Monday, March 31, 2008
here's an excerpt of my MSN conversation with my brother regarding 我朋友说我家的鬼可能不只是一只而是一家人的鬼:
PENG. says:zhen meh re nao
here abide monsters says:DUI LOR
PENG. says:ke yi kai party
here abide monsters says::(
my brother is so sympathetic...
and then he proceeds to give the brilliantest of all ideas regarding 怎么对付鬼。
which is to-
"watch TV 看caspar 开心鬼"
velly funny.
in other news, our corridor lightbulb has blown again
which if we go by what kelvin predicted will mean it's 鬼's fault.
my brother now says-
PENG. says:
jiao pope lai!
as you might have realised by now, it is an ongoing conversation wherein i am being given advice ranging from the bizarre to the ridiculous.
i know some of you are falling in love with my brother already,
just so you all know right, i'm willing to sell him for a good price.
okay, i have finally printed my past papers.
that's a start at least.
so tempted to call up people to ask them to ask me out but i should really concentrate on making myself miserable so that eventually i will study.
sians my brother says i'm damn fat now.
i will get thinner.
anyway, my starvation starts today.
already feeling enlightened (pun! pun!)
ay lost my train of thought bye
Sunday, March 30, 2008
jos left this afternoon :(
this is going to be a very ugly post.
i was like, surprisingly unemo but i have since realised that it was the thought of watching my show that helped me live through this day.
and now that i've watched the episode, it's like.............. emptiness.
hai, damn sian. i have to like physically restrain myself from going out to smoke just to fill up THIS GAPING HOLE OF LONELINESS IN ME.
-pounds chest.
:( :( :(
and i decided not to go to kelvin's to play because i think it expedient that i have a proper freak out by myself to get things started.
but it's not actually working, grrrrrrrrrrr!
dinner with vince at royal china.
okay lee.. think last supper ommmmmmmm.
i'm going to show all my detractors (glaresglaresglares) that i will lose all the weight i've gained since last year.
anyway no more flenzzzz.
i think i'm going to waste away from sadness/loneliness/complete desolation.
haha i think watching the show made things worst!
it's not floaty enough to make me forget my sadness, but it's just enough to make me not scared about the studying (or lack thereof) i have to do.
and since we're on the topic of my show, let me just whine that they have changed the actor for yushu.
dammit man, so sianz.
i mean when i first saw the last actor for yushu i was like,"wa fuck why this kid got such a fuckface!"
eyes so small....... -mutters
but okay la, he and his girlfriend quite sweet.
hai zhishu, everything i did in my life since 2004, i did it cos of you.
zhishu zhishu zhishu.
fucking sian i hate idol dramas they cheat little girls' feelings
:( sad leh
can you all comment, send emails, fb msg/wall, or if you are really really old skool, friendster testimonal meeeeeeeeeee?
i need some <3ing right now
hai, why my life like that.
i think i either need a zhishu or a nice shiny leathery bag now.
or better, a zhishu who will give me a nice shiny leathery bag......... nabei that will be damn good sia.
ARGH turning ahbeng!!!!!
need therapy.
i think i'm just going to find my diary and write in it like i'm 14 again
Friday, March 28, 2008
Cardiff castle

