Saturday, February 23, 2008
saw louboutins. Getting them.
(note: the last two words were underscored so m'readers, please make the necessary mental adjustments accordingly thanks)
oh can you guys comment more please
where's the love, yo?
the latest kinsella is quite good
you don't expect chick-lit to sort of haunt you after you're done with them but this one kinda does and i don't really know why specifically, but... yeah.
this is so weird right, but i think my sister is a better loner than me
i mean, who would've thought right.
and here we go thinking she's the people person and i'm the grinch.
anyway i was thinking how life is a lot less complicated when you don't always have to have people around you (which is how i am like these days omfg) so i'm going to try and do the loner thing again.
methinks have been spoilt by all you beautiful people all these years and it's time to return to my dark youth of lonerism.
also, because i really think i'm losing all the little things that being a loner gave me.
things that, to me, characterized me.
anyway window shopping is good for the empty soul
but the cons are that now i want the hermes enamel bracelet in black&gold too
also, a watch from raymond weil (jos thinks the brand is just sian but i was really feeling it)
omg which reminds me!! saw the chanel fine jewellery case and whoa man this ring blew me away. not getting it, more jos' style. but i'm thinking we have some years yet before we go on to the overwhelmingly diamond studded stuff
jos has come a long way since the time i met her
one of the first conversations i had with her back in '05 about my love for material objects went something like this-
"i saw too many imitations of prada bags and that has left a scar"
"what's that. i don't really know what are the brands"
".............. Gucci?"
"uh hahaha oh ya i might have maybe heard something like that before"
"(utter shock&amazement) Louis Vuitton? YOU MUST HAVE HEARD OF THAT"
"no, sorry hahahahaha"
and now she is girl who bought an extra bookcase to put her bags in
i give myself a pat on the back for a job well done haha
mm want to go home and check out my mom's stash of amazing watches now
if the woman's bag collection wasn't as stellar as i would've liked, i know for sure the watch collection won't disappoint.
i never could understad how anybody could have a watch obsession they way she does
but i'm starting to see it.....
my mother is so wise.
yay jos is going to get the balenciaga motorcycle in bubblegum pink.
so excited :)
i have no life these days.
experiencing all life's triumphs&failures, joys&pains by living vicariously through jos.
it's quite pathetic, but so hard to break out of.
tomorrow, i promise.
gros bisous, xxx
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
you guys won't believe what just happened.
i went to selfridges intending to just fuckall and buy my purple hermes enamel bracelet
and in the end, i stared it in the face and all i could see was each and every one of the essay deadlines i'd missed in the past weeks.
and i decided i couldn't do it.
i just couldn't buy the damned thing.
that really sucks innit, because that bracelet was fly.
anyway maybe when i'm less fucked up i will reward myself with it
maybe with another pair of earrings from
zomg a galore of choices starting with C to go with it
but okaaay go slow yo...
sometimes i have to remind myself that i'm fucking poor
i'm actually very very sian
and was very zzzzzzz all through at selfridges because i was feeling very guilt-ridden (also, cramps)
but then i went to waitrose and bought a box of cut mango which cheered me up tremendously. won't believe how happy the stupid mangoes have made me.
the fairy bag didn't even get a chance to hit the shelves
i knew it was total hotstuff
i would put photos but i never really know what is relevant
oh yeah and i spent last night checking out pro anorexia blogs
they are called pro-ana
which i thought made sense, until i found that that the ana bit isn't a shortened anorexia but the fucking goddess of anorexia.
apparently all these mad fucks have made anorexia into a religion
it's amazing how the world got to this state.
also yeah, there was one bit where they said that you can't be anorexic just because you want to because you don't go to anorexia; anorexia finds you.
so that explains it. why i'm never thin.
it would seem that ana doesn't want to shine her light of skinny goodness upon me, stupid bitch.
i love skinny people
they crack me up.
Monday, February 18, 2008


