Omgosh look!! Chio pic of me!!!
Actually this is the only pic of me from Oz where I don't look harassed by 1) the sun 2) the heat, and 3) exhaustion. Therefore it gets published. Even though it tells you nothing about my trip down under :p
(Ok my conscience advises that I should probably also add that it's taken with a damn good photo app that makes everyone look skinny and chio haha)
Did the grampians this time. Slept amongst the 'roos, scaled all the damned rocks and cliffs. Literally knackered for life... & the temperature on 2 separate days pushed like, 40 degrees celsius not even kidding. I felt like my skin was about to split open and my fat sizzle up.
Am now also 5 shades darker :'(
Anyway I still love melbourne.
Phoon called the day before I left to say she wasn't actually incarcerated at the naval base (or whatever) in Sydney and that she jolly well could've flown down to Melb for the weekend to hang. Stupid girl.
So many things to say!!! but nvm, don't exhibitionist. lol.