
In other news, I am completely Fucked.
And in other news, a dear friend got a bit (rather, quite a lot) of nookie.
That sums up all the excitement of the weekend.
The rest of this week we've spent convincing J to get knocked up.
Alright some things need to sort themselves or I am quite unable to face the morrrow's sun.
Anyway, just to add a bit of love...
Chuck <3 <3
I find I like my men with a touch of sleaze.
Feeling decidedly un-fab.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
i think i'm much better at this than my chums,
at least i'm blogging every, say, 10 days.
the other day, i dreamt that i was on a roller coaster ride with the most random congregation of people, of which included jos' brother and a taiwanese singer whose name (& face too, actually) i never really knew until i dreamt of him.
this is going to sound very strange but he really did tell me his name in my dream and that was the first i've ever heard of it.
anyway, i asked j and apparently the man exists.
isn't this funny... i was quite amused.
actually, why don't i google that name now and find out if the name fits the face.
ha ha ha, maybe i'm psychic.
not that i want my dream to ever happen because that ride we were on was tossing about like a crazy motherfucker and in real life, i have my spectacles to worry about.
i know. that is such a geeky sort of thing to worry about but i really like my glasses okay, they are pink and purple and lots of people come up to me to say how much they love my funky specs harharhar :)
last night, i watched the royal ballet's the nutcracker.
and now i sincerely understand the meaning of catch no ball.
i saw the entire thing, was entranced by how oddly grotesque and yet strangely beautiful the movements were, got quite hypnotized, etc etc.
but at the end, i still caught no fucking ball.
so today, i dutifully wiki'd the nutcracker and the ball has since reached my hands.
though come to think of it, should've wiki'd it before so we wouldn't have stood around after the performance scratching our heads and sounding like such absolute noobs with our wild speculation regarding the plot.
anyway, a very summarized version of the plot is that the girl was happening with her toy which was in the shape of a soldier, with the main function of cracking nuts. and then they fought rats and went into another land where they watched the sugar plum fairy and her cohort dance.
all things considered, i think swan lake made a lot more sense.
(although that might be because i watched it in the barbie version on dvd)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
i'm not feeling well at all
why do i get the feeling that i have far too many posts talking about how i am ill again?
my immunity system has definitely shut down, i think.
i could've just stayed in singapore another week.
because of numerous reasons and twists of fate, i have officially come back to a one-hour school week.
i type things, and then i delete them because i keep getting plagued by evil little voices telling me that it's all unnecessary and of nobody's interest but mine.
maybe not even mine.
and who needs to know why my fringe is fucked up now anyway.
(i'm going to tell you anyway, its because my stylist, whose name i've finally deciphered after 6 months- it's hock kee- did my brother's hair and i got stuck with my sister's stylist who although prima facie seemed a lot more intelligent then hock kee, made a complete doofus mess of my fringe unlike hock kee who so worried me with his inablity to speak properly but after some helpless sounding grunts managed to produce the nicest fringe i've ever seen produced on my head. this teaches you to not judge a book by its cover)
wonder why that is, think am losing sight of fact that have always blogged for self and not others.
does this count as being more selfless?
ha ha ha.
anyway, mightn't have mentioned this, but word of the year is: Fab.
we're all going to be fabulous this year.
that is, my friends and i.
not all you random people because i mean, if you all were fab too, then nobody's going to really be fab anymore will they?
if you know what i mean.
i don't know where my internet connection has gone.
do you think it's the rain
damned rain.
quite excited about charlotte's newly hatched project
want to put up some photos now but my internet is still not working and i don't want to be screwing anything up.
i mean, how often is it that i really blog these days anyway.
we must treasure these precious moments, rare as they are.
ooh anyway i stepped on my property tutor's foot today
and it was then that i realised exactly how tall he is because as i braced myself from falling directly into him, i suddenly saw how i only just missed headbutting his stomach.
and i was standing straight, mind.
why are angmohs so tall. it is unnatural.
cooking my own food is such a drag
okay some random (and by that, i mean really random) photos to brighten up my day

not the best we took all xmas by any means, but ya'll will just have to make do till i figure out and rectify this little problem groin grabbingly good is giving me haha
Sunday, January 06, 2008
it's so shitting sad that i'm leaving tomorrow.
but instead of whining, i thought i would try something fresh and new such as being... breezy for once. anyway, this is all for posterity's sake.
i suppose i should explain that. charlotte was asking the other day if i blogged about last christmas because she was in a nostalgic mood. and i was just about to give an emphatic YES when i realised that i was going through a phase then and shut off my blog for the entire length of time. really clever, so now i have no written memory of possibly one of the best christmases i've ever had (which are few and far between as we would surely expect of a family where one parent doesn't think too highly of the religion concerned)
so to cut a long story short, i think i should do this christmas some justice and at least give it one post.
... actually, let me just summarize it. i don't even know how i used to blog compulsively. i haven't blogged for so long that blogger doesn't recognize me anymore. the words aren't coming. this is what happens when one stops writing or reading anything constructive for such a prolonged period. i plan to beat my laptop into the cold palace this coming semester and perhaps then my life might take on a semblence of normality.
mostly, i've just hung out with my fab friends in fab locations. because we are so fab. you know how it is. or maybe you don't, but nevermind because we're not as fab as we want to be anyway. the quest for the finer things in life continues. at least we're fabber than you. that was to comfort myself.
bri was stuck in shanghai with all her chinapongs/flies this time, haha.
dearly missed, dearly missed.
today i wandered off for five seconds and when i came back, my brother told me that i'm-
"like an unleashed bitch like that."
i feel like i'm being all formal and boring.
solly flens :)
oh clare taught us a new phrase today: diu lei lo mo ge chao hai
she said it is a very naughty phrase.
and i still cannot pronounce hongkong in cantonese the right way. it is NOT as easy as it seems okay. don't get all snotty on me, you try pronouncing it to hongkongers first and see them laugh in your face.
there are photos but it's late, i'm half asleep (and have been for the past two hours) and they are on fb anyway.
i love arriving at fab locations with charlotte in a beemer (which she drives)
it thrills the little girl in me to little itty bits because i've always loved looking at rich young people walking to their hot cars in carparks. just because it just looked so good.
i mean, isn't that what life is really about- being rich and young and beautiful. i don't even know how those old people picking their toenails at coffeeshops live, being none of the above.
i really have to work on this fab thing.
can't possibly do the association thing my whole life.
zzZOKAY have to go bye
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
me dear friends