Saturday, May 31, 2008
here abide monsters says:
oh i see you prefer bumfun now
PENG says:yeah
PENG says:
and anus smelling
PENG says:
PENG says:
smells like home
looks like my bruvver is out of his
rainbow fairy closet:)
Friday, May 30, 2008
omg zhishu keeps making me cry
looks like i have more in common with xiangqin then i'd initially thought
okay till now still over zhishu.
random youtubing and.. mm how do i say this.
OK keywords are "植树的初夜"
wow man hearing them in my head gives me the yummy tickles everywhere
that's why i'm listening to velvet revolver and AC/DC to manlify myself.
it's always so strange when i feel like an emotionally needy woman because then i really don't know how to deal with myself.
it makes me want to hit myself.
hm tonight's going to be fun
yeah when there aren't exams, i think my life's actually pretty cool har har
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
the other day, it suddenly hit me how much the idea/expression dichotomy applies to real life.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
the shit has hit the fan.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
So after my trademarks paper, I knew i'd fucked it
and I need to blame someone.
So I texted Ant and told him I screwed it because he didn't give me a lucky penny this year
(and you know how I am about my lucky charms)
Then on sunday,

awmagosh!!! isn't anthony such an adorable creature.
Trusts and Property then went better than expected.
which is still not much though, mind, as I'd expectecd to fail.
now i just know i've most possibly passed.
Wednesday, it wassssssss...................................
Kevin wasn't there (emo) and Nick is fat (emo x2)
AJ is SEX.
and they are all middle-aged
but still, lovelovelove <3
anyway check out the t-shirt i bought:

then i fell ill on thursday and i don't know how copyrights went because i was there but i wasn't really there, if you know what i mean.
okay i'm going for dim sum with kelvin and grace now byebye
Saturday, May 10, 2008
this is surreal
i'm actually in the midst of my exams.
i'm freaking out
but in the calm quiet way that fades in and out gently
this is not supposed to be happening.
i'm supposed to be freaking out majorly but still know deep down inside that i'm going to be fine.
but i'm not.
i know i'm fucked, like really fucked.
but i think i've just given up.
i've actually given up.
so i spent the day at knightsbridge
i don't know why i'm doing this.
but all i know is that i keep falling asleep and nothing is getting in.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Trademarks was (to quote charlotte) complete sodomy.
and i have this feeling that i'm going to get sodomized another four times before this month is up.
these two days have been bad.
in a so good but so bad way, but still cumulatively very very bad... if you get what i mean.
so after my absolutely tragical first exam,
i trudged in a daze to the LSE and sat in front of their library for an hour just looking at the students walking in and out.
then jessika heard of my desolation and gave me salvation in the form of company for lunch.
i was supposed to study after that.
but i went to hyde park where i spent the rest of the day sitting under a tree, watching people walk past and talking.
mostly with kelvin, but a little with addie too.
btw, hyde park is amazing omfg- happiest day in yonks ha ha ha.
and then dinner at the japanese place near kelvin's place which is bad x 2 because obviously i'm not supposed to eat seeing that i am now so fat i can't even look at a reflective surface for fear of seeing my moonface.
AND THEN, supper with jos at the turkishy place :)
haven't gone dating with jos for so long.
so that was a yay.
yesterday, i was supposed to make up for that whole day of sins and really mug hard for property (for which i am really screwed, btw)
didn't happen.
stuff etc etc, which ended up in a huge dinner partay at zizzi with jos kelvin teoh jess grace
once again not studying + eating too much.
oh and add spending too much $$ to the mix too.
i ought to be shot :(
and now, i'm still blogging.
i really am going back to my secondary school wastrel days
BRIIIII, !!! i'm screwing up our anti-fuckup pact :(
how. HOW!!
i've been fantasizing about getting stabbed so that i may be excused from the exams.
i've even taken to giving random black people sneaky glances on the tube in the hope that they might be some kind of hoodlum and that they'll flare up and go "KUA SIMI KUA!" (or you know, whatever it is hoodlums in london say) to which i will stare steadfastly back.
and then they stab me.
unfortunately, all the people on the tube these days are such nice civilized people who i think honestly cannot be fucked that some fat chinese mofo is giving them iffy stares :(
and adding to that, j and xunming refused to take a kitchen knife to stab me and then bring me to the hospital.
noooo, instead all they did was LAUGH AT ME.
honestly right, such unkind housemates.
or i was thinking, maybe i could wander into a riot.
but first, i will have to find a riot.
which i don't think is likely to be found anywhere near marylebone.
life sucks
i want to be a little tamil kid in the middle of an indian village so that i won't have to study law.
in fact, i would never have heard of law.
all i will know is how to slaughter a sheep or how to catch butterflies or whatever.
which is such a compelling premise at this point in time.
although, come to think of it, at my age in an indian village i would probably be circumcized, married off, and doomed to painful bloody sex with a smelly indianman for the rest of my life.
in which case, law notes actually seem marginally better.
life sucks.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
you know how the word priorities is such a normal happy innocuous word.
yeah, because that's what i thought it was all my life.
and it all went to shit.
sometimes learning too much really kills the little pleasures in life.
that's why i strive to ignore such tidbits of knowledge.
like in sec 2 when my chemisty textbook told me that diamonds are tetrahedron structures.
that was when i decided. That's It.
i never looked at my chemistry textbooks again.
explains the F9 i got for O levels.
but at least now i can look at a diamond straight in the face and think, what a pretty sparkly stone.
instead of like, i'm wearing a tetrahedron structure on my finger.
i'm very displeased now.
let me tell you guys a very tragical story.
there's like this girl right.
and she's like a total class-less ho.
i don't know how a person can act like they're so
omfg i am total fabulousity and rich GossipGirl xoxo and shit like that when they live in an HDB flat in Yishun or whatever the fuck.
i mean okay at least she's open about that, so props to her.
but it doesn't fit logically if you still go around saying things like, You wish you were me because I am so IT.
because nobody wants to stay in a flat in yishun OKKKK.
and who wants to be you if you have to like save up for 6 months just to get a burberry bag so you can try and convince clueless people that you are damn rich and posh.
i think she once asked me very seriously to buy her a louis vuitton keychain.
(upon overhearing a private conversation i was having with clare about giving each other pretty things)
why she ever thought that i would do that is beyond me.
i mean, yeah it's just a keychain BUT WHO ARE YOU TO ME, MAN?
so shameless right.
how come people can actually think she's rich and want to be her sia?
actually i'm just puzzled. that's why i'm sharing this story with you all.
but then again who knows if people actually think that and want to be her,
it's just what she represents (legal meaning, not layman terms) on her blog which we can be pretty certain is full of BLATANT LIES.
how come you cannot just show off that you are pretty (since you are) and stop there.
and not like say that you are how fab how rich how classy (since you are not)
people need to understand their limitations and not bite off more than they can chew