homemade sangria & moet
most beautiful cake in the world

this is screwed up, i don't know what's up with the spacing haha
think i was trying to be funny with it and it fucked up on me
serves me right
am complete schoolfuckup
i cannot face my parents
wanna go shopping
but don't even deserve it
fuck it
Friday, February 15, 2008
yay, now that i'm blogging with a greater frequency blogger is starting to recognise me again :)
i don't have to keep signing in whenever i have something to say which is a supreme drag
i still haven't gone to selfridges!
i know man... i'm getting good at this.
being at home all the time's made me all like, wise or something.
or mostly depressed. these days i keep thinking about how you know when we're young we think getting 10k a month as salary is totally a given and is just okaaaaay only? (ok, for jos it is delegated to wrinkles-nose-ewww-that-is-fucking-poverty standard)
and then you grow up and realise that in the real world getting bloody like 6k is damn good already. and what if with each passing year our standards lower and suddenly getting a starting pay of 4k is like wow orgasmic?
and suddenly like some nondescript man who isn't even rich seems good enough to marry
and wtf what if suddenly buying an HDB flat is actually a cool thing because at "
least now i have a place of my own" is this like the general way growing up is supposed to go, or have i always kinda assumed that my financial/marital future would be peachier than what reality would have it be?
because i mean like, i don't even want to get married yeah, but what if 10 years from now everybody's married and nobody wants to hang out with me anymore. so then suddenly that pasty fat guy who's working in the next cubicle earning the same damn pay (4k) seems fine to procreate with cos' at least he'll hang out with me?! omg.
hur... i am so unpsyched with this growing up deal.
friends, if you really are my friends, please still hang out with me even if you're married
and if you can't do that, at least have the decency to stop me if the fatguy thing comes true.
because i'm really not as impervious to social pressures as i would like all of you to think.
and isn't that sad.
aiight, less of the introspective!
we had company over last night and still managed to get a table for six at strada even though it was valentine's. i mean, SCORE NOT?! there was like this girl from rgs and she didn't really pique my interest. (ooh except when... oh nevermind not going to be mean gossip- i feel chastened by that friends episode i watched last night haha) oh but this girl like lost 14kgs in three months. that, in my opinion, is totally the (only) coolest bit about her. haha
tonight tonight tonight,
mm actually not so sure what's up tonight except that dinner at nyonya is confirmed. wa its fucking at kensington high street so far away and i hate the circle line. all the people on the circle line are such dodgy characters.
and then after that i'm not so sure whether we're doing quiet drinking or what.
but loads of people going to partay tonight so maybe that too....
yeah it sucks because i am so unfab now.
like fatfatfat and no clothes.
also, need more + longer hair!
reading howl's moving castle now hahaha, it's actually quite nice.
i got so excited when i read that the wizard was actually born into our human world (in wales)and has a phD that i had to take a break and come online.
it's josephine's favourite book, btw.
i resisted for the longest time about this book because i'm not so sure what i feel about her inner world of fantasy what with terry pratchett and all.
but this is really quite cute, the book.
anyway think could marry chandler.
do you think he counts as the average guy who earns a pittance because if so then my degeneration is going a lot faster than i ever suspected.
but he is so cute!!!
he makes jos and i go awwww all the time.
i was planning on putting pictures but not anymore
maybe next time
Thursday, February 14, 2008
saw so many things i want at selfridges today but i held back
now it's hurting me
i think i'm going back tomorrow
such a coincidence too because immediately after, my sister called and told me i have a mental illness because i buy too many branded goods even when i don't use them
which reminds me, yime when you see this can you dig out my cute loewe purse and use it because it's too cute to be hiding in the drawer
but dont scratch it i will kill you if you scratch it
which reminds me people
any of you who have a nice branded bag and know phoon pls dont let them meet because phoon bites all of them hahaha okay its not funny but because its phoon so i didnt freak out and push her down the escalator at taka
so dont try that stunt on me if you arent phoon because i will poke your eyes out i promise you
oh and yime pls help me find the taka box and send over?
i need the diamond necklace, diamond ring and jade chicken for the exams
they are my lucky charms!! if i don't have them i will fuck up for sure pls pls pls ):
i found something today and my heart hasn't returned to my chest yet
this is the phase of expensive jewellery
we're suspending the bag thing till we go to milan
(btw prada new season is gorgeous JUST saw the catalogue)
wish my name was on josephine's bank statement.
dear god pls let my mommy&daddy be richer ):
watch proves either one of two theories-
i) God is a man.
ii) there is no God.
whatever it is, I AM NEVER GIVING BIRTH
and if i ever get knocked up, they're cutting the creature out of me.
i swear i have never watched a video which made me simultaneously faint and nauseous.
oh and before i forget, i heard that my brother is becoming a typical ac boy
note to self: publicly humiliate him
i swear if i see him in those things in my house i will disown and castrate him and then tell my daddy who will bury him alive ball-less
Saturday, February 09, 2008
this is my chinese new year post.
so it sucks that i'm not back in singapore (again)
but since this is the fourth year, you're probably all thinking it's really about time i got over it already.
and by all accounts, this cny hasn't sucked that much
dinner at chinese experience on wed
our place for random drinking spree on thurs
jess' for hotpot yesterday
and dinner with teoh at some brilliant chinatown restaurant tonight
i guess i should be pleased, since after all i know that if i was in singapore,
i'd definitely be bitching about how the family gatherings are getting shittier each year. etc.
i've got a problem, i know.
i would put photos up but some are already on facebook and if you can't see them there then you aren't really my friend anyway and i honestly couldn't care less.
okay, i might still put them up at a later date
if only because i want to show off jos' and my brilliant sangria
plus the beautiful cake we bought.
ho ho.
anyway our random drinking spree didn't go so successfully because nobody got wasted
i don't know if it's because we didn't drink enough or because everybody's just too good.
that said, we really did try.
and it must be said.
josephine has the world's greatest personal stash of cigarettes.
so many different brands, i tell you.
oh and another thing
i'm sorry if it sounds a bit confused in mandarin.
i'm afraid i'm not very good at this, but at least i tried.
Monday, February 04, 2008

We are the best, so screw the rest
We do as we damn well please
Until the end
St Trinian’s
Defenders of anarchy
be needing some of that blessed defiance in the days to come.