ohmigad! ohmigad!
haha okay had a terrible experience flying back home what with
1) cancelled flight
2) leaving on another flight without luggage checked in
3) almost refused a boarding pass on my second flight
4) watched p.s i love you on board and quite literally cried from start to end
oh and plus i very stupidly admitted to the police that i had two packets of cigs in my luggage and had to pay 20 bucks tax.
my dad almost disowned me when i told him ha ha ha.
yeah my daddy is too much you know
when i got my cigs, i very generously gave him one pack and then he demanded the other too.
de chun jing chi!
and then he smoked them all in a day with my uncle.
what happened to caring and sharing siazzz
but anyway fucked up fucked up, i have china man teeth
my mom now keeps going,"smoke la, keep smoking la. BETTER GO SEE THE DENTIST THIS WEEKEND."
dammit man, usually i will fight till the end if anyone wanted to bring me to the dentist
but this time i think i just might go like a docile dog because my teeth is like omfg rotting away!!!!
so, sad state now
1) obese beyond common obscenity
2) monster pustules on face
3) rotting teeth
which is why will only meet in places where hardly anybody goes
because i was at j8 the other day, saw someone i knew and RAN LIKE TO WIND TO HIDE BEHIND THE JAPANESE SWEETS AT NTUC.
pathetic or not.........
met clare and louie at AMK hub
ha ha ha solly my ever-obliging friends :)
told charlotte that i could only go to ulu places
and she suggested ulu pandan- pandan valley condominiums.
wow man sometimes i love my friends.
so anyway, lesson learnt: holland v is NOT an ulu place.
first thing i saw getting off the cab was a skinny girl in a pink sundress mollycoddling her ridiculously tiny white dog.
then a lot of other skinny girls
and some nice looking boys
not good for the constitution of one so Fatz&Uglyz
okay i know holland v is supposed to be very hipz
but i was like expecting angmohs and kinda hoping they came in the supersized sort of forms
obviously wrong to have harboured that feeble wish
mm later on it really hit me that my friends are like Proper Hot.
i mean like Propa Propa Propaaa Sizzlin'
and therefore, the men they get are tall, like nice proper tall 1.8m sorts
and then i got like proper scared sitting around with charlotte+H and clare+V thinking like feckin hell my prophecy about all my friends getting hitched and leaving me with no one to play with is coming true!
yar like it was lee the complete blithering lightbulb with ZERO NAN REN
whilst the other two twined and twirled around quite nice specimens (taking into account the singaporean-ity)
okay la no i'm trying to be funny i wasn't sad or scared over anything
but something like hit me too cos we're like grownups now you know and hm i guess it's just different
i don't want no bloody leg shackling happening to me :(
but what if i am really forced into it cos i habch no one left nyeh
haha ya my friends!!!!
omg it was like (i) ah bri needs to be here (i) ahh omfg that's quite sweet (iii) ahhh ohmy i think i need to look away now
haha love you guys
bri come back fast so that i have someone to giggle with
omg what if bri has a man too
ooh baby :D :D :D
it's usually late at night that i start to get introspective.
just randomly, who was the person who said that introspective is retrospective?
the name's flown clear out of my mind.
back on the topic, i guess it's my turn today.
yesterday kelvin had an extended emo moment over his Harold factor (re: Harold & Kumar- the movie) and chain-smoked at my place till six in the morning trying to impress on me the importance of us finding some conviction in life.
sometimes i wonder if life is forever going to be just like that.
but how do i stop being stoic, it's not as if i tried to lose my humanity on purpose.
it's just always been this way.
i haven't had an epiphany in ages.
it hits you,
wham! and for that moment everything is clear and you feel suddenly alive.
very orgasmic stuff.
but come to think of it, my major epiphany back in '06 was drug-induced.
anyway enough on that nonsense
behold my Quran-

there are hopes that i might actually read it