Men like Greg are hard to find. Like rare pokemon.

x'mas 2008, bri's place, shanghai.
it's at times like these when one is despairing over the exams and the very real possibility of failure that memories hurt and soothe at the same time. especially when said memories contain such bonuses as being 12 kgs lighter (than i am presently- i know, it's shocking and i am very ashamed) in one of the best cities in the world.
woe is me.
we can hope that london this dec will top that, but stripped of the insouciance only complacent uni students can boast of, i highly doubt it. in any case, london's indulgence in hedonism always brings great joy, so i'm looking forward to that \o/ after more than a year of deadening correctness, i feel quite ready to do some truly unspeakable things hurrah!
ok, back to the right of silence/privilege against self-incrimination. i worry and i fret that my powers of bullshit have gone to naught after a year of doing nothing but lodging caveats, mortgages, and similar instruments with the LTA, such that i will be unable to bluff my way through this coming exam the way i have my entire life. i mean, surely i can't have lost an entire lifetime of nurturing my talent for bullshit in one year. right!? so why is it that when i try to write these days, the lists of synonyms and antonyms that have always come so naturally are now shamefully limited. my train of thought always feels like it's still boarding at the station. so sluggish :(
i would be so bleeding miserable if i were to go to my first paper next monday and sit in blind panic for 30minutes because i can't even find it in me to come up with some cleverly disguised waffle. so the plan now is to study as much as possible and try to leave as little as possible to fate- evidently failing right now as why else would i be here if it wasn't to procrastinate?
i also have this new plan where i am going to stop objectifying men. a huge personal sacrifice, mind- one does not know the singular joy of such an activity till one has tried it. who knows, i might just give this up before i even start. it's already beginning to sound like a bad idea.
ha ha ha.
aiigh, now i really must go. i'm just going to check out jos' new man to see if he really has so much nan ren wei as she says, and then i'm REALLY going to go back to evidence. give me strength.