jessika #23

I particularly like how the beers show up in this pic. Golden.
minus marks for clara not being in here

going completely off tangent, here's a random pic from my bday after TSQ
(thanks to vincent because clare can never be trusted to upload anything)
don't know half the people in the pic, and minus marks for the fact Ant isn't in it
but i like how sev's lighting the cig for that girl
i remember yanking her by the sleeve in my drunken haze for this pic
i definitely don't know her
which reminds me, i should ask ant for the vids he took of us at that alley:
(1) making a huge ruckus
(2) shuffling (clare & vince)
(3) goading (mostly me)
(4) gasping in wonderment (sev)
(5) causing general disturbance
next to the sleeping homeless man
who btw slept through it all like a dead body
and only stirred when sev stood over him and started whispering drunken words of concern and sympathy
i think he might've chased us off after
i miss london and TSQ
sleaziest shittiest and absolutely best club in the world