Wales was amazing.
loads of chillin', loads of cocktails.
might put up more photos in the near future.
(or you could check jos' out)
anyway, sometimes i wish i could be as unapologetically stupid as xiangqin.
to know and accept one's limited capabilities and still to live life insouciantly.
i'm tired of constantly being reminded that if i only bothered i would do better.
one day, i would really like to know what it's like to know i couldn't have done all that anyway.
life would be so much easier.
some days when i think about it,
it really seems like my life is over.
i'm done being emo about that, but it's the truth.
i cannot envision what i am to do, nor even what i would like happen.
it's just shit. my life is shite.
but for now, what i would really need is a sense of urgency.
Labels: naoki irie
Sunday, March 23, 2008
reading Diary of a Chav gave us a new thing to do these days.
jos is up to some parody blogging again.
chav speak isn't easy. it's like ah-lian, but at a higher difficulty level.
says jos on MSN-
truly lying says:
truly lying says:relly headache
truly lying says:it is almost like trying to talk in french
i'm not even going to attempt an entire post in chav speak.
just the thought of it exhausts me.
but anyway, just as a taster, here's some preliminary joshing around we did following josephine's masterpiece zoo blog post regarding patronuses-
dat wuz bare jokes jos, Fukin funnii!!!
dem citrus homiez r well choong. gawjuzzz
geniuz init.
yeh dat j thinks shez sumfiin nang. we gotsa tel her we got beef.
braaaap safe . . .
Comment by lee March 23, 2008 @
12:28 amlmfao lee
dat fukin chav dieri iz wack ennit.
nid 2 find ow bruv ant 2 tich uz ennit.
citrus homies ain choong! dey r gay
Comment by
jos March 23, 2008 @
8:22 amthose chavs really aren't simple creatures.
so it snowed this morning.
i didn't even bother, and good thing too because i heard it was a waste of time.
i left writing my CV too late.
actually, i think i've left too many things too late in this life.
it might get cripplingly alarming if i allow myself to dwell on it for any real length of time.
but i don't.
as if the insomnia isn't enough.
wales tomorrow.
haven't packed. another thing i've left too late.
see, it just never ends.
anyway don't be expecting photos.
i'm too fat to allow any pictorial evidence :)
re-reading deathly hallows.
starting to see a lot of sexual innuendos/euphemisms where i never did.
and not trying to offend any delicate sensibilities or nothing,
but i'm pretty sure that dumbledore was fucking grindelwald.
that JKRowling....
Monday, March 17, 2008
dude bad weekend! massive hangover on saturday... MASSIVE.
hangovers are not fun, i tell you.
i am no longer girl who doesn't get hangovers.
but still girl who cannot get stoned-drunk.
i don't get it, you'd expect a wastedness of some seriousness to lead up to a hangover of such gargantuan proportions... but noooo, i walked home people. i actually did the hankypanky and walked all 45mins of my way home. ALONE.
oh saying that, i wouldn't recommend it-
this whiteguy in a convertible asked me for directions and then tried to get me to get into his car when he realised that i was a bit high.
wahlao these angmohs
i didn't even know real people could give out creepy smiles like that.
zomg ask me when you meet me, i will act it out for you. fucked up, man.
anyway, spending half a day hugging a toilet bowl with a finger down your throat is really screwed up.
can't believe i was ever just slightly envious of people who got hangovers.
(because i never got the chance to say on the phone,"nabei got hangover wannadietalklaterbye")
FOOLISHNESS! utter foolery, kiddos.
i had to call my parents for help.
which was quite lowering.
my dad told me to get a beer... what a man.
been stuffing myself ever since i recovered. no more hunger strikes.
My body is a temple. Amen.
oh and we also played with jos' nail paints and stickers last night and i still don't recognise my left hand.
gayest nails i have ever seen! haha.
dinner with airen today
good stuff good stuff
anyway, They Kiss Again last night.
zhishu saying,"yada yada.. wo you duo ai ta.."
made me cry.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
i'm writing a letter to wuchun.
if you're my good friend, you would've probably heard by now that i am writing him to ask if he has any cousins to spare me.
he's the only bruneian i know of after all, so i thought i should give it a go.
i was just going to ask for one cousin, but i think i went slightly overboard asking my friends/family if they wanted cousins too so now i think i have to ask for five.
to show my sincerity, i'm even going to write the letter in the same format as his blog.
which is to write a chinese bit first, and then an english version below.
so far, i've gotten to:
请问你有堂弟吗. 谢谢.
but have no fear!
for i am sure that with my amazing talent, i will be able to come up with an exciting english version before this week ends.
ha ha ha ha!
okay wish me luck guys,
if this works i promise i'll squeeze him of every last available cousin;
one for each and every one of you!
Monday, March 10, 2008
yay, i'm really cheery even though there's no reason to be :)
here goes ahlianically happy!!!
had a nice past few days, mostly through not thinking about school.
there are difficult days to come, but for now i'm just not going to care haha
i decided to re-watch my MVP valentine.
so random!!! and the show still sucks.

hello handsome :)
ever and always, his "这. 叫篮球" reduces me to a puddle of lovesick mulch.
very hotstuff, very very sizzledizzlin' yo.
it all started when i accidentally started watching this really silly drama by angela zhang.
wuchun is undeniably pretty, and i'm going to put a picture of him because i'll eat my bangle if you guys knew or cared two hoots about chinese tv (ahem bri..... fine, i know you're not ashamed of that haha)
does nothing for me, but he's a nice lookin' fella huh .
the important thing is that, this guy opened my eyes to a whole new country of men i've never considered before.
we now enter the age of men from oil rich countries!! YESSS.
fine, it's still money at the end of things.
bite me.
also, behold the clic clac obsession!!

will you be my black kate moss tonight :)
bisous xxxxx
Saturday, March 08, 2008
stop trying so hard,
it's transparent and you'll never be it.
i really don't like you.
yesterday was actually quite nice
even though it sprang from a not quite so nice happening
(airen wo ai ni, ni yao kai xin)
basically shopping, eating and talking.
i figure i should probably do some reading today
but... what a way to spend a saturday, honestly.
though, saying that, exams are soon
but before that, we're going to cardiff!
really happy about that hahaha.
land of torchwood3! maybe we'll see jack :)
i'd rather see owen though. have had a bit of a soft spot for him ever since he died haha
oh rapid fan am i :)
ooh anyway i dreamt of hayden christensen.
such a weird thing because i woke up and kept thinking, who was that guy mooching about in the background of my dream without saying a word.
and then i realised it was hayden christensen.
mm, i think the mind is a formidable thing.
it's amazing how intricate dreams can be.